| PinCell (int universe=0) |
| PinCell (const PinCell &c) |
| ~PinCell () override |
PinCell * | Clone () override |
PinCell * | Duplicate () |
void | AddLayer (Material *mat, double R, double Volume=- 1) |
Material * | GetLayerMaterial (int i) |
| return the material of the layer i (i=0, innerest layer)
void | SetLayerMaterial (int i, Material *mat) |
double | GetLayerRadius (int i) |
| return the radius of the layer i
int | GetNumberOfLayer () |
return the total number of layer
void | SetSurroundingMaterial (Material *mat, double Volume=- 1) |
Material * | GetSurroundingMaterial () const |
bool | IsSurroundingMaterialCalled () |
| Cell (Shape_ptr theShape, Material *theMaterial=nullptr, int theImportance=1, double theTemperature=- 10) |
| Normal constructor.
| Cell (int theNumber, Material *theMaterial, double theVolume, int theImportance=1, double theTemperature=- 10) |
| Special Constructor.
| Cell (Material *theMaterial, int theNumber, double theVolume, double theTemperature) |
| used for OutCore virtual cells
| Cell (const Cell &c) |
| Copy constructor.
virtual Cell * | Clone () |
virtual | ~Cell () |
| destructor
void | SetShape (Shape_ptr theShape) |
Shape_ptr | GetShape () |
void | SetMaterial (Material *theMaterial) |
| set the Material constituing the Cell
Material * | GetMaterial () |
void | SetTemperature (double T) |
| set the temperature (in K) to T
double | GetTemperature () |
void | SetImportance (int imp) |
| Set all the MC Cell importance (imp card)
void | SetImportance (int part, int imp) |
vector< int > & | GetImportance () |
vector< string > & | GetParticle () |
void | AddParticle (string Part, int Imp) |
| add a particle type Part (N, P or E) and its importance
int | GetNumber () |
void | SetNumber (int Number) |
void | SetGlobalImportance (int imp) |
int | GetGlobalImportance () |
double | GetVolume () |
| Get the Volume of a Cell.
void | SetVolume (double V) |
| Set Cell volume.
double | GetMass () |
| Get Cell mass.
void | SetComment (string Comment="") |
string | GetComment () |
void | AddSpatialVariable (string name, double value) |
| Add spatial variables to a Cell.
vector< string > & | GetSpatialVariableNames () |
vector< double > & | GetSpatialVariables () |
bool | IsSpatialVariable (string name) |
| Returns if spatial variable "name" is defined.
double | GetSpatialVariable (string name) |
| Returns value of spatial variable "name".
Cell * | LikeBut (Cell *InsertionCell, Transformation *Transfo) |
| Create new cloned cell, identical but with Translate/Rotate.
void | SetLikeNumber (int Number) |
int | GetLikeNumber () |
void | SetTransformation (Transformation *TR) |
Transformation * | GetTransformation () |
void | ExcludeCell (Cell *ACell) |
bool | IsLikeBut () |
vector< Cell * > & | GetExcludedCellVector () |
bool | IsEvolving () |
void | SetEvolutiveSystem (EvolutiveSystem *es) |
EvolutiveSystem * | GetEvolutiveSystem () |
void | SetTallyNumber (int num) |
int | GetTallyNumber () |
void | SetTallyBinNumber (int num) |
int | GetTallyBinNumber () |
void | SetMultiplicatorTallyNumber (int num) |
int | GetMultiplicatorTallyNumber () |
void | SetMultiplicatorTallyBinNumber (int num) |
int | GetMultiplicatorTallyBinNumber () |
void | SetMultiplicatorTallyU8Number (int num) |
int | GetMultiplicatorTallyU8Number () |
void | SetMultiplicatorTallyU8BinNumber (int num) |
int | GetMultiplicatorTallyU8BinNumber () |
void | SetFlux (double phi) |
void | SetMCFlux (ValErr_t phi) |
double | GetFlux () |
ValErr_t | GetMCFlux () |
void | BuildMultiGroupFlux () |
| Build the group flux for multigroup run.
