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FuelReprocessing Class Reference

FuelReprocessing allows Fuel reprocessing during Evolution. More...

#include <FuelReprocessing.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for FuelReprocessing:

Public Member Functions

 FuelReprocessing ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 FuelReprocessing (const FuelReprocessing &m)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual FuelReprocessingClone ()
 Correct way to copy a FuelReprocessing in case of derivation. More...
virtual ~FuelReprocessing ()
 Destructor. More...
Fuel Cell displacement methods
void AddReprocessing (Material *InMat, Cell *ToCell, Material *EquiliBriumMat=0, double EquilibriumTime=-1)
 Add Fresh Fuel to a Cell. More...
void EmptyCell (Cell *DepletedCell, double CoolingTime, bool NewInterimStorage=true)
 Extract Depleted Fuel from a Cell. More...
void AddReprocessing (Cell *FromCell, Cell *ToCell, int level=0)
 Replace Fuel from a Cell. More...
Reprocessing methods
virtual void CoreRefuel ()
 Put new fuel in the core. More...
virtual void ContinuousCoreRefuel ()
 Put new fuel in the core continuoulsy. NOT DONE. More...
virtual void StepCoreRefuel ()
 Put new fuel in the core at time step of fReprocessingTime. More...
virtual void DepletedFuelExtractor ()
 Extract depleted fuel and store it in Interim Storage. More...
virtual void AddFreshFuel ()
 Add fresh fuel in "Fresh" cells. More...
virtual void ReprocessInterimStorage ()
 Reprocess Interim Storage. More...
void SetFissileFertile (int N, int *Zarray)
 Set the Fissile/Fertile elements. More...
void SetExtractionFractionFromReprocessingPlant (int N, int *Zarray, double *Efficiency)
 Set the Depleted Fuel extraction fraction. More...
void SetExtractionFractionFromFuel (int N, int *Zarray, double *Efficiency)
 Set the Fuel extraction fraction. More...
void UseReprocessedStorage ()
 Build n Reprocessed Storage. More...
int GetNumberOfReprocessedStorage ()
 return the number of Reprocessed Storage More...
void SetFreshCellinReprocessedStorageLink (vector< int > Link)
 Set the links between Fresh Cells and Reprocessed Storages. More...
void SetReprocessedStorage2FreshCellLink (vector< int > Link)
 Set the links between Reprocessed Storages and Fresh Cells. More...
Processing Time methods
void SetRefuellingTime (vector< double > Time)
 Refuelling Time. More...
int GetReprocessingIndex ()
 The current index in the fRefuellingTime vector. More...
double GetCurentRefuellingTime ()
 Current refuelling time if it is discret. More...
void SetFuelFabricationTime (double Time=2 *365.25 *24 *3600)
 Set the fuel fabrication time. More...
double GetFuelFabricationTime ()
void SetContinuousReprocessing (bool flag=true)
 Reprocessing is continuous. More...
bool IsContinuousReprocessing ()
 true for continuous reprocessing More...
void SetContinuousReprocessingTimeVector (vector< vector< double > > ContinuousTime)
 set the continuous reprocessing time vector More...
vector< vector< double > > & GetContinuousReprocessingTimeVector ()
 return the continuous reprocessing time vector More...
Miscellaneous methods
void SetStorageEvolution (bool flag=true)
 Force the storage evolution. More...
bool IsStorageEvolution ()
 return true when storages evolved More...
void SetBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing (bool build=true)
 Builds MCNP file just before each refuelling. More...
bool GetBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing ()
void SetMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing (string name="post")
 Set the name of post evolution MCNP file. More...
string GetMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing ()
 return the name of post evolution MCNP file. More...
virtual void BuildStorages ()
 Build Interim & Waste Storage. More...
void SetFuelForm (int Z, int A, double MolarProp)
 Set the chemical form of the fuel. More...
virtual void PrintStorageMass ()
 print storage masses More...
string PrintMass (double m)
 return a string of mass value+unit More...
virtual void InitIndexes ()
 Init storage indexes when starting an evolution from T>0. More...
virtual void PrintIndexes ()
 Print storage indexes (debug method) More...

