Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of PhDandPostDoctoralPositions

11/01/2022 16:59:55 (3 years ago)
/postalCode=75016/O=Centre national de la recherche scientifique/street=3, rue Michel-Ange/L=Paris/C=FR/CN=LEDROIT-GUILLON Fabienne/emailAddress=ledroit@…



  • PhDandPostDoctoralPositions

    v25 v26  
    1 Postdoc and PhD fellowships will be allocated in a staged way, in order to best cover the 5-year timespan of the project, on the basis of the needs of the three scientific work packages and by focusing on specific, essential deliverables.
     1Postdoc and PhD fellowships are allocated in a staged way, in order to best cover the 5-year timespan of the project, on the basis of the needs of the three scientific work packages and by focusing on specific, essential deliverables.
    33The management board issues regular calls for projects, then makes a selection. Then, a strict quality process is used in the recruitment of PhD students and postdocs. It follows the CNRS charter (charter [ |in french] [ |in english], [ | DR11 flyer for recruiter in french]) which has the HRS4R European label. It relies on experienced researchers as members of the selection committees. It ensures scientific excellence and internationalization. \\
     7In **2022**, **the selected 3-year PhD positions** are:
     8* Design, optimization, construction and test of the DUNE vertical drift TPC module 0 (WP1, Johann Collot, LPSC, and Dominique Duchesneau, LAPP).
     9* Study of Lorentz Invariance by combined Gamma ray analysis of inhomogeneous sources and observatories for the search of New physics (SIGN) (WP2, Sami Caroff, LAPP)
     11and **the selected 2-year post-doctoral positions** are:
     13* Search for new phenomena in the dilepton final state at the LHC (WP1, Tetiana Berger-Hryn’Ova, LAPP)
     14* Light new physics at the atomic frontier (WP1/WP3, Cédric Delaunay, LAPTh)
     15* Cosmic-ray and new physics signatures in the very high-energy sky (WP2, Francesca Calore, LAPTh)
     16* Extraction of error signals for gravitational wave detector control : noise and performance characterization for future prospects (WP2, Loïc Rolland, LAPP)
     17* Cosmological constraints from galaxy clusters with the first Rubin data (WP3, Thibaut Guillemin, LAPP)
     18* Towards high resolution cosmology: the CMB-HRO project (WP3, Juan Macias Perez, LPSC)
    722In **2021**, **the selected 3-year PhD position** is:
    8 * Study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with the ALICE experiment at LHC : measurement of correlations between a hard probe and recoiling hadrons (WP1, Gustavo Conesa Balbastre et Julien Faivre, LPSC). Laureate: Carolina Arata
     23* Study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with the ALICE experiment at LHC : measurement of correlations between a hard probe and recoiling hadrons (WP1, Gustavo Conesa Balbastre and Julien Faivre, LPSC). Laureate: Carolina Arata
    924and **the selected 2-year post-doctoral positions** are: