Version 5 (modified by 6 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
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- Spécial nouveaux entrants
- Comptes utilisateurs et authentification
- Introduction
- Demande de compte
- Charte Informatique du LPSC
- Changer son mot de passe
- Certificats electroniques
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- Support aux utilisateurs
- Traitements des demandes, tickets urgents
- Aide au developpement
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- Postes de travail
- Postes de travail
- PC de pret
- Configurations et problemes rencontres
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- Acces au reseau
- Reseaux filaire et wifi
- Accueil de visiteurs
- Reseau EDUROAM
- Acces externes
- Acces externe par VPN
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- Impressions, photocopies, scanner
- Installation et utilisation des imprimantes
- Suivi des impressions
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- Stockage centralise
- Introduction
- Utilisation des espaces de stockage du LPSC
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- Messagerie / Outils collaboratifs
- Messagerie
- Salles de reunion et videoconference
- Espaces internet
- Surveillance MaJ page web
- Synchronisation ATRIUM
- Liens vers outils collaboratifs
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- Calcul et serveurs
- Introduction
- Ferme locale
- Systeme de batch HTCondor
- Serveurs Windows
- Logiciels sous licence
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- Divers
- Mise a jour des informations Annuaire IN2P3
- Bases de Linux
- Trucs et astuces sous Linux
- Trucs et astuces de programmation
- X2GO
- FileZilla
- Latex
- Doxygen
- -
- Pour les administrateurs
- Index des pages de l'espace utilisateur
- Espace administrateur acces restreint
SSHFS stands for Secure SHell File System. The idea is to open a ssh connection on your computer as a file system. It will allow you to open the files stored in a mounted distant servor with the softwares installed on your own computer.
For more details:
SSHFS on Linux
For Fedora distribution :
Uniquement pour les PC portables, les postes fixes montent les disques réseau via NFS
Installation and Setup
Simply install the following package: sshfs:
sudo dnf install fuse -y sudo dnf install sshfs -y
Si vous ne disposez pas des droits sudo, merci d'envoyer un mail à support@…
Command-line Usage
sudo mkdir /"nom du point de montage" ls -als /home/username (pour visualiser UID:GID) chown UID:GID /"nom du point de montage" sshfs"nom du volume à monter"/usrname /"nom du point de montage" password (celui de ssh) df (le disque doit être vu)
To unmount :
sudo umount /"nom du point de montage"
First of all you need to install the Apple's Xcode developer tools and the X11 windowing system (installed by default since MACOS 10.5 Leopard).
You also need to be super user on your mac.
Then go to
Download and install the macport version that corresponds to your MACOSX version. Restart your terminal, you can now start to use macport.
For example you can try:
port search sshfs
It should give you:
The next step is to install sshfs using the following command:
sudo port install sshfs
It might crash at some point asking you to install the java developer tool. You need to install this tool by registering as an apple developer (it's free but it takes some time to get registered):
Then you should rerun the command.
It should take 30 minutes to get installed on your computer. Then you need to restart.
The last step is to create a mounting point on your computer. One can do:
mkdir /LPSC_MP/
You could know connect to the lpsc server using sshfs:
sshfs /LPSC_MP/
If you open a finder and go to Macintosh HD (directory /), you could open the LPSC_MP directory and find all your files on the server.
Enjoy !
To disconnect simply do:
umount /LPSC_MP
Attachments (5)
- LPSC_MP.png (83.1 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
- Macport.2.png (211.4 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
- Macport.png (211.4 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
- searchsshfs.2.png (50.8 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
- searchsshfs.png (50.8 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip