The national platform direction is composed of three persons : the LPSC laboratory director, Arnaud Lucotte ; the scientific director, Jules Gascon (IPNL) ; the operational director, Christophe Vescovi (LPSC).
The strategic lines of the national platform are evaluated by a scientific committee which is composed of experts in the appropriate field of science. This committee makes a judgement, once a year, on the assessment and on the scientific program developed by the platform direction.
The national platform activities are followed, once a year, by a steering committee composed of the IN2P3 'astroparticles and cosmology' Scientific Deputy Director (DAS) and of a Université Grenoble Alpes representative.
The laboratory staff assigned for the national platform operation are members of the ultra low radioactivity department, which is directed in the present day by Christophe Vescovi, who is in the same time the operational director of the platform.
Contact: Christophe Vescovi