| BetaSpectrum (double Emin, double Emax, int NumberOfBins, bool log=false) |
| Standard Constructor of a BetaSpectrum. More...
| BetaSpectrum (vector< double > LowerEnergy) |
| User input bining Constructor of a BetaSpectrum. More...
| BetaSpectrum (double *LowerEnergy, int NumberOfBins) |
| User input bining Constructor of a BetaSpectrum. More...
| BetaSpectrum (string BinningFileName) |
| File User input bining Constructor of a BetaSpectrum. More...
| BetaSpectrum (int NumberOfBins, double a, double b, double c) |
| Constructor of a Spectrum with binning build with this calibration law : E(Lowerbin)=a*Lowerbin*Lowerbin + b*Lowerbin + c. More...
| BetaSpectrum (const BetaSpectrum &spect) |
| Copy constructor. More...
BetaSpectrum * | ReadENSDF (int Z, int A, int I, double NAtoms=1) |
| Spectrum (double Emin, double Emax, int NumberOfbins, bool log=false) |
| Standard Constructor of a Spectrum. More...
| Spectrum (vector< double > LowerEnergy, bool check=true) |
| User input bining Constructor of a Spectrum. More...
| Spectrum (double *LowerEnergy, int NumberOfBins, bool check=true) |
| User input bining Constructor of a Spectrum. More...
| Spectrum (string BinningFileName, bool check=true) |
| File User input bining Constructor of a Spectrum. More...
| Spectrum (int NumberOfBins, double a, double b, double c, bool check=true) |
| Constructor of a Spectrum with binning build with this calibration law : E(Lowerbin)=a*Lowerbin*Lowerbin + b*Lowerbin + c. More...
| Spectrum (const Spectrum &spect) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| ~Spectrum () |
| destructor More...
void | SetZ (int Z) |
| Set Z of the mother nucleus. More...
void | SetA (int A) |
| Set A of the mother nucleus. More...
void | SetName (string Name) |
| Set the NeutronSpectrum name. More...
void | SetNumberOfbins (int nbins) |
| Set the number of bins. More...
void | SetBin (int i, double intensity) |
| Set the intensity value of bin i. More...
int | GetZ () |
| Return the Z of the mother of the nuclei which emit Neutron. More...
int | GetA () |
| Return the A of the mother of the nuclei which emit Neutron. More...
string | GetName () |
| Return the NeutronSpectrum's isotope name. More...
double | GetBin (int i) |
| Return the Intensity at bin i. More...
double * | GetBin () |
| Get the Intensity vector. More...
double * | GetLowerEnergy () |
| Get the Energy vector. More...
double | GetLowerEnergy (int i) |
| Return the lower energy bound of the bin i. More...
double | GetEnergyBinWidth (int i) |
| Return the energy width of the bin i ie fLowerEnergy[i+1]-fLowerEnergy[i]. More...
double | GetMiddleEnergy (int i) |
| Return the centered energy of the bin i. More...
int | GetBinNumber (double Energy) |
| Return the Bin number corresponding on the Energy. More...
int | GetNumberOfbins () |
| Return the number of bins. More...
bool | IsLog () |
| True if the binning is logaritmic. More...
bool | IsAlpha () |
| True if the spectrum is an AlphaSpectrum. More...
bool | IsNeutron () |
| True if the spectrum is a NeutronSpectrum. More...
bool | IsGamma () |
| True if the spectrum is a GammaSpectrum. More...
bool | IsBeta () |
| True if the spectrum is a BetaSpectrum. More...
int | GetParticleType () |
| get the particle type of this spectrum 1=n 2=g 3=e- More...
bool | GotTheSameBinning (Spectrum *aSpectrum) |
| True if this and aSpectrum have the same energy binning. More...
bool | IsEmpty () |
| True if all intensities are 0. More...
bool | IsTheSameSpectrum (Spectrum *SameOrNot) |
| True if two spectra are completly identical. More...
void | Initialize () |
| Set all Intensities to 0. More...
void | CheckBin () |
| Check if Energy definition is correct (monotically increasing) More...
void | AddEnergy (double Energy, double Intensity) |
| Add Intensity at the bin corresponding to Energy. More...
void | Contract (int ContractionFactor) |
| Contract the Spectrum 's binning by a factor Contractionfactor. More...
double | TotalActivity () |
void | Fill (Material *material, double volume) |
| Fill a Spectrum for a material. More...
void | FillFromFile (string filename) |
void | Dump (string filename="Spectrum.dat", bool WithEnergies=false) |
| Dump the Neutron Spectrum histogram. More...
void | Normalize (double Multiplicateur) |
| multiply Intensity by Multiplicateur More...
void | AddSpectrum (Spectrum *aSpectrum) |
| Add aSpectrum to the current one. More...
void | RemoveSpectrum (Spectrum *aSpectrum) |
| Remove aSpectrum to the current one. More...
Spectrum * | NewSpectrumNormalized (Spectrum *UnNormalized, double Norm) |
| multiply a UnNormalized spectrum by Norm and put it in a new NeutronSpectrum More...
Spectrum * | NewSpectrumNormalized2 (Spectrum *UnNormalized, double Norm) |
| presque pareil mais pas tout a fait (BBBBBUUUUUG) More...
Spectrum * | ConvertRayToGaussian (Spectrum *Spect_Raie, double FWHM) |
| Convert a spectrum of discret rays in to several gaussian of the same Full width at half maximum (FWHM) More...
void | ExtractDataFromLine (string Line, Material *TheParent, double NAtoms) |
| Extract Energy and Intensity from ENSDF file. More...
double | CalculateIntensity (int Zdaughter, double EndPointEnergy, double Energy) |
void | GetSpinParity (string sSpinParity, double &Spin, char &Parity) |
| Get the spin and the parity of a given state. More...
complex< double > | cgamma (const complex< double > &z, bool LOG=true) |
void | ElementSymbol (int Zd, char &Z1, char &Z2) |
| Convert the Z of a nucleus in its symbol. More...
void | CreateBins (double EnergyMin, double EnergyMax, int NumberOfbins) |
| generates the bins More...
void | CreateBins (vector< double > LowerEnergy) |
| generates the bins More...
void | CreateBins (double *LowerEnergy) |
| generates the bins More...
bool | IsDouble (const std::string &s) |
| true is a string can be converted in a double More...
void | ReadENDSFFile (int Adaughter, vector< string > &Buffer, int &NumOfLine) |
| Read each line of the file and store them in buffer. More...
bool | FindFirstLinesOfDecayModeCard (vector< string > const &Buffer, char Z1, char Z2, vector< int > &BeginRecordLine, string DecayMode, string DecayModeBis="") |
BetaSpectrum contains a histogram of Beta ray intensities.
The aim of this class is to provide a Beta spectrum object that is linked to the way a decaying nucleus or combination of nuclei emit Beta rays.
- Author
- Version
- 1.0