Principales publications depuis 2019
LSST et cosmologie
- Testing the accuracy of likelihoods for cluster abundance cosmology, MNRAS 520, 6223 (2023)
- Dark energy survey year 3 results: cosmological constraints from the analysis of cosmic shear in harmonic space, MNRAS 515, 1942 (2022)
- Cosmology with the Roman Space Telescope - Synergies with CMB lensing, MNRAS 512, 5311 (2022)
- Measuring weak lensing masses on individual clusters, MNRAS 512, 4785 (2022)
- The effects of lensing by local structures on the dipole of radio source counts, MNRAS 510, 3098 (2022)
- Validating Synthetic Galaxy Catalogs for Dark Energy Science in the LSST Era, OJAp 5, 1 (2022)
- CLMM: a LSST-DESC cluster weak lensing mass modeling library for cosmology, MNRAS 508, 6092 (2021)
- FINK, a new generation of broker for the LSST community, MNRAS 501, 3272 (2021)
- The LSST DESC DC2 Simulated Sky Survey, ApJSS 253, 34 (2021)
- Laboratory measurements of instrumental signatures of the LSST camera focal plane, SPIE 11454, 1145439 (2020)
- Impact of photometric redshifts on the galaxy power spectrum and BAO scale in the LSST survey, A&A 623, 76 (2019)
Rayonnement cosmique et matière noire
- The importance of Fe fragmentation for LiBeB analyses. Is a Li primary source needed to explain AMS-02 data?, A&A 668, A27 (2022)
- A simple determination of the halo size from 10Be/9Be data, A&A 667, A25 (2022)
- Classification of gamma-ray targets for velocity-dependent and subhalo-boosted dark-matter annihilation, JCAP 10, 021 (2022)
- AMS-02 antiprotons and dark matter: Trimmed hints and robust bounds, SciPost Physics 12, 163 (2022)
- The rigidity dependence of galactic cosmic-ray fluxes and its connection with the diffusion coefficient, Front. Phys. 24 (2022)
- New minimal, median, and maximal propagation models for dark matter searches with Galactic cosmic rays, PRD 104, 083005 (2021)
- Cosmic-Ray Isotopes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, ICRC (2021)
- The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the international space station: Part II - Results from the first seven years, Physics Report 894, 1 (2021)
- CRDV v4.0: ultra-high energy, ultra-heavy, and antinuclei cosmic Rays, Universe, vol. 6, 102 (2020)
- USINE: Semi-analytical models for Galactic cosmic-ray propagation, CPC 247, 106942 (2020)
- Galactic halo size in the light of recent AMS-02 data, A&A 639, 131 (2020)
- Combined analysis of AMS-02 (Li,Be,B)/C, N/O, 3He, and 4He data, A&A 639, 131 (2020)
- AMS-02 antiprotons' consistency with a secondary astrophysical origin, PRR 2, 023022 (2020)
- Fitting B/C cosmic-ray data in the AMS-02 era: a cookbook, A&A 627, 158 (2019)
- CLUMPY v3: γ-ray and ν signals from dark matter at all scales, CPC 235, 336 (2019)
- FINK, a new generation of broker for the LSST community, MNRAS 501, 3272 (2021)
- A DIRAC-based Prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Data Management, Processing and Simulations, ASPC 527, 339 (2020)
- Optimizing Cherenkov photons generation and propagation in CORSIKA for CTA Monte-Carlo simulations, Computing and Software for Big Science 4, 9 (2020)