void | SetMultiGroupFlux (int i, ValErr_t Flux) |
ValErr_t | GetMultiGroupFlux (int i) |
vector< ValErr_t > & | GetMultiGroupFlux () |
int | GetNEnergyGroup () |
void | SetEnergyGroup (vector< float > &nrj) |
vector< float > & | GetEnergyGroups () |
void | SetTrueCell () |
bool | GetTrueCell () |
void | SetGlobalTallyNumber (int num) |
int | GetGlobalTallyNumber () |
void | SetCellAbsorptions (ValErr_t rate) |
void | SetCellN2N (ValErr_t rate) |
void | SetCellN3N (ValErr_t rate) |
void | SetCellFissions (ValErr_t rate) |
void | SetCellNuFissions (ValErr_t rate) |
void | SetCellNu (ValErr_t rate) |
void | SetControlRate (Reaction r, ValErr_t rate) |
void | SetControlRate (int ReactionCode, ValErr_t rate) |
ValErr_t | GetCellAbsorptions () |
ValErr_t | GetCellN2N () |
ValErr_t | GetCellN3N () |
ValErr_t | GetCellFissions () |
ValErr_t | GetCellNuFissions () |
ValErr_t | GetCellNu () |
ValErr_t | GetControlRate (Reaction r) |
ValErr_t | GetControlRate (int ReactionCode) |
bool | IsFissile () |
| return true when a Cell contains a fissile Nucleus
bool | IsControlRod () |
void | SetControlRod (double InitialLength, bool flag=true) |
| give the initial length of a Control Rod
void | SetControlRodLength (double l) |
double | GetControlRodLength () |
bool | IsFuel () |
bool | IsModerator () |
void | SetFuel (bool flag=true) |
void | SetModerator (bool flag=true) |
void | SetZone (int z) |
int | GetZone () |
void | SetZlevel (int z) |
int | GetZlevel () |
void | SetGuideTubeCoolant () |
bool | IsGuideTubeCoolant () |
double | GetLocalKeff () |
| Calculate the value of Keff unique to this cell from reaction rates and surrounding fluxes.
void | AddBetaCollector (BetaCollector *BC) |
bool | IsVirtual () |
bool | IsFromPinCell () |
void | SetFromPinCell (bool flag) |
bool | IsAPinCell () |
bool | IsPrintable () |
void | SetPrintable (bool flag) |
void | SetTHLevelPosition (int level) |
int | GetTHLevelPosition () |
void | SetTHZonePosition (int zone) |
int | GetTHZonePosition () |
void | AddToNuNSigmaFisPhi (double Value) |
void | SetNuNSigmaFisPhi (double Value) |
double | GetNuNSigmaFisPhi () |
void | SetNSigmaFisPhiOfNucleus (int i, double Value) |
double | GetNSigmaFisPhiOfNucleus (int i) |
vector< double > | GetNSigmaFisPhiOfAllNucleus () |
vector< double > | fR |
| a vector of radii
vector< double > | fLayerVolume |
| a vector of layer volumes
vector< Material * > | fMaterialVector |
| a vector of layer material
Material * | fSurroundingMaterial |
| the surrounding material
int | fUniverse |
| the pin universe number
int | fControlLayerNumber |
| the number of the layer containing the control material
bool | fIsSurroundingMaterialCalled |
| just to be sure that the surrounding material has been called
vector< int > | fAssociatedCellNumber |
| vector of associated cell number
bool | fAutoBuildingCells |
| True if the Connector::BuildPinCells is called from EvolutionSolver (with Auto flag=true)
vector< double > | fTranslation |
| translation vector of the PinCell
bool | fTrueTranslation |
| if the translation is forced for Serpent (i.e., the translation is also done in Serpent)
vector< vector< double > > | fPCSpatialVariables |
| Information on the cell's spatial position.
vector< vector< string > > | fPCSpatialVariableNames |
| Names of the spatial variables (e.g assemblyx, crayon#, ringradius)
string | fPinType |
| a type of pin (Fuel, Guide Tube, ...)
void | Translate (double dx, double dy, double dz, bool ForceTranslation=false) |
vector< double > & | GetTranslation () |
bool | IsTrueTranslation () |
bool | IsTranslated () |
| true if the PinCell has been translated
void | SetLayerVolume (int i, double V) |
double | GetLayerVolume (int i) |
void | AddSpatialVariable (int layeridx, string name, double value) |
| add Spatial variable to a layer or to the surrounding material
vector< string > & | GetSpatialVariableNames (int layeridx) |
vector< double > & | GetSpatialVariables (int layeridx) |
int | GetUniverse () override |
void | SetUniverse (int u) |
void | AddAssociatedCellNumber (int num) |
vector< int > & | GetAssociatedCellNumber () |
Cell * | GetAssociatedCell (int i) |
| return the ith associated cell
void | SetAutoBuildingCells (bool flag) |
bool | IsAutoBuildingCells () |
void | SetPinType (string type) |
string | GetPinType () |
void | SetControlLayerNumber (int ControlLayerNumber) |
int | GetControlLayerNumber () |
| Cell () |
int | fNumber |
| MC Number of the Cell.
Shape_ptr | fShape |
| Shape of the Cell.
Material * | fMaterial |
| Material constituing the Cell.
double | fTemperature |
| Temperature (in K) of the Cell.
double | fFlux |
| Flux in the cell.
