14 #include <libmctal/TMctal.hxx>
15 #include <libmctal/TMTally.hxx>
28 #define LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG 0
29 #define LOG_LEVEL_WARNING 2
33 #define LOG_LEVEL_ALERT 4
35 #define LOG_LEVEL_ERROR 5
43 #define __METHOD_NAME__ __macro_method_name__(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
49 #define LOG_DEBUG(msg) {if ((!NODEBUG)&&((DODEBUG)||(!gMURE->GetSilentDebug()))&&(gMURE->GetMessageLevel()<=LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)) cout<<__METHOD_NAME__<<" : "<<msg<<endl;}
50 #define LOG_INFO(msg) { cout<<msg<<endl;}
52 #define LOG_WARN(msg) {if ((!gMURE->GetSilentDebug())&&(gMURE->GetMessageLevel()<=LOG_LEVEL_WARNING)) {ostringstream s;s<<msg;cout<<left<<setw(75)<<setfill('*')<<("**** WARNING in "+__METHOD_NAME__+" ")<<endl;cout<<wordwrap(s.str(),75)<<endl;}}
54 #define LOG_IMP_WARN(msg) {if (gMURE->GetMessageLevel()<=LOG_LEVEL_IMPORTANT_WARNING) {ostringstream s;s<<msg;cout<<left<<setw(75)<<setfill('*')<<("**** WARNING in "+__METHOD_NAME__+" ")<<endl;cout<<wordwrap(s.str(),75)<<endl;cout<<left<<setw(75)<<setfill('*')<<"*"<<endl;}}
56 #define LOG_ALERT(msg) {if (gMURE->GetMessageLevel()<=LOG_LEVEL_ALERT) {ostringstream s;s<<msg;cout<<left<<setw(75)<<setfill('!')<<("!!!! ALERT in "+__METHOD_NAME__+" ")<<endl;cout<<wordwrap(s.str(),75)<<endl;cout<<setw(75)<<setfill('=')<<"!"<<endl;}}
58 #define LOG_ERROR(msg) {if (gMURE->GetMessageLevel()<=LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) {ostringstream s;s<<msg;cout<<left<<setw(75)<<setfill('=')<<("==== ERROR in "+__METHOD_NAME__+" ")<<endl;cout<<wordwrap(s.str(),75)<<endl;cout<<setw(75)<<setfill('=')<<"= Exiting MURE ="<<endl;}exit(0);}
88 MURE(
string name =
117 bool BrutalStop=
139 void SetPredictorCorrector(
bool middle_step=
152 void FindPredictorCorrectorStep();
193 void AddCellToGroup(
Cell* TheCell,
int GroupNumber=0);
194 vector<Cell *> &
int GroupNumber){
return fGroupCellVector[GroupNumber];}
206 double GetInitialHNMass() {
if (!fInitHNMassInTon) {CalculateInitialHNMass();}
return fInitHNMassInTon;}
216 ValErr_t
return fGlobalAbsorptions;}
222 void SetGlobalRates();
231 void SetBrutalStopKValue(
double brutalstopvalue){fBrutalStopKValue = brutalstopvalue; fBrutalStop =
259 void CalculateInitialHNMass();
277 void UsePreviousRunSource(
string FirstSource =
295 void SetMode(
string MyMode=
310 void SetSpectrumType(
string type=
322 void SetTemperatureMap(
double *T=0,
int NT=0);
353 void SetDATADIR(
string name=
362 void SetEnsdfDATADIR(
string name=
370 void SetNucleiChartFileName(
string name=
380 void SetReactionDataFileName(
string name=
389 void SetMassDataFileName(
string name=
398 void SetNaturalIsotopeMassFileName(
string name=
408 void SetFPASCIIFileName(
string name=
418 void SetFPBinaryFileName(
string name=
420 void SetBaseSummaryFileName(
string name=
423 void ReadEvolvingCellCompositions(
string filename);
424 void WriteEvolvingCellCompositions(
string filename);
426 void ReadBinaryEvolutionData(
string filename);
427 void WriteBinaryEvolutionData(
string filename);
429 void ReadEvolutionData(
string filename);
430 void WriteEvolutionData(
string filename);
432 void WriteKeffData();
433 void WriteNFissionsData();
434 void ReadSpecialIsomerFile();
435 void SetSpecialIsomerFileName(
string name=
450 void SetMCNPRunDirectory(
string name=
string option=
452 void BuildMCNPFile(
string FileString=
461 void RunMultiMCNP(
int n);
463 void FindMCNPRunDirectory(
string OriginalMCNPRunDir);
464 void ConstructFileName(
string FileName);
465 string ConstructFileName(
string FileName,
int EvoNum,
int ThermoNum=-1);
472 void SetUseNewDBCN(
long int dbcn=-1);
534 void SetPVM(
int n_processor,
bool mcnp4b=
543 void SetMPI(
int n_processor,
string MPIExec=
544 void SetOMP(
int n_thread){fOMP=n_thread;}
561 void AddSpecialSurface(
568 void AddSpecial(
571 void SetComment(
string Comment=
"This comment is never read..."){fComment=Comment;}
573 void SetPRDMP(
string prdmp=
"2J -1 1"){fPRDMP=prdmp;}
575 void WriteMCNPFileNoTallies(
string FileName=
bool tmpvol=
586 void WriteLine(
string line,ostream &Out=cout,
int IsComment=0,
int IsTruncated=0,
char separator=
601 void SetAllFissionEnergies(
double Energy=2.0e08);
621 void FitTallyNormalizationFactor();
651 double NormalizeMCNPFissionsPerSecond();
652 void UpdateTallyNormalizationFactor();
653 double GetTallyNormalizationFactor();
733 void SetXe135Equilibrium(
double t=3*9.14*3600);
742 int FindLastMCNPRunNumber();
757 void SetTimeUnit(
double t);
797 void KeepOnlyFissionProductSelection(
string name=
858 void RebuildPerturbativeMaterials();
864 void RebuildTallies();
867 void BuildCOBRAFiles();
869 void SetCOBRACalculationRequired(
int NumberOfIteration) {fNumberOfIterationNTH=NumberOfIteration;fCOBRACalculationRequired=
881 void PlotGeometry(
bool Continue=0);
886 void WriteGlobalNucleiTree(
string fname=
887 void IntegrateMassInEvolvingCells();
888 double GetTotalAtoms();
897 void SumUpNucleiError(ostream &Out=cerr) ;
903 void RemoveXSDIR() {stringstream m; m<<
