Manages the coupling analysis with thermal hydraulics code COBRA-EN. More...
#include <COBRA.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
Constructor & destructor | |
COBRA (int NZones, int NLevels, string AssemblyName="A", bool Hex=false) | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~COBRA () |
Default destructor. More... | |
COBRA () | |
Fictitious constructor ; just used for reset of static bool. More... | |
virtual COBRA * | Clone () |
Correct way to copy a COBRA object in case of derivation. More... | |
![]() | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > & | GetFuelCell () |
returns the Fuel (evolving) Cell vector[Nradial][Naxial]. More... | |
ReactorMesh (int NZones=1, int NLevels=1, string AssemblyName="A", bool Hex=false) | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~ReactorMesh () |
Default destructor. More... | |
void | SetExternalShape (Shape_ptr TheShape) |
Assembly delimitation ; if plenum is required think to add the half thickness of plenum up and down when the build of this shape is done. More... | |
void | SetSpecialExternalShape (Shape_ptr TheShape) |
Assembly delimitation but with a node (not a simple shape like a brick) More... | |
void | Translate (double dx, double dy, double dz) |
Translate an assembly into the core. More... | |
void | SetDimensions (double FuelRadius, double CladThickness, double Pitch, int Zone=-1) |
Channel data. More... | |
void | SetSpecialDimensions (double FuelPinRadius, double CladThickness, double Pitch, double R1, int Zone=-1) |
Special Channel data. More... | |
void | SetGTDimensions (double InnerCladRadius, double CladThickness, int Zone=-1) |
Guide tubes data. More... | |
void | SetCRDimensions (double InnerCRRadius, double CRCladThickness, double CoolantGapThickness, double CladThickness, int Zone=-1) |
Control Rods tubes data. More... | |
void | SetCenteredPosition (double dx=0., double dy=0.) |
Horizontal deviation of the center of first meshing rod (allows correct geometry without cutted rods at border) More... | |
void | SetGasSpaceData (double GasThickness=0, double GasPressure=0, double HeFraMol=0, double XeFraMol=0, int Zone=-1) |
Fuel to cladding gas space (filled by He, Xe, Ar, Kr, ...) NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. More... | |
void | AddMaterials (Material *Fuel, Material *Cladding, Material *Coolant, int Zone=-1, int Level=-1) |
Materials constituing cells for each zone. More... | |
void | AddSpecialMaterials (Material *Fuel, Material *Cladding, Material *Coolant, Material *Spec1, int Zone=-1) |
void | AddGTMaterials (Material *GTInside, Material *GTCladding, int Zone=-1) |
void | AddCRMaterials (Material *CRMat, Material *CRCladding, Material *CoolantGap, Material *ExtCladding, int Zone=-1) |
void | AddCircleZoneRadius (double Radius) |
Sets radius of differents circles defining each zones. More... | |
void | AddPinPos (int X, int Y, int Zone) |
Add manually position of pin linked with a zone. More... | |
void | AddGuideTube (int X, int Y, int Z=-1) |
Add guide tubes. More... | |
void | AddControlRod (int X, int Y, int Z=-1) |
Add Control rods tubes. More... | |
void | AddSpecialPin (int X, int Y, int Zone=-1) |
Add special pins. More... | |
void | ForcedPinCloseToBorder (int PinZoneForItsDimension=-1) |
Force pins closed to the border for hexagonal lattice geometry. More... | |
void | CreateGeometry () |
Creates the geometry. More... | |
void | SetSource (int NPS=5000, int ActivesCycles=100, int InactivesCycles=100) |
Sets a volumic neutron source. More... | |
void | UpdatePointer () |
Update pointers when Copy in MURE is done. More... | |
void | SetPlenum (double PlenumThickness) |
Sets plenum at the top and at the bottom - MUST be used BEFORE SetExternalShape() !!!!! More... | |
bool | IsACOBRAObject () |
Test on real type of object. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
Input file buiders | |
void | Card1 () |
Generate and Write : Run Identifier. More... | |
void | Card2 () |
Generate and Write : General Options. More... | |
void | Card3 () |
Generate and Write : General TH Parameters. More... | |
void | Card4 () |
Generate and Write : Axial Intervals. More... | |
void | Card5 () |
Generate and Write : Linear Rod Powers. More... | |
void | Card7 () |
Generate and Write : Channel Connexion Data. More... | |
void | Card8 () |
Generate and Write : Rod To Subchannel Connection Data. More... | |
void | Card10 () |
Generate and Write : Channel Data. More... | |
void | Card11 () |
Generate and Write : Grids position. More... | |
void | Card12 () |
Generate and Write : Data for COBRA Fuel Heating Models. More... | |
void | Card14 () |
Generate and Write : Hydraulic Model Indicators. More... | |
void | Card18 () |
Generate and Write : Two Phase Friction Model. More... | |
void | Card20 () |
Generate and Write : Void Friction Model. More... | |
void | Card22 () |
Generate and Write : Heat Transfer Model. More... | |
void | Card26 () |
Generate and Write : Parameters Section A and B. More... | |
void | Card27 () |
Generate and Write : Convergence Parameters. More... | |
void | Card29 () |
Generate and Write : Operating Conditions. More... | |
void | Card30 () |
Generate and Write : Time Data. More... | |
void | Card32 () |
Generate and Write : Transient Parameters. More... | |
void | Card36 () |
Generate and Write : Output Printing. More... | |
Internal methods | |
COBRA (const COBRA &c) | |
< Copy constructor More... | |
void | Init () |
Initializes some structures. More... | |
void | THDataCalculations () |
Calculates values necessary to COBRA code. More... | |
void | MeshGridMC () |
Create mesh grid correspondance between MURE and COBRA lattices. More... | |
void | CardComment (int N, string Comment) |
Generate and Write comments of cards. More... | |
string | InputCardTruncate (double Value, int CharNumber, bool MustBeADouble=false) |
Truncate value to the correct input size. More... | |
void | CalculatePowerDeposits () |
Calculate cells' power deposits. More... | |
void | CalculateChannelsPositions () |
Calculate channels' positions. More... | |
vector< double > | CalculateChannelConnectionAndData (int ChannelNumber) |
Calculate channels connections distances and channels data (area and perimeters) More... | |
vector< double > | IdentifyRodsToSubChannelsConnexion (int RodNumber) |
Calculate Rod to subchannel connection data. More... | |
void | OrganizeChannels () |
Organize Channels types. More... | |
void | PrintData () |
Print output files of geometry and power deposits. More... | |
void | PrintNewTHData () |
Print output files of new operating conditions. More... | |
void | RunCOBRA () |
Run script for COBRA launching. More... | |
void | CheckCoherence () |
Checks coherence on data : some improvments are to be done. More... | |
COBRA Reader Internal subroutines | |
void | UpdateData () |
Run routines to get and update all data. More... | |
void | CheckOutputFile () |
Checks output file presence (results of thermal hydraulics computation) More... | |
void | ExtractData () |
Read the output file and store required data into matrix (temperatures, densities, ...) More... | |
void | MCNPCellsDataAverages () |
Do an average on thermal data (COBRA mesh —> MURE mesh) More... | |
void | MCNPZonesDataAverages () |
Do an average on radial zones thermal data for each axial level (MURE simplified mesh) More... | |
void | RebootStrapping () |
Re initialize some values (in the case of iterations with neutronics) More... | |
![]() | |
void | Copy (const ReactorMesh &m) |
< Copy ReactorMesh object m attributs in this More... | |
ReactorMesh (const ReactorMesh &m) | |
void | CreateShapes () |
Creates shapes. More... | |
void | CreateCells () |
Creates cells. More... | |
void | FillSquaredCells () |
Fills cells for squared lattices. More... | |
void | FillTriangularCells () |
Fills cells for triangular lattices. More... | |
void | CreatePlenum () |
Creates shapes and cells for the plenum up and down. More... | |
bool | ParTest (int n) |
Parity test. More... | |
int | ZoneDiscretization (int i, int j, int k) |
Automatic discretization of the differents zones. More... | |
void | Init () |
Initializes some structures. More... | |
void | PrintData () |
Print output files. More... | |
void | Closing () |
Some routines to execute before exiting. More... | |
void | InitializeLatticeDiagram () |
Initialize the lattice mesh diagram. More... | |
void | CreateGuideTubesCells () |
Creates cells for Guide Tubes. More... | |
void | CreateControlRodsCells () |
Creates cells for Control Rods. More... | |
int | CheckFillZoneOfPin (int i, int j, int k, int FillZone) |
Checks if a position in a mesh have the correct zone number (case of manually set of pin in the mesh) More... | |
Private Attributes | |
bool | fHydraulicModelIndicators |
If true, user hydraulics parameters are used. More... | |
string | fAssemblyName |
Identification Name Of the assembly. More... | |
int | fFuelRodsNumber |
Total number of fuel rods (control rods are including in this numbering but they do not release power) More... | |
int | fChannelsNumber |
Total number of coolant channels (not including bypass channels) More... | |
int | fChannelType |
Number of different channel types. More... | |
int | fNDX |
Number of axials interval in thermal hydraulics. More... | |
double | fInletTemperature |
Inlet temperature (K) default = 560 K. More... | |
double | fInletDensity |
If necessary for plenum : inlet density linked with the temperature. More... | |
double | fInletMassFlux |
Average inlet mass flux (kg/m2/s) default = 3900 kg/m2/s. More... | |
double | fInletBoronConcentration |
Inlet boron concentration (mass proportion in ppm) default = 1000 ppm. More... | |
double | fExitPressure |
System exit pressure (MPa) default = 15.8 MPa. More... | |
string | fDirectory |
MURE output directory. More... | |
ofstream * | fInputFile |
COBRA Input File. More... | |
ifstream * | fOutputFile |
COBRA Output File. More... | |
int | fNumberOfGrids |
Number of grids. More... | |
double | fGridCoeff |
Grid loss coefficient. More... | |
vector< double > | fGridPositions |
Positions of grids. More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fPower |
Power deposit value for each radial and axial zones. More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fPowerErr |
Error on power deposit value for each radial and axial zones. More... | |
vector< vector< int > > | fCOBRARodsLatticeNumbering |
Matrix containing rods lattice mesh data for COBRA identification number (MURE->COBRA) More... | |
vector< vector< int > > | fCOBRAChannelsLatticeNumbering |
Matrix containing channels lattice mesh data for COBRA identification number (MURE->COBRA) More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fCOBRAChannelsRCXPos |
Matrix containing channels top right corner X cartesian position. More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fCOBRAChannelsRCYPos |
Matrix containing channels top right corner Y cartesian position. More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fCOBRAChannelsCenterXPos |
Matrix containing channels center X cartesian position. More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fCOBRAChannelsCenterYPos |
Matrix containing channels center Y cartesian position. More... | |
vector< vector< int > > | fChannelTypes |
Matrix containing channels types with their identification number. More... | |
vector< double > | fChannelFlowArea |
Flow area value of the channel. More... | |
vector< double > | fChannelWettedPerimeter |
Wetted perimeter value of the channel. More... | |
vector< double > | fChannelHeatedPerimeter |
Heated perimeter value of the channel. More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fMUREFuelCellsTemp |
Matrix containing MURE fuel cells temperature f[X][Y] : X = COBRA rod numbering ; Y = Levels steps (bottom at first) More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fMURECladCellsTemp |
Matrix containing MURE cladding cells temperature f[X][Y] : X = COBRA rod numbering ; Y = Levels steps (bottom at first) More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fMURECoolantCellsTemp |
Matrix containing MURE coolant cells temperature f[X][Y] : X = COBRA rod numbering ; Y = Levels steps (bottom at first) More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fCOBRACoolantChannelDensity |
Temporary Matrix containing COBRA coolant channels temperature f[X][Y] : X = COBRA channel numbering ; Y = Levels steps (bottom at first) More... | |
vector< vector< double > > | fMURECoolantCellsDensity |
Matrix containing MURE coolant cells temperature f[X][Y] : X = COBRA rod numbering ; Y = Levels steps (bottom at first) More... | |
double | fOutletMeanTemperature |
Outlet mean temperature (used for plenum) More... | |
double | fOutletMeanDensity |
Outlet mean density (used for plenum) More... | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static bool | fSigmaPhiUpdated =false |
Check if the update of sigma phi is already done. More... | |
Miscellaneous methods | |
void | SetInletTemperature (double T) |
Set system inlet temperature (K) More... | |
void | SetInletMassFlux (double Q) |
Set average inlet mass flux for channels (kg/m2/s) More... | |
void | SetInletBoronConcentration (double C) |
Set inlet boron concentration (mass proportion in ppm) More... | |
void | SetExitPressure (double P) |
Set system exit pressure (MPa) More... | |
void | BuildCOBRAFile () |
Generate and Write file on disk (calling others methods) More... | |
void | SetGridsCoeff (double GridCoefficient) |
Set grid loss coefficients. More... | |
void | SetGridsPos (double Pos) |
Set relative grid position (fractional distance up channel : z/H) More... | |
string | GetAssemblyName () |
returns the name of the assembly More... | |
void | SetInletDensity (double D) |
Set system inlet density (kg/m3) - used only to plenum IF necessary. If it is not used, default value is the first cell density. More... | |
void | SetUserHydraulicsModel () |
Use special models for heat transfer (use carefully) More... | |
static void | ResetSigmaPhiBool () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
int | fAxialLevels |
The number of axial levels (number of differents cells in z direction) More... | |
int | fRadialZones |
The number of radial zones (number of differents cells in x,y direction) More... | |
bool | fIsHexagon |
Whether the channel is hexagonal (default is Cuboid) More... | |
bool | fIsGasSpace |
Whether gas space is simulated between cladding and fuel pin. More... | |
bool | fIsPinPos |
Whether some pin are manually set. More... | |
bool | fIsGuideTubes |
Whether there is guide tubes in the geometry. More... | |
bool | fIsControlRods |
Whether there is control rods in the geometry. More... | |
bool | fIsSpecialPins |
Whether there is special pins in the geometry. More... | |
vector< double > | fFuelRadius |
The radius of the fuel rod of a zone. More... | |
vector< double > | fCladThickness |
The thickness of the cladding of a zone. More... | |
vector< double > | fGTRadius |
The inner radius of the guide tube rod of a zone or the radius of control rod. More... | |
vector< double > | fGTCladThickness |
The thickness of the guide tube cladding of a zone. More... | |
vector< double > | fRadius1 |
Radius of a rod part of a zone. More... | |
vector< double > | fCRRadius |
The CR pin radius. More... | |
vector< double > | fCRCladThickness |
The CR Cladding thickness. More... | |
vector< double > | fCRCoolantGapThickness |
The CR Coolant gap thickness. More... | |
vector< double > | fCRExtCladThickness |
The CR external Cladding thickness. More... | |
double | fPitch |
The pitch of channels. More... | |
double | fChannelHeight |
The height of the channel (not the reactor height) - Is the same for all. More... | |
double | fAssemblyWidth |
The assembly width (brick case) X axis. More... | |
double | fAssemblyLength |
The assembly length (brick case) Y axis. More... | |
double | fAssemblySide |
The length of a hexagon side (hexagon case) More... | |
double | fAssemblyHeight |
The assembly height. More... | |
int | fXNumberOfPins |
Number of pins in X axis. More... | |
int | fYNumberOfPins |
Number of pins in Y axis. More... | |
double | fXDeviation |
X translation of the center pin (instead of begining the mesh on 0,0,0) More... | |
double | fYDeviation |
Y translation of the center pin. More... | |
double | fZDeviation |
Z translation of the center pin. More... | |
double | fXCenterDeviationOfMesh |
Storage of the X translation of the center pin for the mesh inside the assembly. More... | |
double | fYCenterDeviationOfMesh |
Storage of the Y translation of the center pin. More... | |
vector< double > | fGasThickness |
Thickness of the gas space. More... | |
double | fGasPressure |
Cold fill gas pressure (Pa) More... | |
double | fHeFraMol |
Molar fraction of Helium in the gas. More... | |
double | fXeFraMol |
Molar fraction of Xenon in the gas. More... | |
int | fXmin |
Minimum X range of lattice. More... | |
int | fXmax |
Maximum X range of lattice. More... | |
int | fYmin |
Minimum Y range of lattice. More... | |
int | fYmax |
Maximum Y range of lattice. More... | |
int | fZmin |
Minimum Z range of lattice. More... | |
int | fZmax |
Maximum Z range of lattice. More... | |
vector< int > | fXpos |
