
Postdoc and PhD fellowships are be allocated in a staged way, in order to best cover the 5-year timespan of the project, on the basis of the needs of the three scientific work packages and by focusing on specific, essential deliverables.
A internal call is circulated each year, then subjects are selected by the Enigmass2 committee. Then, a strict quality process is used in the recruitment of PhD students and postdocs. It relies on experienced researchers (not directly working on the project that recruits) as members of the selection committees. It ensures scientific excellence and internationalization.

In 2020, the selected 3-year PhD positions are:

  • Identification of photons for multi-messenger astrophysics purpose with the upgraded Pierre Auger Observatory (WP2, Corinne Bérat, LPSC)
  • Stochastic search in data enriched in coalescing binary triggers from the Virgo and LIGO gravitational wave detectors (WP2, Damir Buskulic, LAPP)
  • Study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with the ALICE experiment at LHC: measurement of correlations between a hard probe and recoiling hadrons (WP1, Julien Faivre, LPSC).

and the selected 2-year post-doctoral positions are:

  • Effective Field Theories for Higgs and SM Physics (WP1, Nicolas Berger, LAPP)
  • Etude des amas de galaxies avec LSST (WP3, Céline Combet, LPSC)
  • Widening the field of new physics possibilities (WP1/WP3, Cédric Delaunay, LAPTh)
  • Cluster cosmology with the NIKA2 camera (WP3,Frédéric Mayet, LPSC)
  • Double Phase Prototype performance study for a Far detector of the DUNE experiment (WP1, Jean-Sebastien Real, LPSC)
  • Study of GRBs with H.E.S.S. & CTA and alert follow-up optimization with Virgo/LIGO (WP2, David Sanchez, LAPP)
  • Gravitational probes of dark matter (WP3, Pasquale Serpico, LAPTh)
  • Effective theories and axions (WP1, Christopher Smith, LPSC).

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 05/08/2020 17:26:08
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