The ATLAS group of the LPSC was formed in November 1991.Naturally, its activities evolved a lot since then (see "Former activities" section).
The historical activity in the liquid argon calorimeter continues with our implication in the data quality. A new activité of R&D and construction has tarted more recently, the group being committed to the future tracker ITk, which will be commissionned for the High Luminosity LHC. The activity is focussed on mechanical aspects of the pixel detector, including a project of becoming a center of module loading.
The physics activities are currently in three main areas : double Higgs production (HH), ttbar final state study and search for dark matter.
The group is also very committed to the software of the experiment. The physicists contribute in the jets software. The computing engineers maintain and develop several essential tools all based on a common framework called AMI: and releases and "AMI". The main purpose is the bookkeeping of all of the ATLAS datasets, real and simulated, as well as the meta-data management.
The group participates also to the LHC data processing and storage thanks to the use of the LPSC grid site. This site allows Monte Carlo data production and detector data processing for the ATLAS and ALICE experiments as well as storage and analysis of these data. Moreover the group is also involved in the follow-up and support of the ATLAS grid sites.
Finally, the group is also active in LHC and particle physics outreach.