Who are we?
The BIDUL (Bureau Interne des Doctorants Unis du LPSC, i.e. LPSC's Internal Bureau of the United Phd-students) regroups Phd-students as well as post-doctoral researchers of the laboratory. Its main goal is to bring those two comunities closer together and to make communication easier between them. In this context, the BIDUL can provide useful advice concerning administrative problems which are related to the Phd or provide help on general recruitement issues. Further activities include the welcome of students for training periods in spring, a barbeque at the end of the year and a whole bunch of other convivial gatherings throughout the year. The BIDUL also tries to keep track of former PhD students and post-docs of the LPSC. It has a representing member in the Conseil d'Unite, who is elected at the beginning of the academic year and whose charge is to attend the meetings and write a small report, gathering potentially useful information for the BIDUL members.
Members in charge of the association (2022/2023) :
- President : Robin Molle
- Vice-President : Manon Ramel
- Health and safety manager : Victor Levrague
- Seminars manager : Adélie André
- Activities and breakfasts managers : to be filled
- Communication manager : Guillaume Chemin