Protected Attributes

vector< double > fRefuellingTime
 vector of refuelling time More...
int fRefuellingIndex
 The current reprocessing index in the fReprocessingTime vector. More...
vector< Material * > fFreshFuel
 the fresh fuel to add More...
vector< Cell * > fFreshCell
 The cell vector that receive fresh fuel. More...
vector< vector< Cell * > > fChainCell
 The cell vector that exchange fuel. More...
vector< Cell * > fDepletedCell
 The cell vector that will be discharged. More...
vector< Material * > fEquilibriumFreshFuel
 Fresh fuel material used when T>fEquilibriumTime. More...
vector< double > fEquilibriumTime
 Time from which fEquilibriumFreshFueln is used instead of fFreshFuel. More...
vector< TemporalStorage * > fInterimStorage
 Interim Storage vector. More...
vector< TemporalStorage * > fReprocessedStorage
 Reprocessed Storage vector. More...
 Minor Act. Reprocessed Storage from the core. More...
 Waste Storage. More...
vector< int > fDP_2_IS
 vector linking Depleted Cell to Interim Storage More...
vector< int > fFC_in_RS
 vector linking Reprocessed Storage to Fresh Cells More...
vector< int > fRS_2_FC
 vector linking Reprocessed Storage to Fresh Cells More...
bool fUseReprocessedStorage
 True to build Reprocessed Storages. More...
vector< vector< double > > fContinuousReprocessingTimeVector
 vector of Z and EvolutiveSystem dependant reprocessing time in case of continuous reprocessing More...
bool fContinuousReprocessing
 true for continuous reprocessing More...
bool fBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing
 must be true if you want to generate the MCNP file describing your system just before the reprocessing More...
string fMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing
 the MCNP file generated just before the reprocessing will have this name, followed by the last MCNP run number More...
vector< int > fZFissileFertile
 vector of Z of fissile or fertile nuclei More...
vector< int > fZtoExtractFromFuel
 vector of Z of nuclei to extract when fuel is reprocessed More...
vector< double > fZEfficiencyExtractionFromFuel
 vector of extraction efficiency: 1=100%=this Z is completly extract, 0=0% More...
vector< int > fZtoExtractFromRP
 vector of Z of nuclei to extract from depleted fuel to reprocess More...
vector< double > fZEfficiencyExtractionFromRP
 vector of extraction efficiency: 1=100%=this Z is completly extract, 0=0% More...
double fFuelFabricationTime
 time to wait before doing something with reprocessed storage More...
bool fEvolvingStorage
 true if the outcore storage (interim & waste) are evolving More...
 The ZAI of the "form" of the fuel (O for oxide, C for Carbide, ...) More...
double fFuelFormMolProp
 Molar proportion of the FuelFormZAI (2 for O2, 1 for C, ...) More...
double fLastMassExtractedfromCore
 Last mass extracted from core (used only for print) More...
double fLastMassExtractedfromRP
 Last mass extracted from Reprocessed Storage (used only for print) More...
double fLastMassPutinWaste
 Last mass put in Waste Storage (used only for print) More...
vector< double > fInitExtractedAtoms
 The initial number of atoms of the first extracted assemblies. More...

Detailed Description

FuelReprocessing allows Fuel reprocessing during Evolution.


The aim of this class is to removed, at a given time for discret refuelling, depleted fuel from a cells, "reshuffle" of other cells, and add fresh fuel. Removed fuels go first in an Interim Storage (in fact, 1 Interim Storage per refuelling time) for a Cooling period. Then, the content of the Interim storage is sent to either a Waste Storage and/or (at least a part) to a Reprocessed Storage for further use. A third storage (Minor Actinide Core Storage) may be used to separate, after the cooling time, the "recycled fuel" from "MA". This extra separation is done via FuelReprocessing::SetFissileFertile() method


Only after a Refabrication period (FuelReprocessing::SetFuelFabricationTime()) the Reprocessed and MA Core storage may be used (recycling).

  • All storages are outcore (virtual) cells (i.e. with negative number). By default, composition of storages evolves with time (according to decay only beacause they are outcore cells). The FuelReprocessing::SetStorageEvolution(false) method disable this storage fuel evolution.
  • Using MureGui, if a long term evolution is done, you may have some memory problems due to large number of storages. To special falg of MureGui can be used to avoid such problem "-skipstorage" which read all in flux cells and the Waste Storage but skip other storage, and a "-start XXX" flag that allows to read [B]DATA_xxx files only from the run number XXX.

See examples/Evolution/Reprocess.cxx for more detail.