ValErr_t | fMCFlux |
| Flux in the cell.
int | fGlobalImportance |
| vector of Importance in the Cell for the coresponding particle
vector< int > | fImportance |
| vector of Importance in the Cell for the coresponding particle
vector< string > | fParticle |
| vector of Particle
string | fComment |
| Cell comment (to be written in MC file)
double | fVolume |
| the Cell Volume
bool | fEvolving |
| Whether or not the cell material is evolving.
double | fMass |
| mass of the cell.
double | fNatoms |
| Number of nuclei in the cell.
EvolutiveSystem * | fEvolutiveSystem |
| If the cell is evolving, then this is its corresponding evolutive system.
int | fTallyNum |
| Tally Number for flux calculation (evolution)
int | fTallyBinNum |
| Tally Bin Number for flux calculation (evolution)
int | fGlobalTallyNum |
| Tally use for global reaction rates (on boron, control rod, ...) (fms)
int | fMultiplicatorTallyNum |
| Tally Number for flux calculation (evolution)
int | fMultiplicatorTallyBinNum |
| Tally Bin Number for flux calculation (evolution)
int | fMultiplicatorTallyU8Num |
| Tally Number for flux calculation (evolution)
int | fMultiplicatorTallyU8BinNum |
vector< double > | fSpatialVariables |
| Information on the cell's spatial position.
vector< string > | fSpatialVariableNames |
| Names of the spatial variables (e.g assemblyx, crayon#, ringradius)
bool | fIsTrueCell |
| true for True cell (fms)
vector< BetaCollector * > | fCellBetaCollectors |
| vector of gathered beta emitters at different time steps
ValErr_t | fCellAbsorptions |
| absorption rate of the cell
ValErr_t | fCellN2N |
| (n, 2n) rate of the cell
ValErr_t | fCellN3N |
| (n, 2n) rate of the cell
ValErr_t | fCellNuFissions |
| nu*fission rate of the cell
ValErr_t | fCellFissions |
| fission rate of the cell
ValErr_t | fCellNu |
| fission rate of the cell
map< Reaction, ValErr_t, EqualReaction > | fControlRate |
| cell reaction rates when evolution is controled by ControlMaterial
bool | fCellCanFission |
| a fissile material as been put in the Cell
vector< double > | fCellGlobalRatesVector |
| contains duplicates
int *** | fTransLattice |
| the lattice array containing transformation number
bool | fControlRod |
| Whether or not the cell is a control rod.
double | fControlRodLength |
| Whether or not the cell is a control rod.
bool | fIsLikeBut |
| Flag to say that new cell is like cell X, but put somewhere else.
int | fLikeNumber |
| The cell that it is copied from.
Transformation * | fTransformation |
| The Transformation that applies to this like but cell.
vector< Cell * > | fExcludedCells |
| Vector of all the other LikeBut cells inside this one.
bool | fFuel |
| whether or not this cell has is fuel material.
bool | fModerator |
| whether or not this has moderator material.
bool | fGuideTubeCoolant |
| Attribute to declare a guide tube cell containing the same coolant as neighbour cells.
bool | fVirtual |
| whether it is a true MURE cell or a virtual (user define MC geometry).
int | fZlevel |
| The Z level of this cell, need for thermal coupling.
int | fZone |
| Attribute to declare a group of cells to be in the same zone.
int | fTHLevelPosition |
| explicit spatial level position of a cell (used for thermal-hydraulics)
int | fTHZonePosition |
| explicit spatial zone position (arbitrary) of a cell (used for thermal-hydraulics)
double | fLocalKeff |
| The local Keff of this cell.
vector< ValErr_t > | fPhiE |
| The multigroup flux in case of multigroup run.
vector< float > | fEnergyGroups |
| array of the energy groups
int | fNEnergyGroup |
| Number of groups.
double | fNuNSigmaFisPhiTotalOfCell |
| Nutot*N*sigmafis*Flux of all nucleus in the cell.
vector< double > | fNSigmaFisPhiOfNucleus |
| N*sigmafis*Flux of a nucleus in a cell.
bool | fIsPrintable |
| if the Cell can be printed in the MC input file
bool | fIsFromPinCell |
| if the Cell is a PinCell associated cell
bool | fIsAPinCell |
| if the Cell is not a Cell but a PinCell
PinCell class allows to create cylindrical cell set included as Matrioshka.
PinCell class has been implemented to copy the Serpent Pin card. It allows user to defined infinite cylindrical cells with there material as russian dolls: user defines the inner part of the pin (in general, fuel pin) of a given radius (1st layer), then other cylinder/material pair by adding new layers (e.g. gas gap, clad, ...) and then a surrounding material. The latter one MUST be called in any case.
PinCell are normally placed inside a LatticeCell, thus they have a universe number.
To be noticed: a easy way to define the whole universe filling an "reflector" assambly, is to defined a PinCell without layer, just a surronding material (which is always mandatory).
- Author
- Version
- 1.0