ATLAS is a general-purpose experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the most powerful proton-proton collider ever built. This huge detector (20 meter high) is located 100 meter underground at LHC interaction point 1. It was built and operated by a collaboration of more than 2500 people originating from 35 countries. The first collision happened in 2009.

The LPSC has been involved in the design and building since 1991. Through the years, this commitment was multiple: liquid argon calorimetry, proximity cryogeny, design of the analysis core-software, metadata treatment (AMI), new tracker layer close to the interaction point (IBL)... Since 2016, the group is involved in the design and building of the new pixel tracker to be installed in 2025 (ITK).

The group has been also heavily involved in many analysis areas. In 2019, it is especially involved in th following ones: production of pairs of Higgs bosons, production of Higgs boson in association with the top quark, dark matter search, search for an havy resonance deacying in a pair of top quarks, search for exotic long lived particles...

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