Relative pin X position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fYpos |
Relative pin Y position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fZonepos |
Zone number of this pin. More... | |
vector< int > | fGTXpos |
Relative guide tube X position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fGTYpos |
Relative guide tube Y position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fGTZpos |
Absolute guide tube Z position (first at the bottom) More... | |
vector< int > | fCRXpos |
Relative control rod X position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fCRYpos |
Relative control rod Y position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fCRZpos |
Absolute control rod Z position (first at the bottom) More... | |
vector< bool > | fZonesOfGT |
Zones containing guide tubes. More... | |
vector< bool > | fZonesOfCR |
Zones containing control rods. More... | |
vector< int > | fSPXpos |
Relative special pin X position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fSPYpos |
Relative special pin Y position with regard to the center. More... | |
vector< int > | fZSP |
Zones of Specials Pins. More... | |
vector< bool > | fZonesOfSP |
Zones containing Specials Pins. More... | |
double | fXTrans |
Assembly X translation value. More... | |
double | fYTrans |
Assembly Y translation value. More... | |
double | fZTrans |
Assembly Z translation value. More... | |
Shape_ptr | fSAssemblyZone |
Assembly shape. More... | |
Shape_ptr | fSLatticeGen |
Lattice mesh generator (shape) More... | |
Cell * | fCAssemblyZone |
Assembly cell. More... | |
Cell * | fCLatticeGen |
Lattice mesh generator (cell) More... | |
vector< Material * > | fMWhole |
Channel material near the border == material of border zone (needed due to lattices fill) More... | |
Shape_ptr * | fSWhole |
Fictitious channel shape near the border (used only for lattices fill) More... | |
vector< Cell * > | fCWhole |
Fictitious channel cell near the border (used only for lattices fill) More... | |
vector< double > | fCZR |
Fictitious circles' radius needed to an automatic defining of cells zones. More... | |
Shape_ptr | fSPlenumUp |
Top Plenum shape. More... | |
Shape_ptr | fSPlenumDown |
Bottom Plenum shape. More... | |
Material * | fMPlenumUp |
Top Plenum material. More... | |
Material * | fMPlenumDown |
Bottom Plenum material. More... | |
Cell * | fCPlenumUp |
Top Plenum cell. More... | |
Cell * | fCPlenumDown |
Bottom Plenum cell. More... | |
double | fPlenumThickness |
Width of the plenum up and down. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMFuels |
Matrix containing fuel materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMCladdings |
Matrix containing cladding materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMCoolants |
Matrix containing coolant materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMSpec1 |
Matrix containing special materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMGTInside |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes inside materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMGTCladdings |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes cladding materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMGTOutside |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes outside materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMCRMat |
Matrix containing CR materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMCRCladding |
Matrix containing CR cladding materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMCRCoolantGap |
Matrix containing CR coolant gap materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMCRExtCladding |
Matrix containing CR external cladding materials. More... | |
vector< vector< Material * > > | fMCROutside |
Matrix containing CR outside materials. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSFuels |
Matrix containing fuel shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSCladding |
Matrix containing cladding shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSCoolants |
Matrix containing coolant shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSSpec1 |
