The LabEx Enigmass2 runs a visitor program for scientists of all levels (students, postdocs, professors) to spend time at LAPP, LAPTh and/or LPSC.
The typical length of visits is one week, for collaborative work with local people, giving courses, etc... The main condition is that the topic falls within the Enigmass research activities and that a strong contact is established with a member of the LabEx. Longer visits can be considered providing that costs are shared with the visitor home institute or another funding source.
The funding generally includes the accomodation costs and a per-diem of about 35 euros/day for meals. If needed, the covering of travel expenses can be asked for as well, within typical travel costs inside Europe.
Please fill the form available in pdf or docx and send it to the email addresses written on the form.
Decisions about funding are usually taken once per month, so please submit demands with a sufficient time margin (best more than two months before the beginning of the visit).
Attachments (1)
- voyageur.jpg (12.9 KB ) - added by 5 years ago.
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