Articles publiés

(dans la liste de publications du groupe)

Notes internes

    1. EUSO duty cycle : moon and sun light effects, Montanet F.,
      EUSO-SIM-REP-009-1.2 (April 2004)
    2. Electronique d'EUSO Phase A, Dy Holm Koang,
      LPSC-IN2P3-03-32 (Juin 2003)
    3. The influence of atmospheric ozone in EUSO, C. Bérat, D. Lebrun, A. Stutz,
      EUSO-SIM-REP-011-1 (April 2002)
    4. The influence of Global Atmospheric Properties in EUSO, C. Bérat, D. Lebrun, A. Stutz,
      EUSO-SIM-REP-012-1 (September 2002) RAPPORT ISN-03-01
    5. Fluorescence Yield in N2, D. Lebrun, 2002
      RAPPORT ISN-02-37