AlphaNTabs | AlphaNTabs contains |
BasePriority | Define priorites of nuclear databases to choose nuclei from BaseSummary.dat file |
BetaCollector | Define Beta collector for anti-neutrinos studies |
BetaSpectra | Define Beta spectra and reaction for anti-neutrinos studies |
Cell | A Cell is a MCNP cell |
CellHeader | Header of an evolving cell in a binary file |
CellOccupy | This class holds a list of all positions in the core lattice occupied by one cell (one universe number) |
DynamicalSystem | DynamicalSystem class solves system of differential equations |
EvolutiveSystem | EvolutiveSystem class carries out evolution |
EqualReaction | Comparison operator for Reaction class |
EvolutionControl | EvolutionControl allows interactions with the evolution |
EvolutionWrapper | Front-end class for Evolution(): enables easy and comprehensive specification of operation history, as well as core reshuffling |
FissileEvolutionControl | Evolution control for Fissile content |
HNEvolutionControl | EvolutionControl for heavy nuclide content control |
InLineReprocessing | InLineReprocessing is an EvolutionControl class for reprocessing without moving material |
PoisonEvolutionControl | EvolutionControl descendant for controlling evolution via absorption of control (poison) material |
RodEvolutionControl | EvolutionControl descendant allowing control via control rod insertion |
ExternalFuel | A ExternalFuel do what???????? |
FileHeader | Header of MURE output binary file |
FissionProduct | A FissionProduct Nucleus |
FPDistribution | A "vector" of FPDistribution |
FPRecord | A record in the data file where Fission Product are define |
FuelReprocessing | FuelReprocessing allows Fuel reprocessing during Evolution |
BlanketReprocessing | BlanketReprocessing allows Fuel reprocessing in Core and in Blanket during Evolution |
Material | A Material constituing a Cell |
ControlMaterial | A ControlMaterial |
MatX | Structure holding Material and a number (e.g. density, temperature etc.) |
MCNPSource | Define a MCNP Source |
MeshTally | Define a MeshTally class (abstract) |
FMeshTally | Define a MCNPX TMeshTally |
TMeshTally | Define a MCNPX TMeshTally |
MURE | MURE class allow to make connections between classes |
NuclearChart | A NuclearChart is a 2 dimensional array of nuclei up to maximum N & Z |
NucleiTree | A NucleiTree defines the whole tree of nuclei in case of evolution for a single ZAI |
NucleusRecord | Record of a nucleus in a binary file |
Reaction | Define a Reaction list for Tally multiplicator inputs |
ReactionList | Reactions to take into account for evolution of a given nucleus |
ReactionRecord | Record of a reaction in a binary file |
ReactorChannel | This is a MURE compound or multi-cellular object |
ReactorMesh | Manages filled assembly geometry - can be used for a coupled analysis with thermal hydraulics (cf. Class COBRA) |
COBRA | Manages the coupling analysis with thermal hydraulics code COBRA-EN |
ReadXSFile | Allows to read XS file in the MCNP ACE format |
Reference_ptr< T > | Handle dynamical object creation and pointer affectation |
Reference_ptr< Shape > | |
ReshufflingScheme | This class performs reshuffling of a lattice |
SpecialIsomer | Class to define special treatment for some isomers |
Spectrum | Base class to define spectra |
AlphaSpectrum | AlphaSpectrum contains a histogram of Alpha ray intensities |
BetaSpectrum | BetaSpectrum contains a histogram of Beta ray intensities |
GammaSpectrum | GammaSpectrum defines of gamma ray spectrum |
NeutronSpectrum | NeutronSpectrum contains a histogram of Neutron intensities |
Storage | Storage are outcore containers |
StoredXSforZAI | StoredXSforZAI is a class for storing some XS and use them later in the cycle |
StringLine | Class extracting fields from a string / line |
XSDIRLine | Extract all parameters from an XSDIR line |
Surface | Surface class is design to define MCNP surface format |
Tally | Define a MCNP Tally |
TallyBin | Define a general MCNP Tally Bin (cell or surface) |
GroupBin | Define group a cell or surface bin |
LatticeBin | Define Lattice Cell type bin |
SimpleBin | Define a Simple Bin |
TallyFM | Define a Tally Multiplicator entry (FM card in MCNP) |
TempCoefCalculator | This object performs temperature coefficient calculations for a general system |
TemperatureMap | The good way of handling temperature from data base |
TemporalStorage | TemporalStorage are outcore containers function of a Retreatment time |
TFunctor | Abstract class to define Functor (function of function) |
TSpecificFunctor< T > | Template class to assign a method of class T as argument |
ThermalCoupling | This object performs the variation of temperature in a given region for a specific system |
ThermalDataReader | This object reads thermodynamics values of fluids that are stored in files stored in MURE/thermal_data/ |
Transformation | Spatial Transformation for TR & TRCL cards |
TReference | Base class to reference all Shape objects |
Nucleus | A real Nucleus with a Temperature |
Shape | Base class to define shapes |
Brick | A rectangular parallepipede Shape |
Cylinder | Infinite cylinder Shape |
Node | Node allows to construct Union or Intersection of Shape |
Hexagon | Regular hexagon Shape of a given height |
Tube | A Tube is a finite Cylinder with a hole inside (like a pipe) |
Plane | Infinite plane Shape |
Sphere | Define a Sphere Shape |
VoidCoefCalculator | Void coefficient calculations for a general system |
XSDIR | Handle XSDIR file in order to extract information that could be easily retreived |
ZAI | A ZAI defined a (Z,A,Isomere) for a Nucleus |
ZAIReaction | A very simple class which contains the Reaction code and its weight for possible nuclear reactions of a ZAI |
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