(International Platform of Advanced Plasma Processes)
scientific manager : Ana LACOSTE, Professor at the UJF
technical manager : Alexandre BÈS, Research Engineer
The Inter University Platform of Advanced Plasma Processes (IAP3) was established in 2001 with, for triple vocation :
- Practical training in plasma Master2 level for training courses at the University Joseph Fourier (Department of Physics and Polytech) and Grenoble INP (PHELMA and Continuing Education)
- Play a part as an interface between laboratories for interdisciplinary research (eg thesis co-supervised)
- have a strong say as interface between laboratories and industry to promote technology transfer (contracts, home R & D teams, ANR projects, European projects)
With the creation of LIA-LITAP in 2007, the IAP3 platform is now called International Platform of Advanced Plasma Processes, more appropriate name for its new international vocation.