For example, for 3 cellsof volume V, C1, C2 and C3, if one want to remove depleted fuel of C3, replace it by the contains of C2 and replace the conatins of C2 by the one of C1 and add fresh fuel in C1:


Extracted fuels are stored (as a function of the refuelling time) in Interim Storage (1 storage for each refuelling time). After a cooling period, Interim storage (or part of them) are sent to a Waste storage, which stores the final waste, and/or to Reprocessed & MA Core Storages for further use after the Refabrication time ; thus, the availability of these storage are at time TCooling+TRefabrication

Interim Storage are virtually emptied: they evolve (if one has not disable this option) until the cooling time, then their compositions are kept constant until then end (for seek of simplicity, one thus can read their compositions in the last [B]DATA_xxx file).

The FuelReprocessing::ReprocessInterimStorage method defines the reprocessing treatment of interim storage ;

See Also
User Guide

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FuelReprocessing::FuelReprocessing ( )

Default Constructor.

FuelReprocessing::FuelReprocessing ( const FuelReprocessing m)

Copy constructor.

virtual FuelReprocessing::~FuelReprocessing ( )


Member Function Documentation

void FuelReprocessing::AddFreshFuel ( )

Add fresh fuel in "Fresh" cells.

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

void FuelReprocessing::AddReprocessing ( Material InMat,
Cell ToCell,
Material EquiliBriumMat = 0,
double  EquilibriumTime = -1 

Add Fresh Fuel to a Cell.

Just build the link between object.

  • If EquiliBriumMat and EquilibriumTime are not defined, the ToCell cell is filled at each reprocessing time with InMat material.
  • If EquiliBriumMat and EquilibriumTime are defined, then the ToCell cell is filled with InMat material until reprocessing time > EquilibriumTime ; then, the EquiliBriumMat material is used as fresh fuel. This can be useful to define a starting fresh material (e.g. U/Pu) and then, when Reprocessed storages are available, a new fresh material is used (e.g. depleted U for a breeder system), as well as the recycled U/Pu from the reprocessed storage.
InMat: The fresh fuel to add if T<EquilibriumTime.
ToCell: The cell that will be fill with the fresh fuel
EquiliBriumMat: The fresh fuel to add if T>=EquilibriumTime.
EquilibriumTime: The time from which EquiliBriumMat will be used.
void FuelReprocessing::AddReprocessing ( Cell FromCell,
Cell ToCell,
int  level = 0 

Replace Fuel from a Cell.

The Fuel of the FromCell is put in the ToCell. Just build the link between object. !!!!WARNING: if Cell C1 content goes in C2, C2 in C3, C3 in ... you have to write

and NOT

FromCell: The cell that will be discharged of its fuel.
ToCell: The cell that will be filled with the FromCell's Fuel.
level: order in the chain
void FuelReprocessing::BuildStorages ( )

Build Interim & Waste Storage.

Build necessary materials & cells for waste storage (call in MURE::Evolution)

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

virtual FuelReprocessing* FuelReprocessing::Clone ( )

Correct way to copy a FuelReprocessing in case of derivation.

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

void FuelReprocessing::ContinuousCoreRefuel ( )

Put new fuel in the core continuoulsy. NOT DONE.

void FuelReprocessing::CoreRefuel ( )

Put new fuel in the core.

This calls either FuelReprocessing::ContinuousCoreRefuel or FuelReprocessing::StepCoreRefuel depending on the fContinuousReprocessing flag. Fuel may be reprocessed.

void FuelReprocessing::DepletedFuelExtractor ( )

Extract depleted fuel and store it in Interim Storage.

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

void FuelReprocessing::EmptyCell ( Cell DepletedCell,
double  CoolingTime,
bool  NewInterimStorage = true 

Extract Depleted Fuel from a Cell.

Build the Interim Storages (here just at "t=0") where depleted fuels go. The depleted fuel is extracted and store in a Clone of the DepletedCell Material (with zero proportion). The Cooling Time is the time to wait before retreating the Interim Storage.

DepletedCell: The cell that will be discharged of old fuel.
CoolingTime: The cooling time before retreat or discharge the Interim Storage.
NewInterimStorage: Whether or not to use a new Interim Storage or to use the previous one.
bool FuelReprocessing::GetBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing ( )
vector<vector<double> >& FuelReprocessing::GetContinuousReprocessingTimeVector ( )

return the continuous reprocessing time vector

double FuelReprocessing::GetCurentRefuellingTime ( )

Current refuelling time if it is discret.

double FuelReprocessing::GetFuelFabricationTime ( )

return refabrication time in second!

string FuelReprocessing::GetMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing ( )

return the name of post evolution MCNP file.

int FuelReprocessing::GetNumberOfReprocessedStorage ( )

return the number of Reprocessed Storage

int FuelReprocessing::GetReprocessingIndex ( )

The current index in the fRefuellingTime vector.

void FuelReprocessing::InitIndexes ( )

Init storage indexes when starting an evolution from T>0.

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

bool FuelReprocessing::IsContinuousReprocessing ( )

true for continuous reprocessing

bool FuelReprocessing::IsStorageEvolution ( )

return true when storages evolved

void FuelReprocessing::PrintIndexes ( )

Print storage indexes (debug method)

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

string FuelReprocessing::PrintMass ( double  m)

return a string of mass value+unit

void FuelReprocessing::PrintStorageMass ( )

print storage masses

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

void FuelReprocessing::ReprocessInterimStorage ( )

Reprocess Interim Storage.

Reprocess interim storages after a cooling period. The FuelReprocessing::ReprocessInterimStorage method defines the reprocessing treatment of interim storage ;

Reimplemented in BlanketReprocessing.

void FuelReprocessing::SetBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing ( bool  build = true)

Builds MCNP file just before each refuelling.

This method allows to build a MCNP file just before each refuelling (with compositions at the end of the step before any fuel displacement) to be used later for completing results with MCNP run "by hand". Each MCNP file just before reprocessing has the same number than its corresponding MCNP file built just after reprocessing, at the same time.

void FuelReprocessing::SetContinuousReprocessing ( bool  flag = true)

Reprocessing is continuous.

The reprocessing is done at each Runge-Kutta step (quasi continuous).

!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS YET NOT IMPLEMENTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
void FuelReprocessing::SetContinuousReprocessingTimeVector ( vector< vector< double > >  ContinuousTime)

set the continuous reprocessing time vector

void FuelReprocessing::SetExtractionFractionFromFuel ( int  N,
int *  Zarray,
double *  Efficiency 

Set the Fuel extraction fraction.

When removing fuel from old depleted cells, one can remove 100% of all nuclei (the default), or define explicitely a fraction for given isotopes. For example, if one want to extract 100% of all nuclei except for Uranium and plutonium where the efficiency is 1% and 2% respectively (that is to say 99% of U and 98% of Pu are left in the "depleted" cells), one call this method with SetExtractionFractionFromFuel(2,Zarray, Effeciency); where it has been defined:

int Zarray[2]={92, 94}; // Z of U and Pu
double Efficiency[2]={0.01, 0.02}; //efficiency for U and Pu
MyFuelReprocessing->SetExtractionFractionFromFuel(2, Z, Efficiency);
If Zarray has only one dimension and Zarray[0]=0, then the constant value Efficiency[0] is used for all nuclei.
N: size of the 2 following arrays.
Zarray: Array of Z to defined extraction efficiency for this Z isotope.
Efficiency: Array of Efficiency for the extraction (1=100%).
void FuelReprocessing::SetExtractionFractionFromReprocessingPlant ( int  N,
int *  Zarray,
double *  Efficiency 

Set the Depleted Fuel extraction fraction.

When removing nuclei from depleted fuel, one can remove 100% of all nuclei (the default) to put them in the Waste Storage, or define explicitely a fraction for given isotopes that will be stored in a Reprocessed fuel Storage. For example, if one want to extract 100% of all nuclei except for Uranium and plutonium where the efficiency is 1% and 2% respectively (that is to say 99% of U and 98% of Pu are left in the Waste Storage), one calls this method as:

int Z[2]={92, 94}; // Z of U and Pu
double Efficiency[2]={0.01, 0.02}; //efficiency for U and Pu
MyFuelReprocessing->SetExtractionFractionFromReprocessingPlant(2, Z, Efficiency);
If Zarray has only one dimension and Zarray[0]=0, then the constant value Efficiency[0] is used for all nuclei.
N: size of the 2 following arrays.
Zarray: Array of Z to defined extraction efficiency for this Z isotope.
Efficiency: Array of Efficiency for the extraction (1=100%).
void FuelReprocessing::SetFissileFertile ( int  N,
int *  Zarray 

Set the Fissile/Fertile elements.

Each Fissile/Fertile elements defined here must also have bee defined in the FuelReprocessing::SetExtractionFractionFromReprocessingPlant() method.

Fissiles and fertiles elements have special treatment:

If one want to recycle only some nuclei in a Core (without the MA Core storage) it is not necessary to used this method.

