121 void AddReprocessing(
Material *InMat,
Cell *ToCell,
Material *EquiliBriumMat=0,
double EquilibriumTime=-1);
132 void EmptyCell(
Cell *DepletedCell,
double CoolingTime,
bool NewInterimStorage=
154 void AddReprocessing(
Cell *FromCell,
Cell *ToCell,
int level=0);
167 virtual void CoreRefuel();
169 virtual void ContinuousCoreRefuel();
171 virtual void StepCoreRefuel();
173 virtual void DepletedFuelExtractor();
175 virtual void AddFreshFuel();
190 virtual void ReprocessInterimStorage();
232 void SetFissileFertile(
int N,
int* Zarray);
253 void SetExtractionFractionFromReprocessingPlant(
int N,
int* Zarray,
double *Efficiency);
275 void SetExtractionFractionFromFuel(
int N,
int* Zarray,
double *Efficiency);
330 double GetCurentRefuellingTime();
352 void SetContinuousReprocessingTimeVector(vector<vector<double> > ContinuousTime);
394 virtual void BuildStorages();
409 void SetFuelForm(
int Z,
int A,
double MolarProp);
411 virtual void PrintStorageMass();
412 string PrintMass(
double m);
413 virtual void InitIndexes();
414 virtual void PrintIndexes();
A Cell is a MCNP cell.
Definition: Cell.hxx:48
double fFuelFormMolProp
Molar proportion of the FuelFormZAI (2 for O2, 1 for C, ...)
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:458
vector< int > fZtoExtractFromFuel
vector of Z of nuclei to extract when fuel is reprocessed
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:447
bool IsContinuousReprocessing()
true for continuous reprocessing
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:350
void SetStorageEvolution(bool flag=true)
Force the storage evolution.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:367
vector< TemporalStorage * > fReprocessedStorage
Reprocessed Storage vector.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:430
bool fEvolvingStorage
true if the outcore storage (interim & waste) are evolving
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:455
int fRefuellingIndex
The current reprocessing index in the fReprocessingTime vector.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:420
double fLastMassPutinWaste
Last mass put in Waste Storage (used only for print)
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:462
double GetFuelFabricationTime()
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:342
Storage are outcore containers.
Definition: Storage.hxx:26
int GetReprocessingIndex()
The current index in the fRefuellingTime vector.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:329
virtual ~FuelReprocessing()
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:99
int GetNumberOfReprocessedStorage()
return the number of Reprocessed Storage
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:278
vector< vector< double > > fContinuousReprocessingTimeVector
vector of Z and EvolutiveSystem dependant reprocessing time in case of continuous reprocessing ...
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:439
vector< double > fRefuellingTime
vector of refuelling time
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:419
void SetReprocessedStorage2FreshCellLink(vector< int > Link)
Set the links between Reprocessed Storages and Fresh Cells.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:308
bool GetBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing()
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:379
FuelReprocessing allows Fuel reprocessing during Evolution.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:89
bool fContinuousReprocessing
true for continuous reprocessing
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:440
vector< TemporalStorage * > fInterimStorage
Interim Storage vector.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:429
vector< Material * > fEquilibriumFreshFuel
Fresh fuel material used when T>fEquilibriumTime.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:426
void SetBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing(bool build=true)
Builds MCNP file just before each refuelling.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:378
vector< vector< double > > & GetContinuousReprocessingTimeVector()
return the continuous reprocessing time vector
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:353
vector< int > fDP_2_IS
vector linking Depleted Cell to Interim Storage
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:434
double fLastMassExtractedfromCore
Last mass extracted from core (used only for print)
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:460
vector< double > fZEfficiencyExtractionFromRP
vector of extraction efficiency: 1=100%=this Z is completly extract, 0=0%
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:451
void SetRefuellingTime(vector< double > Time)
Refuelling Time.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:327
void SetContinuousReprocessing(bool flag=true)
Reprocessing is continuous.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:348
TemporalStorage * fCoreMARS
Minor Act. Reprocessed Storage from the core.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:431
ZAI * fFuelFormZAI
The ZAI of the "form" of the fuel (O for oxide, C for Carbide, ...)
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:457
A Material constituing a Cell.
Definition: Material.hxx:53
vector< int > fZFissileFertile
vector of Z of fissile or fertile nuclei
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:445
void UseReprocessedStorage()
Build n Reprocessed Storage.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:277
string fMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing
the MCNP file generated just before the reprocessing will have this name, followed by the last MCNP r...
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:443
A ZAI defined a (Z,A,Isomere) for a Nucleus.
Definition: ZAI.hxx:62
vector< int > fFC_in_RS
vector linking Reprocessed Storage to Fresh Cells
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:435
vector< double > fInitExtractedAtoms
The initial number of atoms of the first extracted assemblies.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:464
bool fUseReprocessedStorage
True to build Reprocessed Storages.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:437
vector< Material * > fFreshFuel
the fresh fuel to add
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:421
string GetMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing()
return the name of post evolution MCNP file.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:388
void SetMCNPInputFileNameBeforeReprocessing(string name="post")
Set the name of post evolution MCNP file.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:386
vector< Cell * > fDepletedCell
The cell vector that will be discharged.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:424
double fFuelFabricationTime
time to wait before doing something with reprocessed storage
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:453
vector< Cell * > fFreshCell
The cell vector that receive fresh fuel.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:422
vector< int > fZtoExtractFromRP
vector of Z of nuclei to extract from depleted fuel to reprocess
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:450
double fLastMassExtractedfromRP
Last mass extracted from Reprocessed Storage (used only for print)
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:461
vector< int > fRS_2_FC
vector linking Reprocessed Storage to Fresh Cells
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:436
virtual FuelReprocessing * Clone()
Correct way to copy a FuelReprocessing in case of derivation.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:97
bool fBuildMCNPFileBeforeReprocessing
must be true if you want to generate the MCNP file describing your system just before the reprocessin...
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:442
void SetFuelFabricationTime(double Time=2 *365.25 *24 *3600)
Set the fuel fabrication time.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:340
Storage * fWasteStorage
Waste Storage.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:432
bool IsStorageEvolution()
return true when storages evolved
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:368
TemporalStorage are outcore containers function of a Retreatment time.
Definition: Storage.hxx:92
vector< double > fEquilibriumTime
Time from which fEquilibriumFreshFueln is used instead of fFreshFuel.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:427
vector< vector< Cell * > > fChainCell
The cell vector that exchange fuel.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:423
void SetFreshCellinReprocessedStorageLink(vector< int > Link)
Set the links between Fresh Cells and Reprocessed Storages.
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:295
vector< double > fZEfficiencyExtractionFromFuel
vector of extraction efficiency: 1=100%=this Z is completly extract, 0=0%
Definition: FuelReprocessing.hxx:448