| ControlMaterial () |
| Normal Constructor. More...
| ControlMaterial (int theNumber) |
| Special Constructor. More...
| ControlMaterial (const ControlMaterial &m) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| ControlMaterial (const Material &m) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| ~ControlMaterial () |
| Destructor. More...
Material * | Copy () |
| Correct copy method. Use instead of copy constructor! More...
void | AddTheControlNucleus (int Z, int A, double Proportion, ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit=kpMOL) |
| Add the nucleus chosen as the control nucleus (tallies are taken for it) More...
Material * | Clone (double Temperature=-1) |
| Clone a ControlMaterial. More...
vector< int > & | GetControlIndex () |
| returns the index list of the control nuclei in the composition vector More...
vector< Reaction > & | GetControlReactions () |
| returns the index list of the control nuclei in the composition vector More...
void | AddControlReaction (Reaction r) |
ControlMaterial * | Mix (Material *M2, double part, ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit) |
| Mix 2 Materials. More...
vector< Material * > | Duplicate (int N) |
| Duplicate material n times over. More...
| Material () |
| Normal Constructor. More...
| Material (int theNumber) |
| Special Constructor. More...
| Material (const Material &m) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~Material () |
| Destructor. More...
void | AddNucleus (int Z, int A, double Proportion=1., ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit=kpMOL, string ModeratorCatgory="") |
| Add a new Nucleus to the Material composition in the ground state. More...
void | AddNucleus (int Z, int A, int I, double Proportion, ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit=kpMOL, string ModeratorCatgory="") |
| Add a new Nucleus to the Material composition. More...
void | AddNucleus (ZAI *zai, double Proportion=1., ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit=kpMOL, string ModeratorCatgory="") |
| Add a new Nucleus to the Material composition. More...
void | AddNucleus (Nucleus_ptr nucleus, double Proportion=1., ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit=kpMOL) |
| Add a new Nucleus to the Material composition. More...
vector< Nucleus_ptr > & | GetComposition () |
| return the Composition vector More...
Nucleus_ptr | GetComposition (int i) |
| return the Composition vector More...
void | SetComposition (vector< Nucleus_ptr > f) |
| set the composition vector More...
Nucleus_ptr | GetNucleus (int Z, int A, int I=0) |
| return the Nucleus Z,A,I More...
double | GetProportion (int i, ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit) |
void | SetProportion (int i, double proportion, ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit) |
| Set the Proportion of the ith nucleus. More...
void | ResetProportion () |
| set all proprtion to 0. More...
Material * | Mix (Material *M2, double part, ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit=kpMOL, Material *M3=0) |
| Mix 2 Materials. More...
virtual vector< Material * > | Duplicate (int N, bool TrueClone=true) |
| Duplicate material n times over. More...
void | Proportion2AtomCM3 () |
| Convert proportion unit (kpMOL or kpMASS) in at/cm3. More...
ProportionUnitType | GetProportionUnit () |
| return the proportion units More...
double | SumProportion () |
| return the sum of Proportion of each nucleus More...
int | GetZAIIndex (ZAI *zai) |
| Get the index of a given zai in the composition vector. Return -1 if not there. More...
int | GetZAIIndex (int Z, int A, int I) |
| Get the index of a given zai in the composition vector. Return -1 if not there. More...
void | UpdateZAI (bool WithReactions=true, bool WithSF=true) |
| Update all ZAI of material (With reactions&decays or just decays). More...
void | AddToGlobalNucleiVector () |
| add all nuclei of this material to GlobalNucleiVector More...
void | AddZAIDaughters (ZAI *zai) |
| add the daughters of zai in this with proportion=0 More...
double | GetDensity (DensityUnitType DensityUnit) |
void | SetDensity (double Density, DensityUnitType DensityUnit=kdGCM3) |
| Set the density. More...
