Pierre Auger Observatory

The Pierre Auger Collaboration is publishing since 2004 (full author list) . 44 papers have been published up to 2013. Moreover, a large number of conference proceedings are also available.

the list can be obtained from the collaboration web page.


Other publications

On the influence of photonuclear e ffect on electron neutrino induced electromagnetic cascades under LPM regime in standard rock
M.Tartare et al.  -  submitted to Phys. Rev. D

Radio emission in a toy model with point-charge-like air showers.
J. Chauvin et al.  – Astropart. Phys. 33 (2010) 341-350

Ultrahigh energy tau neutrino flux regeneration while skimming the Earth
Blanch Bigas O., Deligny O., Payet K., Van Elewyck V.
Physical Review D 78 (2008) 063002

Tau energy losses at ultra-high energy: continuous versus stochastic treatment
Blanch Bigas O., Deligny O., Payet K., Van Elewyck V.
Physical Review D 77 (2008) 103004


Publications related to previous experiments

Geomagnetic origin of the radio emission from cosmic ray induced air showers observed by CODALEMA
Ardouin D., Belletoile A., Berat C., Breton D., Charrier D. et al - Astroparticle Physics 31, 3 (2009) 192-200

Radio emission of extensive air shower at CODALEMA: Polarization of the radio emission among the v*B vector.
By The CODALEMA Collaboration (C. Riviere et al.).
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31st ICRC, ŁÓDZ 2009  - [arXiv:0906.2720 [astro-ph.HE]].

EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory)


  • "Influence de l'Atmosphère sur la Détection Spatiale des Rayons cosmiques d'Ultra-Haute Energie" Moreggia S. Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble 1 (21/06/07)

Articles (revues avec comité de lecture)

  • "C Berat et al. Full Simulation of Space-Based Extensive AirShowers Detectors with ESAF."Astroparticle Physics 2010 33221-247

  • "Extensive air showers and diffused Cherenkov light detection: The ULTRA experiment" Agnetta G., Assis P., Biondo B., Brogueira P., Cappa A. et al Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 570 (2007) 22-35

  • "Status report on front end electronics for the EUSO photon detector\", Bosson G., Dzahini D., Koang D.H., Musico P., Pallavivini M., Pouxe J., Pratolongo F., Richer J.P., (2002) Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 113,337-343 1rst International Conference on Particle and Fundamental Physics in Space, SpacePart 2002, La Biodola, Isola D\'Elba, Italie