Matrix containing special shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSGTInside |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes inside shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSGTCladdings |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes cladding shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSGTOutside |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes outside shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSCRMat |
Matrix containing CR shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSCRCladding |
Matrix containing CR cladding shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSCRCoolantGap |
Matrix containing CR coolant gap shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSCRExtCladding |
Matrix containing CR external cladding shapes. More... | |
vector< Shape_ptr * > | fSCROutside |
Matrix containing CR outside shapes. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCFuels |
Matrix containing fuel cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCCladdings |
Matrix containing cladding cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCCoolants |
Matrix containing coolant cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCSpec1 |
Matrix containing special cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCGTInside |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes inside cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCGTCladdings |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes cladding cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCGTOutside |
Matrix containing Guide Tubes outside cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCCRMat |
Matrix containing CR cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCCRCladding |
Matrix containing CR cladding cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCCRCoolantGap |
Matrix containing CR coolant gap cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCCRExtCladding |
Matrix containing CR external cladding cells. More... | |
vector< vector< Cell * > > | fCCROutside |
Matrix containing CR outside cells. More... | |
bool | fInitVectors |
Flag used to initialize vectors if necessary (defaut = false) More... | |
string | fAssemblyName |
Identification name of the assembly. More... | |
vector< int > | fNumberOfPinInZone |
Number of pins in each zone. More... | |
vector< int > | fNumberOfGTInZone |
Number of guide tubes in each zone. More... | |
vector< int > | fNumberOfCRInZone |
Number of control rods in each zone. More... | |
vector< ofstream * > | fFiles |
Output files. More... | |
vector< vector< vector< int > > > | fLatticeZ |
Matrix containing lattice mesh data and the zone of each one. More... | |
string | fExternalShapeType |
Type of the external shape. More... | |
bool | fIsPlenum |
True if plenum up and down are needed. More... | |
bool | fIsCOBRA |
True if COBRA is calling ReactorMesh. More... | |
vector< bool > | fAxialCrushSecurityHeterogeneity |
True if an heterogeneity is called - safeguard againt material crushing (one per zone) More... | |
bool | fForcedPinCloseToBorder |
True if user force pins closed to the border (lattice hexagonal mesh at the border will be cutted by the assembly shape -> test on geometric conservation of the pin to validate creation of the lattice) More... | |
int | fZoneOfThePinsCloseToBorder |
If fuel pins haven't the same radius, force the zone number of these pins closed to the border to select the correct value of pins (ONLY for the test of build - correct zone and level will be automatically selected after this step) More... | |
Manages the coupling analysis with thermal hydraulics code COBRA-EN.
This Object creates the input file of the thermal hydraulic code COBRA-EN. It manages the running and the update of the new temperature and densities into the simulated reactor. This class do not directly creates the geometry. It call class ReactorMesh to generate a filled geometry (for use : cf. class ReactorMesh). So about the geometry and neutronics aspects you have to use methods of the ReactorMesh class.
Data are in SI (ex : dimensions in meters, power in watts,...)
COBRA::COBRA | ( | int | NZones, |
int | NLevels, | ||
string | AssemblyName = "A" , |
bool | Hex = false |
) |
Default constructor.
NZones | Number of radial zones |
NLevels | Number of axial levels |
AssemblyName | Identification name of the assembly (needed to results directories) |
Hex | Not yet implemented, default is squared lattice |
virtual |
Default destructor.
