The UGA academic thesis award was presented to Constantin Payerne at the UGA doctoral ceremony on June 25, 2024. This award recognizes Constantin's thesis work within the DARK team at LPSC, under the supervision of Céline Combet. Constantin's thesis focuses on the preparation of cosmological analysis with galaxy clusters using future Rubin/LSST data. This work was conducted as part of the international DESC collaboration, to which Constantin made significant contributions. The application for this award was supported by the physics graduate school (Olivier Isnard, on the right).
Congratulations, Constantin!
The proceedings of the 3rd edition of the mm Universe international conference have been published in the EPJ Web of conferences (EDP Sciences). All published papers have gone through the anonymous peer review process. They can be accessed free of charge on the following page.
EPJ Web of Conferences 293 (2024) F. Mayet, A. Catalano, J. F. Macías-Pérez and L. Perotto (Eds.)
The mm Universe 2023 conference, held in Grenoble (France) from 26 to 30 June 2023, was organised by the LPSC (CNRS and Université Grenoble Alpes). With over a hundred participants from 14 countries, it brought together the scientific community working on subjects related to the mm Universe, from the stellar to the cosmological scale. The conference featured 94 presentations in plenary and parallel sessions and provided a stimulating forum for discussions on scientific aspects of the mm Universe, covering instruments, data analysis techniques, simulation, the latest results from current experiments, predictions for future experiments and future projects. The enthusiasm of the participants and the high quality of their presentations made it a great success.
C'est un immense succès pour la collaboration LSST auquel a largement participé l'IN2P3, notamment les services techniques, dont le LPSC. Félicitations à toutes les équipes. Plus d'info sur l'article de presse.
Du 8 au 12 avril prochains, Grenoble accueillera la 31ème édition de la conférence internationale sur la diffusion inélastique profonde (DIS2024) et ses thématiques connexes. 297 participants de 28 pays sont ainsi attendus au centre de conférence Maison Minatec sur le parvis Louis Néel. DIS2024 est organisée par le LPSC, grâce au soutien local du CNRS, de l'UGA, de l'ILL, du CPTGA, de la région Auvergne Rhônes Alpes et de la METRO de Grenoble.
L'IN2P3 du CNRS et l'IRFU du CEA ont également subventionné cette conférence, de même que le CERN, DESY, JLAB, BNL et le CFNS de Stony Brook, au niveau international.
La France n'avait pas accueilli cette grande conférence depuis 2013 (à Marseille).
Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur le site de la conférence :
The COSMO-ML team founded the mm Universe lecture series.
- mm Universe 2019, June 2019, LPSC Grenoble, indico, proceedingss
- mm Universe 2021, June 2021, Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, indico, proceedings
- mm Universe 2023, June 2023, LPSC Grenoble, indico, actes de congrès
- mm Universe 2025, June 2023, Chicago, indico
This series of conferences has met with considerable success in the international community.
Conference proceedings are published by EDP Sciences to ensure visibility in the scientific community.