Star-forming filaments

We focus on the polarization capabilities of NIKA2 to map magnetic fields in star-forming regions. Herschel observations have unveiled filamentary structures as the preferential sites of star formation, associated to large-scale (> 0.5pc), organized magnetic fields according to low-resolution submm polarization data from the Planck satellite.

What is the role(s) played by magnetic fields in regulating the evolution of dense filaments and in channeling their material into prestellar cores? The NIKA2 observations of the polarized dust continuum emission will address directly this question, by probing the magnetic field topology in supercritical filaments at scales 0.01?0.1 pc, where ISM filaments are producing star-forming cores.

The scientific objective is to use NIKA2 observations of the polarized dust continuum emission at 1.2 mm, probing the topology of magnetic field lines within Herschel star-forming filaments at scales 0.01?0.1 pc, to clarify the role played by magnetic fields in regulating the fragmentation/evolution of dense filaments and in channeling filament material into prestellar cores. From the end of 2016, we will perform the commissioning of NIKA2 polarization capabilities, and then carry out our mapping observations of the magnetic field lines topology in star-forming filaments.

Contact : Anaëlle Maury
Last update 30/11/2016