COBRA::COBRA | ( | ) |
Fictitious constructor ; just used for reset of static bool.
protected |
< Copy constructor
void COBRA::BuildCOBRAFile | ( | ) |
Generate and Write file on disk (calling others methods)
protected |
Calculate channels connections distances and channels data (area and perimeters)
protected |
Calculate channels' positions.
protected |
Calculate cells' power deposits.
protected |
Generate and Write : Run Identifier.
protected |
Generate and Write : Channel Data.
protected |
Generate and Write : Grids position.
protected |
Generate and Write : Data for COBRA Fuel Heating Models.
protected |
Generate and Write : Hydraulic Model Indicators.
protected |
Generate and Write : Two Phase Friction Model.
protected |
Generate and Write : General Options.
protected |
Generate and Write : Void Friction Model.
protected |
Generate and Write : Heat Transfer Model.
protected |
Generate and Write : Parameters Section A and B.
protected |
Generate and Write : Convergence Parameters.
protected |
Generate and Write : Operating Conditions.
protected |
Generate and Write : General TH Parameters.
protected |
Generate and Write : Time Data.
protected |
Generate and Write : Transient Parameters.
protected |
Generate and Write : Output Printing.
protected |
Generate and Write : Axial Intervals.
protected |
Generate and Write : Linear Rod Powers.
protected |
Generate and Write : Channel Connexion Data.
protected |
Generate and Write : Rod To Subchannel Connection Data.
protected |
Generate and Write comments of cards.
protected |
Checks coherence on data : some improvments are to be done.
protected |
Checks output file presence (results of thermal hydraulics computation)
inlinevirtual |
Correct way to copy a COBRA object in case of derivation.
Reimplemented from ReactorMesh.
protected |
Read the output file and store required data into matrix (temperatures, densities, ...)
inline |
returns the name of the assembly
protected |
Calculate Rod to subchannel connection data.
protected |
Initializes some structures.
protected |
Truncate value to the correct input size.
protected |
protected |
Do an average on radial zones thermal data for each axial level (MURE simplified mesh)
protected |
protected |
Organize Channels types.
protected |
Print output files of geometry and power deposits.
protected |
Print output files of new operating conditions.
protected |
Re initialize some values (in the case of iterations with neutronics)
inlinestatic |
protected |
Run script for COBRA launching.
inline |
Set system exit pressure (MPa)
inline |
Set grid loss coefficients.
inline |
Set relative grid position (fractional distance up channel : z/H)
inline |
Set inlet boron concentration (mass proportion in ppm)
inline |
Set system inlet density (kg/m3) - used only to plenum IF necessary. If it is not used, default value is the first cell density.
inline |
Set average inlet mass flux for channels (kg/m2/s)
inline |
Set system inlet temperature (K)
inline |
Use special models for heat transfer (use carefully)
protected |
Calculates values necessary to COBRA code.
protected |
Run routines to get and update all data.
private |
Identification Name Of the assembly.
private |
Flow area value of the channel.
private |
Heated perimeter value of the channel.
private |
Total number of coolant channels (not including bypass channels)
private |
Number of different channel types.
private |
Matrix containing channels types with their identification number.
private |
Wetted perimeter value of the channel.
private |
Matrix containing channels center X cartesian position.
private |
Matrix containing channels center Y cartesian position.
private |
private |
Matrix containing channels top right corner X cartesian position.
private |
Matrix containing channels top right corner Y cartesian position.
private |
private |
private |
MURE output directory.
private |
System exit pressure (MPa) default = 15.8 MPa.
private |
Total number of fuel rods (control rods are including in this numbering but they do not release power)
private |
Grid loss coefficient.
private |
Positions of grids.
private |
If true, user hydraulics parameters are used.
private |
Inlet boron concentration (mass proportion in ppm) default = 1000 ppm.
private |
If necessary for plenum : inlet density linked with the temperature.
private |
Average inlet mass flux (kg/m2/s) default = 3900 kg/m2/s.
private |
Inlet temperature (K) default = 560 K.
private |
COBRA Input File.
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
Number of axials interval in thermal hydraulics.
private |
Number of grids.
private |
Outlet mean density (used for plenum)
private |
Outlet mean temperature (used for plenum)
private |
COBRA Output File.
private |
Power deposit value for each radial and axial zones.
private |
Error on power deposit value for each radial and axial zones.
staticprivate |
Check if the update of sigma phi is already done.