The IT group is involved in several projects:
The Planck spacecraft has been launched in May 2009 and the mission finished in October 2013. LPSC has been involved in the conception and the realisation of the electronics and onboeard software, required to control the 20K cryogenic machine 20K, the sorption cooler, developed by NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The IT department was involved in the RTA (Real Time Analysis) of the sorption cooler , which consists in the maintenance and evolution of the MIB (Mission Information Base) , a database that describes the telemetries and telecommands exchanged between the electronic of the sorption cooler and the ground station.
Testing this MIB were first made in LPSC , thanks to the installation of a EGSE Electrical Ground System Equipment : SCOS2000 and a chain integration . Many other tests were also performed to Alcatel Space Cannes, ESOC and CSL Liège.
The IT department was responsible for the development of the embedded software which was designed to control the Sorption Cooler and communicate with the ground . Many test campaigns have been performed on site at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Alcatel Space and ESA . The IT department has provided the support and maintenance of this application for the duration of the mission.
The IT department contributes to the development of the analysis of Level 2 ( L2) , mainly by MPI parallelization of modules
The group is involved in the development of the graphical user interface for the data acquisition of the AERA (Auger Engineering Radio Array) experiment.
We developed an embedded Linux and associated control and acquisition software that runs on the 'Multiplicity tray' up in the Chartreuse mountains for cosmic ray detection. High reliability necessary for this autonomous system.
An experiment running at ILL and other research institutes about the attempted detection of the spin of the neutron. This system has been operational for a few years and is currently undergoing upgrades.
Third generation accelerator-driven nuclear reactor. A beam of neutrons feeds a subcritical core. A large part of the experiment is designed by the LPSC, including the control-command software as well as the data acquisition software. A mix of specially designed embedded Linux devices with custom FPGA ans several Linux PCs are used in this demanding environment (high voltage, high electromagnetic noise, high reliability request...
Development of a catalog compiling experimental cosmic-ray data. In a first release, the database includes electrons, positrons, antiprotons, and nuclides up to Z=30 for energies below the knee.
Further development of the software of the NIKA experiment is starting to be done by the laboratory.