"rm "<<GetMCNPRunDirectory()<<
907 void UseEnergyBinsFile(
string Filename);
909 bool IsCooling(
int MCNPRunNumber);
910 void SetCooling(vector<bool> C);
913 void SetUserGeometryInputFile(
string name);
914 void FindTallyInMCNPUserFile();
916 void SaveBackupMureFile(
string TheFileName);
924 void BuildPerturbativeMaterials();
925 string GetTotalRunTime();
932 void ReadInBaseSummary();
933 string GetBaseSummaryLine(
int i);
934 void AddLineToBaseSummary(
string line);
981 void BuildTalliesMultiGroup();
990 void BuildTHTalliesMultiGroup();
996 void UpdateSigmaPhi();
1003 void UpdateSigmaPhiMultiGroup();
1013 void UpdateTHSigmaPhiMultiGroup();
1014 void AddTally(
Tally *T);
1018 void TransMogrify();
1019 void PredictorTransMogrify();
1031 unsigned NextCellNum();
1032 unsigned NextSurfaceNum();
1033 unsigned NextMaterialNum();
1034 unsigned NextUniverseNum();
1035 unsigned NextTallyNum(
int type);
1036 unsigned NextTransformNum();
1037 void SetLastTallyNum(
int Num);
1040 void AddMaterial(
Material *theMaterial);
1043 void AddSurface(
Surface *theSurface);
1049 void RemoveSurface(vector <Surface *>::iterator it);
1051 void AddUnknownVolume(
Cell *theCell);
1052 void AddUnknownSurface(
Shape *theShape);
1054 void RemoveMaterial(
Material *TheMaterial);
1056 Cell* FindCell(
int CellNo);
1058 Material* FindMaterial(
int MaterialNumber);
1063 void AddZAIThatFissions(
ZAI *zai);
1080 bool GetMCNPVolume();
1082 void FindMissingVolume();
1089 bool IsNucleusUsedForBeta(
int Z,
int A);
1090 void SumAllCellToBetaCalculation();
1091 void CalculateBetaI();
1093 void ResetAllBetaValues();
1095 double FindFissileEnrichment(
double DesiredKeff,
double EnrichmentFirstGuess,
Material* Fertile,
Material* Fissile,
Material* Target);
1100 void UpdateMaterial();
1102 void Copy(
const MURE &m);
1103 void WriteCell(ostream &Out);
1104 void WriteSurface(ostream &Out,
bool tmpvol=
1105 void WriteMaterial(ostream &Out);
1106 void WriteMCNPFile(
string FileName=
bool tmpvol=
1107 void CopyMCNPFile(
string FileName);
1108 void FindExtrapolateSigmaPhi();
1111 void CheckExtensions();
1112 void CheckCompositions();
1120 int fLastTallyNum[8];
void SetMCNPUserDefinedGeometry()
Tell that it is a user defined MCNP geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:911
bool fWriteASCIIData
True if DATA_ files are wanted (ASCII MURE data)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1267
void SetMessageLevel(int level)
Set the minimal level of printed messages.
Definition: MURE.hxx:506
vector< Nucleus_ptr > GetGlobalNucleiVector()
Returns the global nuclei vector.
Definition: MURE.hxx:898
int GetMessageLevel()
returns the minimal level of printed messages
Definition: MURE.hxx:487
string GetMFileName()
Returns filename of MCNP "m" file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:457
void SetFissionReleasedFile(string name)
Set the fission energy released from a file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:614
unsigned fLastTransformNum
last Transformation used
Definition: MURE.hxx:1121
MURE class allow to make connections between classes.
Definition: MURE.hxx:81
double fTallyNormalizationFactor
factor to normalized mcnp tallies.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1181
double fSetAllFissionEnergies
If > zero, then we will override correct fission energies with this value.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1240
TFunctor * fReactionListInitMethod
ReactionList Ini tMethod (e.g. InitJon())
Definition: MURE.hxx:1178
A Cell is a MCNP cell.
Definition: Cell.hxx:48
void SetFitTallyNormalizationFactor()
Set if the TNF has to be fitted.
Definition: MURE.hxx:623
vector< EvolutiveSystem * > fOutCoreEvolutiveSystemVector
the vector containing all theout core evolutive systems considered.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1139
int fVolumeNPS
source neutron number for stochastic volume calculation
Definition: MURE.hxx:1124
A real Nucleus with a Temperature.
Definition: Nucleus.hxx:47
map< Reaction, ValErr_t, EqualReaction > fControlRate
Global reaction rates when evolution is controled by ControlMaterial.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1216
bool fMultigroupTallies
True in multigroup calculation.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1274
EvolutionControl * fEvolutionControl
Control the Evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1213
vector< Material * > fPerturbativeMaterial
Vector of Perturbative materials for evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1162
string GetRealMCNPInputFileName()
returns mcnp input file name(eg. inpXXX).
Definition: MURE.hxx:456
void AddControlRodCell(Cell *TheCell)
say that the cell is used as a control rod
Definition: MURE.hxx:214
ValErr_t GetAbs()
returns the value of global total absorptions (code -2) in the whole geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:216
double GetKeff()
returns the value of the total combinated estimation of the Keff of the current run ...
Definition: MURE.hxx:890
void SetBetaCalculation()
use if delayed neutron fraction calculation wanted - Flag needed before running MCNP ...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1092
bool fSetESpectrum
flag for tallying Energy Bins in all "True" Cells (Cells which do contain a non void material) ...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1209
double fCurrentMCNPTime
Current MCNP time in case of Evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1186
int GetFirstThermalZIndexInBaseSummary(int z)
Use to find faster z entries for thermal data in Base Summary.
Definition: MURE.hxx:936
ValErr_t fGlobalNeutronLosses
Total neutron loss in the whole geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1222
vector< EvolutiveSystem * > fEvolutiveSystemVector
the vector containing all the evolutive systems considered.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1138
bool fSilentDebug
generally suppress the debug messages
Definition: MURE.hxx:1115
string fNucleiChartFileName
File where to find radioactive decays.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1149
double fInitHNMassInTon
Initial mass of Heavy Nucleus in ton.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1283
string fMCNPExec
name of MCNP exec
Definition: MURE.hxx:1123
void SetMaterialControl()
Set the MaterialControl mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:211
void SetModeP()
Set the Photon mode (Add By Leniau B.)
Definition: MURE.hxx:294
bool fFromRebuildTallies
flag to know if the RebuildTallies method has been used (for RebuildPerturbativeMaterials) ...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1176
string GetTimeUnit()
use only for pretty print
Definition: MURE.hxx:756
bool IsTHMultiGroupTalliesUsed()
return true for Thermal hydraulics Multi group flux MCNP run
Definition: MURE.hxx:181
ValErr_t fGlobalN3N
Total n3n rate in the whole geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1221
void SetNrk(int Nrk=10)
Set the number of Runge-Kutta step.
Definition: MURE.hxx:680
string fSourceFile
Name of the next source if using file source.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1194
double fPower
Power of the critical reactor IN WATTS ! (EFR = 3.6e+9 W)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1180
Surface class is design to define MCNP surface format.
Definition: Surface.hxx:26
bool fPartialParticleMCNPRun
True for partial particle number in a partial run mode, false for total particle. ...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1261
void SetPartialMCNPRunDirectory(string name="PartialRun")
Set The Partial Run directory name.
Definition: MURE.hxx:777
string fXSDIRName
the xsdir name
Definition: MURE.hxx:1184
EvolutionControl * GetEvolutionControl()
returns the EvolutionControl object
Definition: MURE.hxx:209
string fMCNPInputFileName
The final file name for MCNP (such as inpXXX for step XXX of an Evolution)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1147
string GetListOfWantedNucleiFN()
returns the List of Wanted Nuclei file name
Definition: MURE.hxx:827
int fMCNPRunNumber
Current MCNP Run Number.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1200
ValErr_t fGlobalFissions
Total fission rate in the whole geometry (-6).
Definition: MURE.hxx:1218
double GetKeff_Err()
returns the error associated to the value of the total combinated estimation of the Keff of the curre...
Definition: MURE.hxx:891
vector< Cell * > & GetCellVector()
Returns the Cell Vector.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1053
void SetTallyNormalizationFactor(double val)
Definition: MURE.hxx:654
double GetPower()
returns the reactor power (in watts)
Definition: MURE.hxx:204
void SetMultiGroupDecadeMultiplcator(int N=1)
set the number of Multi group flux per decade
Definition: MURE.hxx:179
int GetOMP()
return thread number for parallel mcnp run
Definition: MURE.hxx:545
bool fPredictorCorrector
True if Predictor-Corrector evolution scheme is used.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1279
string GetSourceFileName()
return the name of the input source file for kcode run
Definition: MURE.hxx:280
bool fPredictorStep
True if the step is the Predictor step before a corrector one.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1281
double fKeff_Err
Current Error on current Keff of the problem.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1190
int NumberOfCellGroup()
return the number of cell group
Definition: MURE.hxx:195
string fFissionReleasedFN
The name of fission energy released file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1245
void SetModeN()
Set the Neutron mode (default)
Definition: MURE.hxx:289
bool fMaterialControl
whether Keff control by a ControlMaterial is be used during evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1207
bool BaseSummaryReadIn()
Is the base summary read in?
Definition: MURE.hxx:931
bool fMPI
True for a MCNP MPI parallel run.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1235
string fEnergyBinsFileName
name of the user provided data file with desired energy binning.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1211
void SetControlRate(int ReactionCode, ValErr_t rate)
Set global reaction rates when evolution is controled by ControlMaterial.
Definition: MURE.hxx:245
double fVolumeWarning
warning message threshold in stochastic volume precision
Definition: MURE.hxx:1125
string GetBaseSummaryFileName()
return the BaseSummary.dat file name
Definition: MURE.hxx:421
vector< Surface * > & GetSurfaceVector()
return the Surface Vector.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1050
Template class to assign a method of class T as argument.
Definition: TFunctor.hxx:34
string GetMode()
returns MCNP mode (particle transported)
Definition: MURE.hxx:296
bool fFittedTNF
True when TNF extrapolation is used.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1257
double GetRunTime()
returns the difference between the start system clock time and now
Definition: MURE.hxx:926
int GetReactionDepth()
return the maximum number of consecutive reactions
Definition: MURE.hxx:846
int GetMCNPThermoRunNumber()
returns current MCNP run number for thermo
Definition: MURE.hxx:752
bool IsFitTallyNormalizationFactor()
return whether the TNF has to be fitted.
Definition: MURE.hxx:622
double GetShortestHalfLife()
return the shortest half time to consider for evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:836
Shape_ptr fOutermostShape
The outer Shape to evaluate neutron leakage.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1228
int fCurrentRKNumber
Current Runge Kutta Number.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1202
void SetComment(string Comment="This comment is never read...")
