The laboratory hosts in a common space of more than 200 m2, a unique platform for experimental nuclear physics laboratory sessions. This platform is supported by a joint effort of PHELMA and UJF. This opens a single place for subatomic experimental physics to grenoble students.
- The SIREP laboratory
To prepare the students to the operation of nuclear reactor operation, UJF et Grenoble INP have invested in specific platform allowing for the simulation of normal operation of Pressurized Water Reactors, typical of the french nuclear fleet. This platform, hosted at LPSC is a unique opportunity for the student to test their theoretical knowledge against the actual operation of the plant, simulated as close as possible from the industrial reality that they will soon face.
This shared platform of Advanced Plasma, was created in 2001 with a triple objective : opening plasma laboratory sessions at the Master2 level, creating a interface between labs for interdisciplinary reasearch, creating links between the lab and industrial parteners to ease technological transfers.