Material Atomic mass [u] b_coh [fm] (a) Rho [kg m^-3] (b) V_F [neV] (c) v_lim [m/s] sigma_abs[fm^2] (a,d)
H2O 18.015 -1.675 1000 -14.6 I*1.7 66.54
D2 (solid) 4.027 13.342 195 101 4.4 0.10
D2O (liquid) 20.096 19.145 1020 152 5.4 0.12
He (liquid) 4.003 3.260 125 16 1.7 0.75
Be 9.012 7.790 1848 250 6.9 0.76
BeO 25.012 13.593 3010 257 7.0 0.78
C (pure graphite) 12.011 6.646 2265 197 6.1 0.35
C (diamond) 12.011 6.646 3520 305 7.6 0.35
Al 26.982 3.45 2700 54.1 3.2 23.10
Al2O3(saphir) 101.961 24.307 3970 148 5.3 46.26
Si 28.086 4.15 2329 54 3.2 17.10
SiO2 60.084 15.755 2200 90.5 4.2 17.14
Ti 47.867 -3.44 4540 -51.1 I*3.1 609.00
Fe 55.845 9.45 7874 209 6.3 256.00
^58 Ni 57.935 14.400 8787 342 8.1 460.00
Cu 63.546 7.718 8960 171 5.7 378.00
Au 196.967 7.630 19320 117 4.7 9865.00

(a) taken from:
(b) mostly taken from:
(c) calculated according to V_F =  2 pi hbar^2/m b_coh N
(d) for thermal neutrons (velcity 2200 m/s)