First line of MCNP file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:571
bool fBrutalStop
brutally stop the evolution if Keff falls below BrutalStopValue
Definition: MURE.hxx:1241
void SetCurrentTime(double time)
set Current time in case of Evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:747
void SetModeNE()
Set the Neutron Electron mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:291
const int NODEBUG
Definition: MURE.hxx:44
double GetPCEvaluationTime()
return corrector evaluation time
Definition: MURE.hxx:142
void AddToNuSigmaFisPhiTotal(double Value)
Adds values of Nu tot sigma phi of a cell to the total value.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1088
void SetSource(MCNPSource *source)
Set the (true) MCNP neutron source (kcode, ...)
Definition: MURE.hxx:268
vector< MeshTally * > fMeshTallyVector
the vector of all Mesh Tally to write
Definition: MURE.hxx:1135
void SetSourceSphereCenter(double *O)
set the center of the source Sphere (stochastic volume calculation)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1087
string GetMassDataFileName()
returns the name of the isotopes masses file
Definition: MURE.hxx:390
unsigned GetMaterialNum()
set Material number
Definition: MURE.hxx:1029
double GetCurrentRKStep()
returns current Runge Kutta step
Definition: MURE.hxx:749
EvolutiveSystem class carries out evolution.
Definition: EvolutiveSystem.hxx:37
void SetModePE()
Set the Photon Electron mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:293
void SetBrutalStopKValue(double brutalstopvalue)
Set the Brutal Stop Value.
Definition: MURE.hxx:231
string fTimeUnit
use only for pretty print
Definition: MURE.hxx:1270
bool IsFitSigmaPhiPC()
True if the in PCE, fit of sigma*phi is done for the corrector step.
Definition: MURE.hxx:966
bool fWriteBinaryData
True if BDATA_ files are wanted (binary MURE data)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1266
bool fXe135Equilibrium
whether or not to use Xe-135 equilibrium treatment
Definition: MURE.hxx:1296
double GetNextMCNPTime()
returns Next MCNP time in case of Evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:746
double fXe135EquilibriumTime
the time from which Xe-135 equilibrium is "imposed"
Definition: MURE.hxx:1297
bool fIsAutoXSDIR
Whether the XSDIr must be automtically built or not.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1185
int fNrk
Number of internal Runge-Kutta integration steps between two consecutive MCNP runs.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1191
bool fIsCoolingUsed
true when cooling is set
Definition: MURE.hxx:1230
void SetEvolutionControl(EvolutionControl *EC)
set the EvolutionControl object
Definition: MURE.hxx:208
vector< double > fMCNPFissionsPerSecond
Vector of total number of fissions per seconds for each zai.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1165
vector< ReactorMesh * > GetReactorMeshVector()
Returns the reactor mesh vector.
Definition: MURE.hxx:865
bool fEvolutionRequired
If we are running MCNP many times - Evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1169
double GetMCNPFissionsPerSecond(int i)
returns the ith total number of fissions/s.
Definition: MURE.hxx:634
bool fU8StdTally
True if std tallies are used for U-238 in a multi-group evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1277
string fMPIExec
MPI Exec name to launch mcnp (mpiexec, mpirun, ...)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1233
void DontAddMaterial()
The Material vector is not fill: the puspose is to avoid an error when using open mp for GammaSpectru...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1041
vector< Cell * > fCellofUnknownVol
Vector of Cell of Unknown volume used in tallies.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1141
double GetCurrentMCNPTime()
returns Current MCNP time in case of Evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:744
bool fKeepOnlyFissionProductSelection
true if all fission products are not used for evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:1250
bool fTHMultigroupTallies
True in Thermal hydraulics multigroup calculation.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1275
void SetNewReactorMeshObject(ReactorMesh *RM)
Add a new ReactorMesh Object into the vector.
Definition: MURE.hxx:866
void SetSourcePartialFactor(int N=2)
set the fSourcePartialFactor for Partial Run mode
Definition: MURE.hxx:778
void SmoothSigmaPhi(bool flag=true)
Set/Unset a Smooth extrapolation of sigma*phi.
Definition: MURE.hxx:964
void SetMCNPThermoRunNumber(int value=0)
returns current MCNP run number for thermo
Definition: MURE.hxx:753
vector< SpecialIsomer > & GetSpecialIsomerVector()
Definition: MURE.hxx:1068
bool IsOnlyFissionProductSelection()
return true if all fission products are not used for evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:799
bool GetUsePrevSource()
return true if an old "s" file is used as MCNP source
Definition: MURE.hxx:278
unsigned fLastCellNum
last Cell number used
Definition: MURE.hxx:1116
void AddToNucleiErrorMap(Nucleus *nuc, string ErrType)
add a ZAI to NucleiErrorMap with its problem type
Definition: MURE.hxx:896
double fSourceSphereR
Sphere source radius used in stochastic volume calculation.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1126
bool IsPartialMCNPRun()
return whereas Partial Run mode is used
Definition: MURE.hxx:774
string fMCNPInputBaseFileName
The Base Name of the input file name generated for MCNP (such as "inp")
Definition: MURE.hxx:1146
vector< Cell * > & GetCellGroup(int GroupNumber)
return the cell vector of the group GroupNumber
Definition: MURE.hxx:194
bool fTallyRebuild
Allows or not rebuild of tallies (necessary in thermal evolution)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1258
void SetModeNPE()
Set the Neutron Photon Electron mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:292
bool AllowToAddMaterial()
Definition: MURE.hxx:1042
double fInterseptTNF
current intersept value for linear Tally Normalization Factor extrapolation
Definition: MURE.hxx:1256
bool fThermoHydraulicsRequired
If we are running MCNP many times with ThermoHydraulics.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1170
void SetFitRangeNumber(int n=4)
set the number of points used for fitting XS
Definition: MURE.hxx:953
string GetMCNPRunDirectory()
Returns mcnp run directory name.
