Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of PhDpositions

24/07/2020 16:07:31 (5 years ago)
/C=FR/L=Paris/O=Centre national de la recherche scientifique/CN=RENAULT Cecile



  • PhDpositions

    v2 v3  
    33A internal call is circulated each year, then subjects are selected by the Enigmass2 committee. Then, a strict quality process is used in the recruitment of PhD students and postdocs. It relies on experienced researchers (not directly working on the project that recruits) as members of the selection committees. It ensures scientific excellence and internationalization.
    5 For 2020, the selected PhD projects are:
    6 * Identification of photons for multi-messenger astrophysics purpose with the upgraded
    7 Pierre Auger Observatory (WP2, Corinne Bérat, LPSC)
    8 * Stochastic search in data enriched in coalescing binary triggers from the Virgo and LIGO
    9 gravitational wave detectors (WP2, Damir Buskulic, LAPP)
    10 * Study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with the ALICE experiment at LHC: measurement of
    11 correlations between a hard probe and recoiling hadrons (WP1, Julien Faivre, LPSC).
     6In 2020, the selected 3-year PhD positions are:
     7* Identification of photons for multi-messenger astrophysics purpose with the upgraded Pierre Auger Observatory (WP2, Corinne Bérat, LPSC)
     8* Stochastic search in data enriched in coalescing binary triggers from the Virgo and LIGO gravitational wave detectors (WP2, Damir Buskulic, LAPP)
     9* Study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with the ALICE experiment at LHC: measurement of correlations between a hard probe and recoiling hadrons (WP1, Julien Faivre, LPSC).