  • "Results from the ULTRA experiment in the framework of the EUSO project", Agnetta G. et al., EUSO collaboration, astro-ph/0602151, to appear in the proceedings of ICRC 2005, Pune, India
  • "The EUSO simulation and analysis framework.", Thea A., Bérat C., Bottai S., Catalano O., D\'Ali Staiti G. et al, EUSO Collaboration, Pré-publication ICRC 2005
  • "Simulation study of a space based detector for UHECR observation." Thea A., Bérat C., Bottai S., Catalano O., D\'Ali Staiti G. et al, EUSO Collaboration, Pré-publication ICRC 2005
  • "Requirements and simulation study of the performance of EUSO as external payload on board the International Space Station" Catalano O., D\'Ali Staiti G., Maccarone M.C., Bottai S., Naumov D.,et al, EUSO Collaboration, Pré-publication ICRC 2005
  • "A photo-detector for UHECR observation from space.",Ameri M., Bosson G., Bourrion O., Cadoux F., Cuneo S. et al, Pré-publication ICRC 2005
  • "EUSO science." Berezinsky V., Blasi P., Bottai S., Dali G., Koang D.H. et al, EUSO Collaboration, Pré-publication ICRC 2005
  • "Continuous measurement of Upper Atmospheric Lightning Discharges by EUSO." M.Sato,Y.Takizawa,Y.Kawasaki,M.Bertaina,T.Ebisuzaki,Y.-H.Takahashi, D.Lebrun and EUSO collaboration, ICRC2005 Proceedings 8-201
  • "Diffused Cerekov light measurements for the EUSO project." P.Vallania et al., Proceedings of the 19th ECRS, Florence 2004, International Journal of Modern Physics A vol.29 (2005) 6906
  • "The ULTRA experiment : a supporting activity for the Euso project", Agnetta G., Assis P., Berat C., Biondo B., Brogueira P., Cappa A., Catalano O., D\'Ali Staiti G., Espirito-Santo M.C., Fava L., Gabriele M., Galeotti P., Giarrusso S., Gugliotta G., Lebrun D., Mangano A., Melo L., Pimenta M., Russo F., Saavedra O., Scarsi P., Silva J.C., Stassi P., Teyssier D., Tome B., Vallania P., Vigorito C., EUSO Collaboration, (2003), 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2003, Tsukuba, Japon
  • "The light of the night sky in EUSO : duty cycle and background", Berat C., Lebrun D., Montanet F., Adams J., EUSO Collaboration, (2003), 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2003, Tsukuba, Japon
  • "The influence of the global atmospheric properties on the detection of UHECR by EUSO on board of the ISS", Berat C., Lebrun D., Stutz A., Plagnol E., EUSO Collaboration, (2003), 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2003, Tsukuba, Japon
  • "The ETscope ground array for the ULTRA experiment", Chauvin J., Fava L., Lebrun D., Teyssier D., Vallania P., Vigorito C., EUSO Collaboration, (2003) 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2003, Tsukuba, Japon
  • "EUSO analog front end electronics", Koang D.H., Bosson G., Dzahini D., Eraud L., Montanet F., Richer J.P., Rossetto O., EUSO Collaboration, (2003) 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2003, Tsukuba, Japon
  • "EUSO analog front end electronics and calibrations", Koang D.H., Bosson G., Dzahini D., Lebrun D., Montanet F., Richer J.P., EUSO Collaboration, (2003) 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2003, Tsukuba, Japon

Moment magnétique du neutrino (expérience MUNU)

  • "Final results on the neutrino magnetic moment from the MUNU experiment", Daraktchieva Z. et al, MUNU Collaboration, Physics Letters B 615 153-159 (2005)
  • "Limits on the neutrino magnetic moment from the MUNU experiment", Daraktchieva Z. et al, MUNU Collaboration, Physics Letters B 564 190-198 (2003)
  • "A new measurment of the $\\bar\\nu_{e}e^{-}$ elastic cross section at very low energy", Amsler C. et al, MUNU Collaboration, Physics Letters B 545 57-61 (2002)
  • "Sub MeV particles detection and identification in the MUNU detector\", Avenier M. et al, MUNU Collaboration, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 482 408-424 (2002)
  • "The MUNU experiment on low energy $\\bar{\\nu}_{e} e^{-}$ scattering", Broggini C. et al, MUNU Collaboration, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 110 398-400 (2002)

Supersymmétrie et non conservation de la R-parité

  • "R-parity violating supersymmetry", Barbier R., Berat C., Besancon M., Chemtob M., Deandrea A. et al, Physics Reports, 420:1-202, 2005.
  • "Search for supersymmetric particles assuming $R$-parity non-conservation in $e^+e^-$ collisions at $\\sqrt{s}$ = 192 to 208 GeV\", Abdallah J. et al, DELPHI Collaboration, European Physical Journal C 36 1-23 (2004)

Astronomie neutrino (ANTARES)

  • "Study of large hemispherical photomultiplier tubes for the Antares neutrino telescope. ",By ANTARES Collaboration (J.A. Aguilar et al.). Oct 2005. 21pp. Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A555:132-141,2005
  • "Transmission of light in deep sea water at the site of the Antares neutrino telescope. ", Aguilar J.A., Albert A., Amram P., Anghinolfi M., Anton G. et al, ANTARES Collaboration Astroparticle Physics 23 (2005) 131-155
  • " Sedimentation and fouling of optical surfaces at the Antares site.", By ANTARES Collaboration (P. Amram et al.). DAPNIA-02-120, Jun 2002. 18pp. Astropart.Phys.19:253-26, 2003 e-Print Archive: astro-ph/0206454

Symétries discrètes : (CPLEAR)

  • "Physics at CPLEAR.", By CPLEAR Collaboration (A. Angelopoulos et al.). 2003. Phys.Rept. 374:165-270, 200