FM_Oval.jpg Curriculum vitae and  Publications

Last update January 16th, 2023





I obtained a BSc in Physics in 1986 at the University of Science and Technologies at Algiers. I moved to France in October 1987, where I obtained an MSc in Nuclear Physics.

I was awarded a PhD in nuclear and particle physics from the University of Grenoble in 1990 and I am currently a research director at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France), physicist in the experimental field of nuclear physics, particle physics and cosmology. I work at CERN (European Organization for Particle Physics)[i] on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and I am a member of the ATLAS experiment[ii]. I contributed to the major discovery of this century in particle physics, the Higgs boson[iii]. Before that, I took part in a heavy ion collision experiment at CERN's super proton synchrotron (SPS), the NA50 experiment that in year 2000 contributed to the discovery of the quark-gluon-plasma state, the QGP[iv]. I was also a member of a NASA space experiment, AMS, for the search for antimatter in space[v]. My work has been carried out in international collaborations with a strong interdisciplinary, combining fundamental physics, instrumentation and scientific computing. I held positions of coordination, as team leader (Grenoble LPSC) for the ATLAS collaboration and scientific manager of the National LHC Grid infrastructure (LCG-France)[vi] but also internationally (WLCG), leading also the international research network IRN-P2IM[vii]. During that period, I have been member of the EU PF7/EUMEDGRID-Support project and was its France representative. Within this framework led by Italy, I participated to the collaborations with the Mediterranean basin countries, helping them to get skills and expertise in Grid computing. I am participating in the work to develop a strategic plan for France participation in the project for a future circular collider of 100 km in circumference and 100 TeV of energy, the FCC[viii]. I lead WADAPT-France, French part of the WADAPT (Wireless Allowing Data and Power Transfer) consortium[ix], which studies wireless multi-gigabit data transfer for high-energy physics applications.

I supervised the PhD work of seven doctoral students and more than twenty research internships, from Bachelor to Master studies. I have brought my expertise to the evaluation of European Commission projects, within the framework of Horizon 2020 and more recently to Horizon Europe. On the other hand, I was invited by the RSIF[x] to assess Master's and doctoral school programs in West Africa. I was member of the publications committee of the ATLAS experiment and I am currently chief-editor of the JAIS journal (Journal for Advanced Instrumentation in Science, Andromeda Publishing, UK)[xi].

In my efforts to promote science, technology and know-how for developing countries, I served in the "physics for development" committees of the European Physical Society (EPS)[xii] and the IUPAP (C13)[xiii]. I co-founded with the SFP (French Physics Society)[xiv], a series of fundamental physics schools for the Maghreb region called EPAM, four schools from 2009 to 2012. I directed the school, which took place in Morocco/Taza[xv] . In 2019, I co-founded the African strategy for fundamental physics and its applications (ASFAP)[xvi], a pan-African strategy project in physics, similar to the European strategy for particle physics or Snowmass (USA). I am participating in the work of the ASI committee (African Synchrotron Initiative)[xvii], a Think-Tank mandated by the African Academy of Sciences (AAS)[xviii] and the African Union (AU) in charge of creating a favorable environment for the implementation of the future African Synchrotron. Recently, I pushed for the collaborative project on a future underground laboratory in Africa, based on an existing proposal[xix].

My activities in science mediation and outreach are about physics for development and gender balance. In particular, I coordinated the exhibition "La Science taille XXelles" which took place in Grenoble[xx] . I founded the association “Parité Science” in the Alps[xxi] and I am member of the board of administration of the association “Femmes et Sciences”[xxii] and the EPWS (European Platform for women Scientists)[xxiii].

1. Languages

Algerian and French (native), English (proficiency), Arabic (professional), Swedish and Italian (basic).

2. Education and awards

  • 1983: Baccalaureate (Math) with honours, High school degree, Algeria.
  • 1987: Magister degree in Physics @ HBST University, Algiers, Algeria.
  • 1988: Master degree in Physics @ Grenoble-Alpes University, France.
  • 1990: Received a PhD in Nuclear and Particle Physics @ Grenoble-Alpes University, France with honours.
  • 1999: Received the Research Habilitation diploma @ Grenoble-Alpes University, France.

