Post-Docs, These and Internships


2014 - 2017 Aleksander Kusina
2009 - 2013 Tzvetalina Stavreva


Ph.D. thesis 2021 Mohammad Altakach
(with T. Jezo. H. Zaraket)
Precise predictions for top-quark observables at the LHC in the presence of Z' and W' bosons
Ph.D. thesis 2020 Kseniia Svirina Two-loop RGEs for general gauge theories and some aspects of BSM Higgs phenomenology
Ph.D. thesis 2019 Hadi Hassan
(with R. Guernane, H. Zaraket)
Modélisation et mesure des facteurs de modification nucléaire des jets issus de quarks beaux
dans les collisions p-Pb á 5.02 TeV avec l'expérience ALICE auprès du LHC
Ph.D. thesis 2015 Josselin Proudom
(with B. Fuks)
Supersymmetric phenomenology:
Polarized collisions and precision calculations
Ph.D. thesis 2014 Florian Lyonnet New heavy resonances:
From the Electroweak to the Planck scale
Ph.D. thesis 2013 Tomas Jezo
(with M. Klasen)
Z' and W' gauge bosons in SU(2)xSU(2)xU(1) models:
Collider phenomenology at LO and NLO QCD
Diploma thesis 2009 Christian Lorentzen
(with M. Steinhauser)
Resonant slepton production in polarized hadron collisions


M1 2021 Maxime de Sousa Prédiction sur la masse du boson de Higgs
M1 2021 Hector Pillot Contraindre la fonction de distribution des gluons avec les donn ées de FoCal de photons prompt
M2 2021 Amine Arache Le principe du point multiple dans le modèle standard et au-delà
M2 2019 Chloé Léger La production de photons directs et la distribution du gluon à petit x
M2 2019 Lohan Sartore Development of an interface between FeynRules and PyR@TE
M1 2017 Philipp Rösch Maximal Entanglement in High Energy Physics
M1 2017 St&eactue;phane Delorme Numerical algorithms for semi-simple Lie algebras
L3 2017 Hugues Lascombes Numerical algorithms for the su(N) Lie algebras
M2 2015 Mohammad Altakach
(with R. Schwienhorst)
New heavy resonances: Predictions for a FCC100
M2 2015 Jason Hirtz
(with Ch. Smith and J.-Y. Yu)
Oscillation des neutrinos stériles: de la détection à l'expérience STEREO aux modèles
M2 2014 Gabin Gbedo
(with M. Brinet)
La production de quarks lourds dans les diffusions profondement inelastiques
M1 2014 Jason Hirtz
(with Ch. Smith)
Sterile neutrino oscillations
M1 2012 Jeremy Bernon
(with T. Stavreva)
Direct photon plus jet production and energy loss
M2 2011 Florian Lyonnet (with M. Klasen and T. Jezo) New resonances at the Pierre Auger Observatory
M2 2009 Tomas Jezo
(with M. Klasen)
New resonances at the LHC [pdf]
M1 2009 Frederic Bauer Etude des distributions de partons: Ajustement en espace de Mellin [pdf]
M1 2009 Benjamin Dechenaux Etude des distributions de partons: Transformations de Mellin et prolongement analytique [pdf]
L3 2008 Vera Derya Color factors in QCD [pdf]
M2 2008 Christian Lorentzen Production des sleptons celibataires dans les collisions hadroniques polarisees [pdf] [ps]
M1 2008 Florian Linder Pionic Parton Distribution Functions [pdf]
M1 2007 Elias Assmann
(w/ G. Pignol)
Model-Independent Constraints on Extra Neutral Gauge Bosons from the Process e^- e^+ -> mu^- mu^+ [pdf]
M1 2007 Dietrich Rothe
(w/ G. Pignol)
Constraints to an Extra Vector Gauge Boson by Analysis of the Process e^+ e^- -> gamma nu nubar [pdf]

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Ingo Schienbein
Last modified: Sun Sep 28 11:18:33 CEST 2014