Definition: MURE.hxx:451
void SetUsePrevSource(bool flag=true)
say whether or not to use an old "s" file
Definition: MURE.hxx:279
string fNaturalIsotopeMassFileName
File where to find the nuclear mass data for natural isotopes.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1152
double fDTRK
wanted DT for RK intergartion.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1192
string GetMCNPExec()
Get the name of the MCNP exec.
Definition: MURE.hxx:454
bool fMaterialUpdated
flag indicating that Materials have been updated
Definition: MURE.hxx:1177
void SetMCNPNucleusThreshold(double epsilon=1e-6)
Set threshold to decide to write a nucleus in MCNP.
Definition: MURE.hxx:808
vector< Material * > & GetMaterialVector()
returns the Material Vector.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1066
void SetOMP(int n_thread)
set the number of threads for parallel mcnp run
Definition: MURE.hxx:544
ValErr_t GetFiss()
returns the fission rate
Definition: MURE.hxx:219
BasePriority * fBasePriority
The Base Priority wish.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1174
vector< Material * > GetPerturbativeMaterial()
returns perturbative material vector
Definition: MURE.hxx:1062
bool fUserDefaultHydraulicModel
Use specific hydraulics model for CHF.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1173
bool IsWriteASCIIData()
Return whether the ascii evolution output (DATA) should be printed.
Definition: MURE.hxx:486
long int fRandomSeedGenerator
first arg of DBCN card
Definition: MURE.hxx:1291
bool fFinishOnMCNPRun
The envolution ends on a MCNP run.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1292
void SetMode(string MyMode="N")
Set a general MCNP run mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:295
bool fAddMaterial
false if you don't want to add material in fMaterialVector
Definition: MURE.hxx:1293
int fRunMultiMCNP
Number of rub in a Multi MCNP mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1271
int fNprocessors
Number of processor in PVM/MPICH MCNP run.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1232
TemperatureMap * GetTemperatureMap()
returns the Temperature Map
Definition: MURE.hxx:323
int fReactionDepth
The maximum number of consecutive reactions.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1157
ValErr_t GetControlRate(int ReactionCode)
return the global reaction rates when evolution is controled by ControlMaterial
Definition: MURE.hxx:247
int fOMP
number of Threads in OMP parallel compilation of mcnp.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1236
bool fMUREInputGeometry
True if the geometry is a MURE geometry and false for a user defined MCNP geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1247
string fUserGeometryInputFile
The input file for the user given MCNP geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1248
Define a MCNP Tally.
Definition: Tally.hxx:324
int GetFirstContinuousZIndexInBaseSummary(int z)
Use to find faster z entries for continuous energy in Base Summary.
Definition: MURE.hxx:935
void SetReactionListInitMethod(TSpecificFunctor< ReactionList > *method)
Set the ReactionList Init Method.
Definition: MURE.hxx:338
A ControlMaterial.
Definition: ControlMaterial.hxx:30
int fMureDataWritingVersion
The MURE version for data writing in evolving file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1243
int GetMCNPRunNumber()
returns current MCNP run number
Definition: MURE.hxx:751
string GetDATADIR()
returns the Data directory where data files are stored
Definition: MURE.hxx:354
bool fBetaCalculationRequired
True if delayed neutron fraction calculation wanted.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1288
Shape_ptr GetOutermostShape()
returns the most outer shape_ptr
Definition: MURE.hxx:257
int GetNrk()
Definition: MURE.hxx:713
vector< EvolutiveSystem * > GetOutCoreEvolutiveSystemVector()
returns the vector containing all the OutCore evolutive systems considered.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1065
void SetCurrentMCNPTime(double time)
set Current MCNP time in case of Evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:743
bool fUseEnergyBinsFile
flag for using a user provided data file with desired energy binning.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1210
double fPCEvaluationTime
Time at wich the Predictor-Corrector is done : either ~dT/2 or dT.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1280
bool fFitSigmaPhiPC
True if the in PCE, fit of sigma*phi is done for the corrector step.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1282
void SetRealMCNPInputFileName(string Name)
Set Real MCNP Input File Name (e.g. inpXXX).
Definition: MURE.hxx:459
double fNuSigmaFisPhiTotal
Nu*sigma*phi total.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1289
Define a MeshTally class (abstract).
Definition: MeshTally.hxx:23
vector< vector< Cell * > > fGroupCellVector
the vector of Group Cell
Definition: MURE.hxx:1130
bool fFromCopy
flag to know if the Copy method has been used (for destructor)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1175
double fCurrentRKStep
Current Runge Kutta step.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1203
void SetOutermostShape(Shape_ptr s)
Set the most outer shape.
Definition: MURE.hxx:256
int fSourcePartialFactor
factor for multiplying source in the total run/partial run
Definition: MURE.hxx:1263
bool fPVM
True for a MCNP PVM parallel run.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1234
bool fSmoothSigmaPhi
Whether or not to smooth SigmaPhi between 2 MCNP steps.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1199
string GetNaturalIsotopeMassFileName()
returns the name of the natural isotopes masses file
Definition: MURE.hxx:399
vector< double > fNSigmaFisPhiTotalOfNucleus
For a nucleus : sum of reaction rates.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1290
bool fFitSigmaPhi
Whether or not fit SigmaPhi between 2 MCNP steps.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1198
string fSpecialIsomerFileName
file that explain the particular treatment of special isomers
Definition: MURE.hxx:1295
bool GetMaterialControl()
Say if MaterialControl mode is used.
Definition: MURE.hxx:212
int fFitRange
The number of point taken for the fit.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1204
const int DODEBUG
Definition: MURE.hxx:45
TFunctor * GetReactionListInitMethod()
return the fReactionListInitMethod
Definition: MURE.hxx:339
vector< Material * > fMaterialVector
the vector of all Material to write
Definition: MURE.hxx:1131
vector< string > fBaseSummary
Table to put the Base summary file in memory for quick access.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1284
string fDataDirectoryName
data directory name for all data files
Definition: MURE.hxx:1143
vector< string > fSpecialSurfaceCard
the vector of all Special Surface card
Definition: MURE.hxx:1136
Define a Reaction list for Tally multiplicator inputs.