3. Research topics

  • 1988-1991: PhD thesis; Nuclear physics, Hypernuclei produced at fission using antiproton beam, CERN .
  • 1991-1996: Search for the quark gluon plasma state using heavy ions beams on fixed targets at 
  • CERN; NA38 and NA50 experiments. In 2000, NA50 experiment found an evidence of the deconfinement of quarks and gluons from the charmonium suppression pattern.
  • 1997-1999:  Anti-matter Spectrometer in space with the AMS experiment. Search for Antimatter in space.
  • 2000-today: Particle Physics at ATLAS LHC; I contributed to the major discovery of the last fifty years in the field of particle physics, the Higgs Boson.
  • 2004-2014: Computing and Grid for the LHC.
  • 2019- : Future Circular Colliders design and study project (FCC), FCCee and FCChh.
  • 2021- : Coordination of  WADAPT-France  Project.

4. Carrer @ CNRS and University

  • 1990-1991: Teaching assistant at University of Grenoble (ATER).
  • 1991: CNRS full researcher at Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon, France (IP2I).
  • 2007: « Hubert Curien » promotion of CNRS future leaders.
  • 2010: CNRS research director.
  • 2022: CNRS distinguished research director.

5. Distinctions

6. Profiles

  • Sous la Blouse de Fairouz, Science et Avenir, 13 mai 2022.
  • 2022 : Wikipédia profile
  • 2020 : Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences : Bio
  • 2014 : Fairouz Malek, chercheuse au CNRS à Grenoble (LPSC), physicienne des particules; exhibition « experts in the field » at Palais de la Découverte, from October 17, 2014 to July 19, 2015, CNRS images.
  • 2014 : 60th anniversary of CERN_ Experience CERN 360°

7. Leading positions @ CNRS

  • 2015-2018: Board member of the National Excellence Lab: LABEX Enigmass .
  • 2015-2018: Scientific coordinator of the CNRS International Research Network P2IM.
  • 2009-2013: CNRS-IN2P3 coordinator in charge of the collaborations with the Mediterranean countries.
  • 2004-2014: LCG-France (CNRS and CEA/IRFU) Scientific project leader .
  • 2003-2013: ATLAS collaboration Grenoble Team Leader.
  • 2003-2004: ATLAS Physics France committee member.
  • 2001-2010: ATLAS Computing France committee member.
  • 2001-2003: Grenoble LPSC Lab. communication coordinator.
  • 2000-2003: Grenoble LPSC Seminars organization chair.

8. Leading positions @ CERN

  • 2016-2020: Physics Office chair at the CERN ATLAS collaboration.
  • 2016-2018: ATLAS experiment Publications Committee (PubCom) member.
  • 2008-2014: CERN-WLCG Overview board member.
  • 2003-2013:  Member of the ATLAS collaboration board.

9. Other Leading positions

  • 2021-: Managing chief-editor of the Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science (JAIS).
  • 2020-: Member of the steering committee of the African Strategy for Fundamental Physics (ASFAP)
  • 2002-2003:  President of the association Parité Science.
  • 2000-2002:  President of the Alps branch of the French Physics Society.

10. Consultancy & Committees

  • 2022: Expert Evaluation Horizon Europe MSCA-Individual Fellowship program.
  • 2021:
    • Expert Evaluation Horizon Europe Vice-chair MSCA-Staff Exchange program.
    • Member of the Think-Tank ASI (African Synchrotron Initiative).
    • Independent Reviewer for the Selection of African Host Universities for the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF).
  • 2017-2020: EU Expert for the evaluation of H2020-MSCA projects.
  • 2006: French National Institutions Evaluation (AERES) committee member (Clermont, Annecy).
  • 2005-2006: Director’s review member committee for Fermilab experiments computing (Chicago, USA).
  • 2004-2014: Member of the Scientific Council of the computing centre: CC-IN2P3.
  • 2004-2014: CERN Computing Resource Review board member.

11. Invited jury

  • 09-06-2020: Examinator and defense thesis jury member: M. Faraj (Udine, Italy).
  • 21-09-2017: Defense thesis jury member Simon Berlendis, LPSC-Grenoble, ATLAS experiment.
  • 25-10-2013: Defense thesis jury chair: Zhaoting Pan, LPSC-Grenoble, Particle Physics Theory.
  • 11-12-2013: Defense thesis jury member: Youssef Khoulaki, Casablanca, Morocco, ILC project.
  • 2013 and 2014:  Researcher recruitment board member for CNRS
  • 2012: CNRS IT engineers recruitment jury chair for the LMA laboratory.
  • 2010: CNRS IT engineers recruitment jury member for the CCin2p3 laboratory.
  • 2009: CNRS IT engineers recruitment jury chair for the CCin2p3, CPPM and CREATIS laboratories.