Example 1: Recycling in a Core U/Pu and MA (losses 0.1%), every thing else is sent to waste:

int Z[5]={92,93,94,95,96}; // Z of U, Np, Pu, Am and Cm
// // efficiency for U, Np, Pu, Am and Cm
double Efficiency[5]={0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001};
MyFuelReprocessing->SetExtractionFractionFromReprocessingPlant(5, Z,Efficiency);
MyFuelReprocessing->SetFissileFertile(5, Z); //this line is not necessary !!!

Example 2: Recycling in a Core U/Pu and separating MA (losses 0.1%), every thing else is sent to waste:

int Z[5]={92,93,94,95,96}; // Z of U, Np, Pu, Am and Cm
// // efficiency for U, Np, Pu, Am and Cm
double Efficiency[5]={0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001};
MyFuelReprocessing->SetExtractionFractionFromReprocessingPlant(5, Z,Efficiency);
int Z_fisfert[2]={92,94};// Z of U and Pu
MyFuelReprocessing->SetFissileFertile(2, Z_fisfert);
N: size of the following array.
Zarray: Array of Z to defined fissiles and fertiles.
void FuelReprocessing::SetFreshCellinReprocessedStorageLink ( vector< int >  Link)

Set the links between Fresh Cells and Reprocessed Storages.

If a Reprocessed Storage is used to fill more than one fresh cell (say N), the storage fuel will be equally divided in N to fill part of these cells. The Link vector is such as Link[fresh_cell_idx]=storage_num ; for example Link[0]=0, Link[1]=0 mean that the 2 first declared fresh cells used the fuel of Reprocessed Storage number 0, which is the first RS defined by FuelReprocessing::EmptyCell() method.

Defining a negative value in the Link array (e.g. Link[1]=-1) will prevent the use of storage (here 1) to fill the corresponding fresh cell (index=1 here). This allows for example to used the contents of RS from a cell to fill an other one (see FuelReprocessing::SetReprocessedStorage2FreshCellLink().

Link: vector of storage number for each fresh cell (index).
void FuelReprocessing::SetFuelFabricationTime ( double  Time = 2*365.25*24*3600)

Set the fuel fabrication time.

The fuel fabrication time is the time to wait before doing something with a Reprocessed Storage. Depleted fuel goes to Interim Storage for a Cooling Time, then it is extract to either Waste Storage, and/or to a Processed Storage ; then one waits a fabrication time before reusing this "new" fuel

Time: refabrication time in second [default= 2years].
void FuelReprocessing::SetFuelForm ( int  Z,
int  A,
double  MolarProp 

Set the chemical form of the fuel.

When using Reprocessed Storage for refuelling the core, one has to know the "chemical" form of the fuel: indeed, if one reprocess U/Pu for example from the depleted fuel, the new fuel made from that must be of the same form than the initial one. If fuel is oxide such as PuO2/UO2, for each mole of Pu, one has to add 2 (the MolarProp param) mol of O (Z=8, A=16).

For metallic fuel, this method has not to be used.
Z: Z of the annex chemical element (Z of O for UO2 fuel).
A: A of the annex chemical element (A of O for UO2 fuel).
MolarProp: Molar proportion of the annex chemical element (2 for UO2 fuel).
void FuelReprocessing::SetMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing ( string  name = "post")

Set the name of post evolution MCNP file.

This name is the name of the MCNP file just before each refuelling at the end of the evolution. see FuelReprocessing::SetBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing

void FuelReprocessing::SetRefuellingTime ( vector< double >  Time)

Refuelling Time.

Set the time vector at which the refuelling is done. In fact, the real refuelling time Tr will be done just before a MCNP step (at t=T_MCNP[j]); thus the ith refuelling is done at Tr=T_MCNP[j], if T_MCNP[j-1]<fRefuellingTime[i]<=T_MCNP[j] ; defining this refuelling time as a multiple of T_MCNP will assure that Tr is exactly one of the given value of the Time vector parameter.

This is only needed when the reprocessing is not continuous.

Time: vector of reprocessing time.
void FuelReprocessing::SetReprocessedStorage2FreshCellLink ( vector< int >  Link)

Set the links between Reprocessed Storages and Fresh Cells.

When Reprocessed Storage are used, this method indicates in which cells one put the content of a given RS. The array Link[RS_idx]=Fresh_Cell_number ; for example Link[0]=FreshCell_1->GetNumber(), Link[1]=FreshCell_1->GetNumber() mean that the 2 first declared Reprocessed Storages (idx 0 and 1) are used to fill the same fresh cell (FreshCell_1).

