Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of PhDandPostDoctoralPositions

10/09/2021 12:17:40 (3 years ago)
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  • PhDandPostDoctoralPositions

    v22 v23  
    99and **the selected 2-year post-doctoral positions** are:
    11 * Development and data analysis of a large-scale Liquid Argon detector prototype for the future long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment: DUNE (WP1, Dominique Duchesneau, LAPP). Laureate: TBF
    12 * Detector operation and data analysis for LHCb (WP1, Jean-François Marchand, LAPP). Laureate: TBF
    13 * Searching for Dark QCD with the ATLAS Detector (WP1/WP3, Marie-Hélène Genest et Pierre-Antoine Delsart, LPSC). Laureate: TBF
    14 * Axions at the crossroads (WP1/WP3, Christopher Smith, Killian Martineau et Jérémie Quevillon, LPSC). Laureate: TBF
     11* Development and data analysis of a large-scale Liquid Argon detector prototype for the future long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment: DUNE (WP1, Dominique Duchesneau, LAPP). Laureate: Oliver Lantwin
     12* Detector operation and data analysis for LHCb (WP1, Jean-François Marchand, LAPP). Laureate: Irene Bachiller
     13* Searching for Dark QCD with the ATLAS Detector (WP1/WP3, Marie-Hélène Genest et Pierre-Antoine Delsart, LPSC). Laureate: Ana Paula Pereira Peixoto
     14* Axions at the crossroads (WP1/WP3, Christopher Smith, Killian Martineau et Jérémie Quevillon, LPSC). Laureate: Fernando Arias Aragon
    2424* Etude des amas de galaxies avec LSST (WP3, Céline Combet, LPSC). Laureate: Calum Murray
    2525* Cluster cosmology with the NIKA2 camera (WP3, Frédéric Mayet, LPSC). Laureate: Emmanuel Artis
    26 * Study of GRBs with H.E.S.S. & CTA and alert follow-up optimization with Virgo/LIGO (WP2, David Sanchez, LAPP). Laureate: Feraol Dirirsa
     26* Study of GRBs with H.E.S.S. & CTA and alert follow-up optimization with Virgo/LIGO (WP2, David Sanchez, LAPP). Laureate:
    2727* Gravitational probes of dark matter (WP3, Pasquale Serpico, LAPTh). Laureate: Aniket Joglekar