12. Professional awards

  • 2015-2018 : The International research Network P2IM, of which I was the director, is a collaborative network between French laboratories and Moroccan laboratories in the field of particle physics and cosmology. It connects physicists from CNRS IN2P3 and IPN institutions to physicists from four Moroccan universities. It started in January 2015 for a period of four years.
  • 2010-2014: French National Research Agency (ANR) grant, title and number HiggsNet (ANR-10-BLAN-0427). This grant is obtained for the supervision of a Post-Doc in the context of the analysis of data using extra-dimensions models at ATLAS experiment.
  • 2010-2012: EU PF7/EUMEDGRID-Support project grant. Within this framework led by Italy, I participated to the collaborations with the Mediterranean basin countries, helping them to get skills and expertise in Grid computing.
  • 2008-2009: French China Particle Physics Laboratory (FCPPL) special grant given to a “Chinese” PhD student and for developing collaborations with China, Shandong University, Jinan.

13. Professional and Learned Societies

  • 2020-2023:“Femmes et Science” (F&S) association board of administration member.
  • 2021-2023: EPWS : board of administration member
  • 2005-2023: Parité Science association board of administration member.
  • 2010-2014: EPS Physics for development group board member.
  • 2009-2014: IUPAP C13 committee member.
  • 2004-2011: North-South French Physics Society (SFP) committee chair.
  • 2000-2009: SFP Particle Physics division board member.
  • 2003-2007: SFP Council elected member.
  • 2002-2005:  Founder President of the association Parité Science.
  • 2000-2002:  President of the SFP Alps branch. Bulletin de la SFP, 127 (2000) 22 (L'ancien bureau de section composé du président Gérard Chouteau (Pr., UJF), du vice-président Joël Courbon (Ing., Péchiney) et du Trésorier Peter Wyder (Dir., Max Planck Institute-Grenoble) a été renouvelé le 30 mai 2000. Le bureau en exercice est main-tenant : présidente, Fairoux Ohlsson-Malek (Cherch. IN2P3,ISN) ;vice-président,Joël Chevrier (Pr.,Univ. Joseph Fourier),trésorier, GérardChouteau (Pr., Univ.Joseph Fourier). Le secrétariat est assuré par Mme Rosine Ah-Tchou (lab. Louis Néel)).

14. Academic Supervision


  • 2012-2014 : Dr. J. Brown on high mass diphoton analyses with 8 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS. Now engineer at Sentryo Company in Lyon, France.
  • 2007-2011 : Dr. J. Donini on Top-quark Physics at ATLAS. Now, professor at University of Clermont, France.
  • 2006-2007 : Dr. B. Clement, on Top-quark Physics at ATLAS. Now, assistant professor at Grenoble University.


  • 2018 : T. Meideck, on high mass diphoton analyses with 13 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS.  Now aeronautic engineer at Altran Company.
  • 2015 :  M. Wu, Monophoton analyses with 13 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS. Now ATLAS Post-Doc @MaxPlack in Germany.
  • 2013 :  Q. Buat, high mass diphoton analyses with 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS. Now fellow at CERN in ATLAS.
  • 2008 : B. Brelier, Associated (W,Z) Higgs production in 2 photons decay channel prospects in ATLAS.  Now research assistant at Toronto University, Canada.
  • 2007 :  D. Minh, Computing and Grid infrastructure. Thesis in collaboration with INRIA (computing research center). Now in Vietnam.
  • 2004:  S. Viret, B mesons radiative decays at ATLAS. Now, full researcher at CNRS in CMS experiment.