Definition: Tally.hxx:233
double fReactionThreshold
the reaction ratio threshold for ReactionList
Definition: MURE.hxx:1183
bool IsPredictorCorrector()
return true when PC method is used
Definition: MURE.hxx:140
The good way of handling temperature from data base.
Definition: TemperatureMap.hxx:28
bool fBaseSummaryReadIn
Flag to say if Base summary has been read in or not.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1285
vector< Cell * > fCellVector
the vector of all Cell to write
Definition: MURE.hxx:1129
vector< double > fEnergyBins
Bin array for the energies.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1226
string fMFileName
The name of the m file containing tallies.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1148
int fMessageLevel
message level treshold
Definition: MURE.hxx:1114
double fDeltaK
The precision with which the user wishes to remain around the value of Keff = 1. FMS testing...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1205
bool IsMCNPUserDefinedGeometry()
return true for a user defined MCNP geometry
Definition: MURE.hxx:912
ValErr_t fGlobalNuFissions
Total nu fission rate in the whole geometry (-6:-7).
Definition: MURE.hxx:1219
double GetSpectrumType()
returns the mean energy of the spectrum.
Definition: MURE.hxx:315
ValErr_t GetN3N()
returns the (n,3n) rate
Definition: MURE.hxx:218
vector< ZAI * > fZAIThatFission
Vector of all the zai which fission.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1164
int fMultiGroupDecadeMultiplcator
number of group/decades in multi-group run is multiply by this factor
Definition: MURE.hxx:1276
MCNPSource * fReactivityCoeffsSource
Source Used for reactivity coeffs calculations.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1237
Define priorites of nuclear databases to choose nuclei from BaseSummary.dat file. ...
Definition: BasePriority.hxx:25
string GetFissionReleasedFile()
Get fission energy released file used.
Definition: MURE.hxx:615
bool IsSmoothSigmaPhi()
Definition: MURE.hxx:965
map< Nucleus *, string > fNucleiErrorMap
Map to store problems about nuclei (Errors in Nucleus::FindCode, more precisely)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1168
vector< Cell * > fControlRodCell
The cell that is a control rod.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1208
double GetReactionThreshold()
Get the reaction ratio threshold for ReactionList.
Definition: MURE.hxx:801
char * GetFPBinaryFileName()
returns Binary file name for FP
Definition: MURE.hxx:419
string fKeepOnlyFissionProductSelectionFN
The file name that contains the FP to keep.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1251
int GetNProcessors()
return processors number for pvm/mpich run
Definition: MURE.hxx:547
MCNPSource * fSource
Define a MCNP neutron source.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1128
void SetWriteBinaryData(bool flag=true)
Set if the binary evolution output (BDATA) should be printed.
Definition: MURE.hxx:483
void SetEvolutionRequired(bool flag=true)
say that evolution is needed or not
Definition: MURE.hxx:883
void FinishOnMCNPRun(bool flag=true)
Finish evolution by a MCNP run.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1094
int GetCurrentRKNumber()
returns current Runge Kutta number
Definition: MURE.hxx:750
string fComment
first line comment in MCNP file
Definition: MURE.hxx:1122
string GetMCNPInputFileName()
returns mcnp input Base file name (e.g. "inp" for an evo step inpXXX).
Definition: MURE.hxx:455
double fMCNPNucleusThreshold
the threshold to decide to write a nucleus
Definition: MURE.hxx:1214
char * GetFPASCIIFileName()
returns ASCII file name for FP
Definition: MURE.hxx:409
string fPRDMP
PRDMP argument (default=2J -1 1)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1160
double GetCurrentTime()
returns Current time in case of Evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:748
bool IsXe135Equilibrium()
return true when this treatment is used
Definition: MURE.hxx:734
string fMCNPRunDirectory
name of the directory in which the MCNP output files are written
Definition: MURE.hxx:1145
string fEnsdfDataDirectoryName
data directory name for ENSDF data (added B.LENIAU)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1144
vector< Tally * > & GetTallyVector()
Definition: MURE.hxx:1061
string fMode
the mode MCNP card (N, N P, N E,P E,P, or N P E)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1159
string GetNucleiChartFileName()
Set Name of the decay mode file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:371
int GetSourcePartialFactor()
return the fSourcePartialFactor for Partial Run mode
Definition: MURE.hxx:779
void UseMultiGroupTallies(bool StdTallyFor238U=false)
Use Multi group tallies in the evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:178
A Material constituing a Cell.
Definition: Material.hxx:53
bool fPartialMCNPRun
True when doing partial run for error evalution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1260
MCNPSource * GetSource()
Get the (true) MCNP neutron source (kcode, ...)
Definition: MURE.hxx:269
bool IsThermoHydraulicsRequired()
Definition: MURE.hxx:871
bool fMCNP4B
True if MCNP 4B is used.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1231
bool IsWriteBinaryData()
Return whether the binary evolution output (BDATA) should be printed.
Definition: MURE.hxx:485
void SetSilentDebug(bool flag=true)
Set the Silent Debug mode on.
Definition: MURE.hxx:515
Define a MCNP Source.
Definition: MCNPSource.hxx:28
void SetWriteASCIIData(bool flag=true)
Set if the ascii evolution output (DATA) should be printed.
Definition: MURE.hxx:484
vector< string > fSpecialCard
the vector of all Special card to write
Definition: MURE.hxx:1137
double fKeff
Current Keff of the problem.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1189
string fBaseSummaryFileName
Name of the Base Summary file to find info on availlable data bases.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1155
bool IsEvolutionRequired()
returns true if evolution is needed
Definition: MURE.hxx:884
A ZAI defined a (Z,A,Isomere) for a Nucleus.
Definition: ZAI.hxx:62
int fMCNPThermoRunNumber
Current ThermoHydraulics MCNP Run Number.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1201
bool IsMultiGroupTalliesUsed()
return true for Multi group flux MCNP run
Definition: MURE.hxx:180
bool IsPartialParticleMCNPRun()
return whereas in a Partial Run mode, it is the Partial or the full run
Definition: MURE.hxx:775
string fMassDataFileName
File where to find the nuclear mass data.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1151
ValErr_t fGlobalN2N
Total n2n rate in the whole geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1220
double GetTimeUnitConverter()
use only for pretty print
Definition: MURE.hxx:755
int fESpectrumTallyNumber
Number of the Tally for Energy flux spectrum.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1225
double fShortestHalfTimeThres
The shortest half time considered for a nucleus.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1156
double * fSourceSphereO
Sphere source center used in stochastic volume calculation.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1127
void SetCOBRACalculationRequired(int NumberOfIteration)
Definition: MURE.hxx:869
void AddToMCNPFissionsPerSourceNeutron(int i, double val)
Add val to total number of fissions/s for ZAI i.
Definition: MURE.hxx:646
BasePriority * GetBasePriority()
returns the BasePriority
Definition: MURE.hxx:324
double fFitTNFSlope
current slope value for linear Tally Normalization Factor extrapolation
Definition: MURE.hxx:1255
void SetRemove_r_files(bool flag=true)
remove MCNP "r" file during the evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:481
vector< ReactorMesh * > fReactorMesh
Vector containing ReactorMesh Objects if exist.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1273
void SetOriginalSourceFileName(string name)
set the name of the original input source file for kcode run
Definition: MURE.hxx:282
bool GetCorrectNormalizationFactor()
return Tibor's flag
Definition: MURE.hxx:662
void SetDTRK(double dt=-1)
Set the approximate Runge-Kutta step.
Definition: MURE.hxx:696
bool GetSilentDebug()
return true for if SilentDebug is on
Definition: MURE.hxx:507
double fTimeUnitConverter
use only for pretty print
Definition: MURE.hxx:1269
double fMeanEnergySpectrum
The mean energy spectrum to consider (for FP yield)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1158
void SetVolumeWarning(double variance=0.005)
set the warning message threshold in stochastic volume precision
Definition: MURE.hxx:1085
TemperatureMap * fTemperatureMap
The temperature Map.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1167
void IncreaseMCNPThermoRunNumber()
This is used in ThermoCoupling.cxx.
Definition: MURE.hxx:754
map< Nucleus *, string > & GetNucleiErrorMap()
Returns the Error storing map.
Definition: MURE.hxx:899
double fCurrentTime
Current time in case of Evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1188
vector< Cell * > GetTrueCellVector()
Definition: MURE.hxx:1047
ValErr_t fGlobalAbsorptions
Global total absorption rate of the whole geometry (code -2).
Definition: MURE.hxx:1217
void SetMCNPFissionsPerSourceNeutron(int i, double val)
set the total number of fissions/s for ZAI i.
Definition: MURE.hxx:640
string GetComment()
First line of MCNP file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:572
void SetKeff(double k)
Set the Keff to k.
Definition: MURE.hxx:892
double GetMCNPNucleusThreshold()
returns the threshold to decide to write a nucleus
Definition: MURE.hxx:809
void SetMaterialNum(unsigned num)
set Material number
Definition: MURE.hxx:1028
void SetPartialMCNPRun(bool flag=true)
Set the Partial Run mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:773
void SetUserDefaultHydraulicModel()
Definition: MURE.hxx:872
int fNumberOfIterationNTH
Number of Neutronics/thermalhydraulics iterations required at each fuel depletion step...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1172
vector< Cell * > fTrueCellVector
Vector of all true Cells (which are non void) which shall be written to MCNP (which fNumber is not ne...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1132
unsigned fLastSurfaceNum
last Surface number used
Definition: MURE.hxx:1117
void SetReactionDepth(int depth=10000)
Set the maximum number of consecutive reactions to consider for evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:845
bool fRemove_r_files
flag to remove mcnp r files from mcnp running
Definition: MURE.hxx:1239
unsigned fLastUniverseNum
last Universe number used
Definition: MURE.hxx:1119
int fStartTime
The computer clock time at the start of the run.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1272
void SetRunMultiMCNP(int n)
set the number of run in multi MCNP
Definition: MURE.hxx:462
vector< SpecialIsomer > fSpecialIsomerVector
vector of special Isomer treatment (like capture on Am241)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1294
vector< int > fFirstContinuousZIndexInBaseSummary
Store line number where to go to find Z entries for continuous energy in Base Summary.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1286
Define a Sphere Shape.
Definition: Sphere.hxx:21
vector< Cell * > & GetControlRodCell()
return the vector of control rod cells
Definition: MURE.hxx:215
vector< double > fMCNPTimeForFit
used for Tally Normalization Factor extrapolation (vector of time)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1254
ValErr_t GetNeutronLosses()
returns the neutron losses (escape)
Definition: MURE.hxx:221
string fListOfWantedNucleiFN
File name of the list of wanted nuclei (and ONLY these)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1265
void SetReactionThreshold(double sigma=1e-2)
Set the reaction ratio threshold for ReactionList.
Definition: MURE.hxx:800
unsigned fLastMaterialNum
last Material number used
Definition: MURE.hxx:1118
double GetInitialHNMass()
returns the mass of heavy nuclei in tons
Definition: MURE.hxx:206
void FitSigmaPhi(bool flag=true)
Set/Unset a fit extrapolation of sigma*phi.
