
The key to meet the NIKA2 scientific goals is
  1. to keep instrument performance at its best during operations,
  2. to dispose of an accurate instrument model and dedicated analysis tools able to cope with possible systematics effects.
Simultaneous specific work in these two items will improve significantly the quality of the maps. For this purpose, direct interplay with the scientific analysis of the data, in terms of understanding of the instrument and its potential for astronomy, is necessary. A complete understanding of noise characteristics will improve the understanding of the fundamental physics at play at the detector level, and this in turn, will help develop analysis pipelines.

This task supports the first three and it is dedicated to the optimization the NIKA2 camera performance. We will work on the interplay between hardware developments, instrument characterization and the development of dedicated pipeline modules. This common work will ensure the best performance of both the instrument and the data analysis. Our main objectives are:

  1. ensure day-to-day characterization and optimization of the instrumental setup,
  2. detailed study of systematic effects and associated data analysis procedures for their mitigation,
  3. hardware developments to cope with possible in-operation replacement of critical elements aiming towards improved instrument performance.
Contact : Alessandro Monfardini
Last update 30/11/2016