Master 2

  • Thomas Meideck, March-August 2015 -- ATLAS, diphotons at high mass at 13 TeV in ATLAS
  • Alex Chauvin, Mars-Juin 2014. ATLAS, high mass diphoton analysis, UN2 preparation
  • Sébastien Viret, April-June 2001 -- ATLAS, B Physics, Bs to J/psi Eta(gamma gamma) 
  • Alexis Bouchet, April-June 1998 --AMS, RICH prototype

Master 1

  • Mathis Granjon MA UGA, Juin-Août 2022 -- Mesures de précision des couplages des bosons Z aux fermions lourds dans le futur collisionneur circulaire électron-positon (FCC-ee).
  • Maria Benmanseur M1 UGA, Juin-Août 2020 -- Etude comparative des futurs collisionneurs des particules (LHC, HL-LHC, FCC).
  • Richard Naab, Stage M1/Diplom Arbeit - March-August 2018 -- Recherche de matière noire dans ATLAS.
  • Johannes Hofer (Karlsruhe, Germany), March-June 2005 -- Analysis of 2004 ATLAS Combined Test beam
  • Fabian Schuessler(Karlsruhe, Germany), March-June 2003 -- ATLAS B Physics,Bs to J/psi Eta (pi+ pi- p0)
  • Martin Melcher (Karlsruhe, Germany),March-June 2001 -- ATLAS EMCALorimeter for B Physics
  • Aurélien Cottrant, March-June 2000 -- ATLAS B Physics, B to J/psi K*0

Licence et Magistère

  • Jeremy Bernon : 6 weeks in june-july 2011 ; study of the production of the Z boson decaying to two leptons in ATLAS.
  • Elie Thiery (July 2007) -- ATLAS and Higgs Physics
  • Chung Brice and Said Hasnaoui, 2004 (6 weeks: may-june-july) -- ATLAS and the theory of extra-dimensions
  • Julien Degorre, 1999 (3 weeks)-- AMS, RICH Prototype test Beam studies
  • Isabelle Colombier, 1999 (2 months)-- AMS, RICH Prototype cosmics test studies


  • Jaroslav Nowak (Wraclav, Poland),  February-June 2002 -- ATLAS B Physics, Bs to J/psi Eta (pi+ pi- p0)


  • Johanna Simon, Praktikumsbericht - Technische Universitat Darmstadt: AMS, RICH prototype Test Beam analysis, 1999.

Janus (summer trainings 1st year undergrade students)

  • Aurélie Boian, Analyse des données 2015 avec ATLAS, Juillet-Aout 2017, Université de Nantes.
  • Patrice Verdier, Reconstruction des particules dans Geant3 Juillet 1997. UCB-Lyon.
  • Cyrille Rosset, Plasma of Quarks and Gluons, July 1996
  • Estelle Hamzij,Training with Gean 3, September 1995

Classes préparatoires

  • Marianne Falda and Hélène Marcelli, 2004 (2 weeks in june): Research, Science, Particle physics and ATLAS

15. Schools, Conferences, Workshop, Seminars

Direction/chair or Steering Committee member

  • First African Conference in High Energy Physics: , Octobre 2023.
  • INTERSECTIONALITY: a special focus on challenges for refugee and migrant women scientists, EPWS Conference, 22 November 2022.
  • ASFAP Town-Hall , Juillet 12-15, 2021.
  • HEP school in the Mediterranean, Taza, Morocco, March 26th - April 3rd, 2011.
  • 1st North South Physics Congress, Oujda, Morocco (2007); Editor: arXiv:0711.0845.
  • French Physics Society – HEP school: Journées Jeunes Chercheurs (JJC), Belgium, Dec. 2003.

Organizing committee member

Special events

  • Présidente du comité d'organisation des Réunions des sites LCG-France: les rencontres
  • Organisation des rencontres IN2P3-STIC du grand Sud Est, Grenoble 2006.
  • Présidente des 1ères Rencontres IN2P3/STIC autour de la grille de calcul du LHC, Grenoble 2005.
  • Membre du comité d’organisation des journées prospectives IN2P3, La Colle sur Loup, 2004