This method is closely linked with FuelReprocessing::SetFreshCellinReprocessedStorageLink().

Link: vector of fresh cell number for each Reprocessed Storage.
void FuelReprocessing::SetStorageEvolution ( bool  flag = true)

Force the storage evolution.

Interim storages, Waste Storage, ... are by default evolving (i.e., materials of these storages evolve outside of the core (only decays). Setting the flag to false will prevent them to evolve.

flag: true if one want to make storage evolution (out core).
void FuelReprocessing::StepCoreRefuel ( )

Put new fuel in the core at time step of fReprocessingTime.

void FuelReprocessing::UseReprocessedStorage ( )

Build n Reprocessed Storage.

Member Data Documentation

bool FuelReprocessing::fBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing

must be true if you want to generate the MCNP file describing your system just before the reprocessing

vector<vector<Cell*> > FuelReprocessing::fChainCell

The cell vector that exchange fuel.

bool FuelReprocessing::fContinuousReprocessing

true for continuous reprocessing

vector<vector<double> > FuelReprocessing::fContinuousReprocessingTimeVector

vector of Z and EvolutiveSystem dependant reprocessing time in case of continuous reprocessing

TemporalStorage* FuelReprocessing::fCoreMARS

Minor Act. Reprocessed Storage from the core.

vector<Cell*> FuelReprocessing::fDepletedCell

The cell vector that will be discharged.

vector<int> FuelReprocessing::fDP_2_IS

vector linking Depleted Cell to Interim Storage

vector<Material*> FuelReprocessing::fEquilibriumFreshFuel

Fresh fuel material used when T>fEquilibriumTime.

vector<double> FuelReprocessing::fEquilibriumTime

Time from which fEquilibriumFreshFueln is used instead of fFreshFuel.

bool FuelReprocessing::fEvolvingStorage

true if the outcore storage (interim & waste) are evolving

vector<int> FuelReprocessing::fFC_in_RS

vector linking Reprocessed Storage to Fresh Cells

vector<Cell*> FuelReprocessing::fFreshCell

The cell vector that receive fresh fuel.

vector<Material*> FuelReprocessing::fFreshFuel

the fresh fuel to add

double FuelReprocessing::fFuelFabricationTime

time to wait before doing something with reprocessed storage

double FuelReprocessing::fFuelFormMolProp

Molar proportion of the FuelFormZAI (2 for O2, 1 for C, ...)

ZAI* FuelReprocessing::fFuelFormZAI

The ZAI of the "form" of the fuel (O for oxide, C for Carbide, ...)

vector<double> FuelReprocessing::fInitExtractedAtoms

The initial number of atoms of the first extracted assemblies.

vector<TemporalStorage*> FuelReprocessing::fInterimStorage

Interim Storage vector.

double FuelReprocessing::fLastMassExtractedfromCore

Last mass extracted from core (used only for print)

double FuelReprocessing::fLastMassExtractedfromRP

Last mass extracted from Reprocessed Storage (used only for print)

double FuelReprocessing::fLastMassPutinWaste

Last mass put in Waste Storage (used only for print)

string FuelReprocessing::fMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing

the MCNP file generated just before the reprocessing will have this name, followed by the last MCNP run number

int FuelReprocessing::fRefuellingIndex

The current reprocessing index in the fReprocessingTime vector.

vector<double> FuelReprocessing::fRefuellingTime

vector of refuelling time

vector<TemporalStorage*> FuelReprocessing::fReprocessedStorage

Reprocessed Storage vector.

vector<int> FuelReprocessing::fRS_2_FC

vector linking Reprocessed Storage to Fresh Cells

bool FuelReprocessing::fUseReprocessedStorage

True to build Reprocessed Storages.

Storage* FuelReprocessing::fWasteStorage

Waste Storage.

vector<double> FuelReprocessing::fZEfficiencyExtractionFromFuel

vector of extraction efficiency: 1=100%=this Z is completly extract, 0=0%

vector<double> FuelReprocessing::fZEfficiencyExtractionFromRP

vector of extraction efficiency: 1=100%=this Z is completly extract, 0=0%

vector<int> FuelReprocessing::fZFissileFertile

vector of Z of fissile or fertile nuclei

vector<int> FuelReprocessing::fZtoExtractFromFuel

vector of Z of nuclei to extract when fuel is reprocessed

vector<int> FuelReprocessing::fZtoExtractFromRP

vector of Z of nuclei to extract from depleted fuel to reprocess

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