DensityUnitType | GetDensityUnit () |
| return the density units More...
double | GetTemperature () |
| returns the temperature in K. More...
void | SetTemperature (double T=293.6) |
| Set the temperature in K. More...
bool | HasModerator () |
| Whether or not will this Material contains a Moderator. More...
double | MeanMolarMass () |
| return the mean molar mass (in gram) More...
bool | IsFuel () |
| return true if material has been declared as a Fuel More...
bool | IsModerator () |
| return true if material has been declared as a moderator More...
bool | IsCladding () |
| return true if material has been declared as a cladding More...
bool | IsCoolant () |
| return true if material has been declared as a coolant More...
bool | IsWaterGap () |
| return true if material has been declared as a water gap More...
bool | IsModeratorBox () |
| return true if material has been declared as a moderator box More...
void | SetFuel (bool flag=true) |
| declares material as a Fuel More...
void | SetModerator (bool flag=true) |
| declares material as a moderator More...
void | SetCladding (bool flag=true) |
| declares material as a cladding More...
void | SetCoolant (bool flag=true) |
| declares material as a Coolant More...
void | SetWaterGap (bool flag=true) |
| declares material as a WaterGap More...
void | SetModeratorBox (bool flag=true) |
| declares material as a ModeratorBox More...
string | Print () |
| Print the Material (and its Nuclei) in MCNP format. More...
string | PrintAll () |
string | PrintModerator () |
| Print the MT card for moderator (e.g. grph.06t). More...
string | PrintCompositionInfo () |
void | ForbidPrint () |
| Forbid Material print in MCNP. More...
void | EnablePrint () |
| allow a Material print in MCNP. More...
void | SetPseudoMaterial () |
| Define it as a pesudo material. More...
bool | IsPseudoMaterial () |
| Is pesudo material. More...
bool | IsPrintable () |
| wether or not the Material is printable More...
string | PrintDensityUnit (DensityUnitType DensityUnit=kdUNDEFINED) |
| Pretty print of density units. More...
string | PrintProportionUnit (ProportionUnitType ProportionUnit=kpUNDEFINED) |
| Pretty print of proportion units. More...
void | DumpMaterial (string filename="material.dat") |
| Make a nuclear chart & ascii tree of the material & write them to disk. More...
void | DumpCompositionInfo (string name="CompInfo.dat") |
| Write the full composition information to a file. More...
void | DumpMaterial (string Filename, double Mass, double Volume) |
| Dump a material which can be open with MureGui -onlytox. More...
int | GetNumber () |
| Returns the MCNP Material number. More...
void | SetNumber (int n) |
| sets the MCNP Material number More...
void | SetDefaultXSExtension (string name) |
| Set a default extension for all nuclei of the material. More...
string | GetDefaultXSExtension () |
| return default extension for all nuclei of the material. More...
void | SetEvolution () |
| Say that this Material will evolve. More...
bool | IsEvolving () |
| Whether or not will this Material will evolve with the time. More...
bool | IsPerturbative () |
| Whether the material is a virtual (perturbative) material. More...
void | SetPerturbative (bool flag=true) |
| Whether the material is a virtual (perturbative) material. More...
void | SortCompositionByAmount () |
| Sort the proportions/compositions in proportion order (highest first). More...
void | SortCompositionByMass () |
| Sort the proportions/compositions in atomic mass order (highest first). More...
void | FindTotalSigmaPerNucleus () |
| Find total cross-section. More...
Material * | GetFatherOfPseudoClone () |
| returns the father ("original") of a pseudo clone More...
void | SetTemperatureEvolution (bool flag=true) |
| set the Temperature evolution flag More...
bool | IsOutCore () |
| wether or not the Material is evolving out of the core More...
Cell * | SetOutCore (int TheNumber, double TheVolume) |
| return a out core cell of volume TheVolume and number TheNumber More...
void | SetMaterialName (string name) |
| declares the name of the material (used when thermal coupling) More...
string | GetMaterialName () |
| returns the name of material More...
void | ResetTree () |
| Delete the fTree static attribute. More...
A ControlMaterial.
ControlMaterial allows to control Evolution via tallies of a material, e.g. poison control or fissile content control. Appropriate EvolutionControl has to be used or defined, as well as reactions used for tallying.
- Author
- Frantisek
@version 0.1