16. Given talks at conferences on behalf of the experiments or through personal invitation

  1. Ultra-Peripheral collisions in ATLAS experiment, 28th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2022), 11 to 16 September 2022, Cape Town, South Africa.
  2. Absolute Luminosity calibration in pp collisions at √s=900 GeV in the ATLAS experiment, BPU11 CONGRESS, 28/08-01/09 - 2022, Serbia.
  3. Summary talk, ASFAP town hall meeting, 12-15 juillet 2021.
  4. The African Strategy for fundamental and Applied Physics ,107th ECFA (European Committee for Future Accelerators) meeting, 20 Novembre 2020.
  5. ESOF: Science in the city,“Solutions for a CO2 free planet", Trieste, August 18th, (2020).
  6. Overview of New Physics searches in ATLAS, Quarks-2020, Pereslavl Zalessky, Russia, 7-13 Juin 2020 (postponed to 2021).
  7. Higgs and New Physics at ATLAS and CMS, 56th International winter meeting on nuclear physics, Bormio, Italy, 22 - 26 Jan (2018).
  8. Search for a high mass diphoton resonance using the ATLAS detector, 5th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP2016), Kolymbari, Greece, Jul (2016).
  9. Non-SUSY BSM Searches: Recent Results from ATLAS & CMS, 4th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, DISCRETE conference, London, United Kingdom, Dec. (2014).
  10. La découverte d'un nouveau Boson au LHC, présent et perspectives, JI2012, La Londe les Maures, France, Oct. 22-25 (2012).
  11. Experience and activities to promote the use of grids in Africa, EUMEDGRID-Support User Forum Lyon France, Sep. 22-23 (2011).
  12. Grids in the southern Mediterranean region, Sharing Knowledge Foundation Colloquium, Malta May (2011). Hal Id: hal:in2p3-00593916
  13. La grille de calcul en physique des particules, ACONIT, France, 21 Oct. (2010).
  14. The LHC Grid Challenge. Proceedings of the 1st IPM Meeting on LHC Physics, School of Particles and Accelerator (Proc. on Line), 1st IPM Meeting on LHC Physics, School of Particles and Accelerator, Iran, April, 20-24 (2009) ; HAL Id : in2p3-00404159
  15. Le défi informatique du LHC et le développement des grilles de calcul. Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique (SFP2009), France (2009) ; HAL Id : in2p3-00404140 .
  16. Particle Physics with the ATLAS experiment, conference given at Shandong University, China, Feb. (2008).
  17. Challenges and success of the HEP GRID, 3 rd EGEE User Forum, Clermont-Ferrand - France at "Le Polydrome" Convention Centre, 11-14 Fev. (2008); HAL Id: in2p3-00258060 .
  18. Les succès des grilles de calcul en physique des hautes énergies. Inaugural conference of the Institut des Grilles (IdG), Paris 3 Dec. France (2007); HAL Id: :in2p3-00268911.
  19. LCG-France, The French Grid Initiative – Status and Perspectives, International Symposium on Grid Computing 2007 ISGC 2007, Taiwan (2007) ; HAL Id :in2p3-00147370 .
  20. Infrastructure de grille LHC en France et ressources associées. Communication au Deuxième Colloque LCG-France, Clermont-Ferrand, France (2007) ; HAL id :in2p3-00150648
  21. CP violation and rare B -decays at ATLAS, EPS/HEP2005, Lisbon 21-27 Jul. (2005).
  22. B Physics and CP violation at the LHC start. ATLAS Overview week in Prague, 13-20 Sep. (2003).
  23. Prospects of ATLAS and CMS for B Physics and CP Violation. Flavor Physics and CPviolation conference (FPCP), Paris, 3-6 Jun. (2003).
  24. ATLAS Calorimeter capabilities for the observation of B(s;d) à J/Y h, 5th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty hadrons, Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 Jun. (2002).
  25. B(s;d) à J/ Y h studies, what can we learn ? Third ATLAS physics workshop, Lund (Sweden), Sep. (2001).
  26. A new measurement of the J/Y production rate in Pb-Pb interactions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon. Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, EPS-HEP'97, Jerusalem, Israel, 19-26 Aug. (1997).
  27. A Di-Muon spectrometer to study charmonium production. ELFE summer school and Workshop on Confinement Physics. Cambridge (England), Christ's College, Jul. 22-28 (1995).
  28. J/ Y and Y ’ production in the NA38 experiment. QCD and High energy hadronic interactions, 29emes Rencontres de Moriond, France (1994).
  29. Charmonium production: Why and How? The ELFE project, an electron laboratory for Europe, Maiz, Germany, 7-9 Oct. (1992).
  30. Lambda attachment in hypernuclear fission. LEAP 90, First Biennal Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-6 Jul. (1990).

17. Publications

I am the author of more than 1000 peer-reviewed articles since 1988, of which around 900 within ATLAS experiment. There are 18 renowned papers (with 500+ citations) and 33 Famous papers (with 250-499 citations).  My production is at this link: Inspire-HEP and my Open Researcher and Contributor ID is ORCID-0000-0002-0948-5775 .

Research publications representing landmark achievements

  • ATLAS Collaboration, Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC : Phys.Lett.B 716 (2012) 1-29. DOI:1016/j.physletb.2012.08.020.
  • Driouichi, P. Eerola, M. Melcher, F. Ohlsson-Malek, S. Viret (5 authors), Observation potential of the decays B0(s,d) --> J/Psi eta in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, 4 (2002) 1-13, N2. DOI: 1007/s1010502cn002.
  • Thuillier, F.Ohlsson-Malek et al. (10 authors), Experimental study of a proximity focusing Cherenkov counter prototype for the AMS experiment, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 491 (2002) 83-97.DOI:1016/S0168-9002(02)01168-3.
  • Evidence for deconfinement of quarks and gluons from the J / psi suppression pattern measured in Pb + Pb collisions at the CERN SPS, Lett.B 477 (2000) 28-36. DOI:10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00237-9 .
  • Bellaiche et al. (10 authors), The NA50 segmented target and vertex recognition system, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 398 (1997) 180-188.DOI:1016/S0168-9002(97)00748-1.
  • Armstrong et al. (18 authors), Fission of heavy hypernuclei formed in anti-proton annihilation, Phys.Rev.C 47 (1993) 1957-1969. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.47.1957.
  • Nifenecker and F. Malek (2 authors), Lambda attachment in fission: A Probe of the necking dynamics, Nucl.Phys.A 531 (1991) 539-554. DOI:1016/0375-9474(91)90740-W .

The most recent and significant Publications

  • ATLAS Collaboration, Luminosity determination in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC, arXiv:2212.09379 [hep-ex], (2022), DOI : 48550/arXiv.2212.09379.
  • Malek, J.P Araque et al. (19 autheurs), Continuous Integration and Web Framework in support to the ATLAS publication process, JINST 16 (2021) T05006, DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/16/05/T05006.
  • The African Strategy for fundamental and Applied Physics, The ECFA Newsletter #6, (2020).
  • ATLAS Collaboration, Measurements of Higgs boson properties in the diphoton decay channel with 36 fb−1 of pp collision data at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector, Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 052005, DOI:1103/PhysRevD.98.052005.
  • Malek, Book Chapter: “Le CERN et les Big Data ». dans Les Big Data à découvert, CNRS Editions (2017), ISBN-978-2-271-11464-8.
  • Search for diphoton resonances at high mass at ATLAS with pp collisions at 8 and 13 TeV (ATLAS collaboration):

Print Media

  • F. Malek, Les pétaoctets du LHC. Pour la Science, Pour La Science 433 (2013), 36-37.
  • F. Malek, Le calcul scientifique des expériences LHC. Reflets de la Physique 20 (2010) 11-15; DOI : 10.1051/refdp/2010016 .
  • F. Malek, Grille informatique, l'union fait la force de calcul. Micro Hebdo no 655 (2010) 36.

Editor of Workshop proceedings

  • La recherche et l'enseignement de la physique. Malek F., Darche M., Maaroufi F. 1er Congrès Nord-Sud de Physique, Oujda (2007).arXiv :0711.0845, DOI: 48550/arXiv.0711.0845.
  • Actes 2e Colloque LCG-France. Chollet F., Hernandez F., Malek F., Shifrin G. Clermont-Ferrand (2007), HAL Id : in2p3-00150640.

Editor of physics prospect reports

18. Scientific communication, Media


  • Escape Game sur les trous noirs, classes de lycées, LPSC, Avril 2022.
  • Accueil et visite lycée de Tamara, Israël, 30 mars 2022.
  • Cinéma de Saint Donat sur l’Herbasse (Drôme) lors de la diffusion du film: Fièvre des particules, 2015.
  • La découverte d’un nouveau Boson au LHC. Séminaires RENATER Villa Clythias, Fréjus, 2013.
  • La découverte d’un nouveau Boson au LHC, JI2012, La Londe les Maures, Oct. 2012.
  • La grille de calcul en physique des particules, ACONIT, Grenoble 21 October 2010.
  • F. Malek, Nobel de Physique: une récompense aussi pour l'informatique. Lettre IN2P3 Informatique 2013, 25.
  • F. Malek, La grille, cette utopie technologique dont le LHC avait besoin.  Lettre IN2P3 Informatique 2008, 2.

Women in Science

Physics for development