Definition: MURE.hxx:950
string fFPBinaryFileName
Name Binary file for Fission Products.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1154
double fConstantK
The central value of Keff around which the user wishes to keep reactivity constant. FMS.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1206
void SetAutoXSDIR(bool cond=true)
Tells MURE to build its own XSDIR file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:901
bool fCOBRACalculationRequired
If we are running iteration between MCNP and COBRA.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1171
vector< Nucleus_ptr > fGlobalNucleiVector
Union of all the nuclei used in all the evolving materials.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1161
bool GetRemove_r_files()
returns flag to remove MCNP "r" file during the evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:482
void SetShortestHalfLife(double time=3600)
Set the shortest half time to consider for evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:835
void SetControlRate(Reaction r, ValErr_t rate)
Set global reaction rates when evolution is controled by ControlMaterial.
Definition: MURE.hxx:238
void SetPRDMP(string prdmp="2J -1 1")
Set the PRDMP MCNP card.
Definition: MURE.hxx:573
bool fCorrectNormalizationFactor
Flag to say if Tibor's correction to tallies will be used or not.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1268
ValErr_t GetN2N()
returns the (n,2n) rate
Definition: MURE.hxx:217
double fNextMCNPTime
Next MCNP time in case of Evolution.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1187
string fReactionDataFile
File where to find if reaction are available or not.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1150
string fPartialMCNPRunDir
Directory name for Partial Run.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1262
void SetPower(double Power)
set the reactor power (in watts)
Definition: MURE.hxx:203
void SetMCNPInputFileName(string Name)
Set MCNP Input Base File Name (e.g. "inp" for an evo step inpXXX).
Definition: MURE.hxx:458
int fGlobalLossesTallyNumber
Number of the Tally counting neutron loss in the whole geometry.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1224
int GetFitRangeNumber()
returns the number of points used for fitting XS
Definition: MURE.hxx:952
void SetESpectrum()
set flag to tally for energy flux spectrum in all cells to true.
Definition: MURE.hxx:906
vector< EvolutiveSystem * > GetEvolutiveSystemVector()
returns the vector containing all the evolutive systems considered.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1064
vector< double > fFitTNF
used for Tally Normalization Factor extrapolation (vector of TNF)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1253
string GetKeepOnlyFissionProductSelectionFN()
return the file name that contains the FP to keep
Definition: MURE.hxx:798
void AddCell(Cell *theCell)
Add a Cell to the Cell Vector. Only those cells shall be written if their fNumber attribute is positi...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1039
vector< ZAI * > & GetZAIThatFission()
Returns the vector of Zai that can undergo fission (fZAIThatFission vector).
Definition: MURE.hxx:1067
vector< Shape * > fSurfofUnknownArea
Vector of Shape_ptr of Unknown area used in tallies.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1142
Abstract class to define Functor (function of function).
Definition: TFunctor.hxx:18
void RemoveXSDIR()
remove xsdir
Definition: MURE.hxx:903
void SetListOfWantedNucleiFN(string name)
Set the List of Wanted Nuclei file name.
Definition: MURE.hxx:826
bool IsFitSigmaPhi()
returns whether or not fit SigmaPhi between 2 MCNP steps.
Definition: MURE.hxx:951
bool IsMCNP4B()
return true if MCNP version is 4b (change the way of calling TASK)
Definition: MURE.hxx:548
void SetThermoHydraulicsRequired(bool flag=true)
Definition: MURE.hxx:870
ValErr_t GetControlRate(Reaction r)
return the global reaction rates when evolution is controled by ControlMaterial
Definition: MURE.hxx:246
vector< Surface * > fSurfaceVector
the vector of all Surface to write
Definition: MURE.hxx:1133
double GetXe135EquilibriumTime()
return the time from which equilibrium is "imposed"
Definition: MURE.hxx:735
void SetMaxDtRK(double dtmax=-1)
Set the approximate Maximum Runge-Kutta step.
Definition: MURE.hxx:711
double fDTMaxRK
the maximum DT for RK intergartion.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1193
vector< int > fFirstThermalZIndexInBaseSummary
Store line number where to go to find Z entries for thermal data in Base Summary. ...
Definition: MURE.hxx:1287
string GetEnsdfDATADIR()
Definition: MURE.hxx:363
void SetSourceFileName(string name)
set the name of the input source file for kcode run
Definition: MURE.hxx:281
vector< Tally * > fTallyVector
the vector of all Tally to write
Definition: MURE.hxx:1134
void SetFitSigmaPhiPC(bool flag=true)
set to flag if the in PCE, fFitSigmaPhiPC
Definition: MURE.hxx:967
bool IsPredictorStep()
return true for the predictor step
Definition: MURE.hxx:141
void SetMCNPExec(string Exec="mcnp4c")
Set the name of MCNP exec.
Definition: MURE.hxx:453
double fBrutalStopKValue
The brutal stop value.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1242
vector< bool > fIsCooling
array (same dim as MCNP time) say that it is cooling period (no flux)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1229
string fOriginalSourceFile
Name of the Original source file.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1195
ValErr_t GetNuFiss()
returns the fission*Nu
Definition: MURE.hxx:220
double GetFissionEnergies()
Get fission energy released used for all nuclei.
Definition: MURE.hxx:602
string GetReactionDataFileName()
Name of the Available reaction file for the chart.
Definition: MURE.hxx:381
void SetCorrectNormalizationFactor(bool flag=true)
Tibor's flag for correcting all tallies.
Definition: MURE.hxx:661
void SetNextMCNPTime(double time)
set Next MCNP time in case of Evolution
Definition: MURE.hxx:745
Manages filled assembly geometry - can be used for a coupled analysis with thermal hydraulics (cf...
Definition: ReactorMesh.hxx:28
int GetMCNPFissionsPerSecondSize()
returns the size of fissions/s zai vector.
Definition: MURE.hxx:629
string fFPASCIIFileName
Name ASCII file for Fission Products.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1153
void SetModeNP()
Set the Neutron Photon mode.
Definition: MURE.hxx:290
bool fUsePrevSource
Whether MURE must use the preivous run source or not.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1196
void SetSourceSphereRadius(double R)
set the radius of the source Sphere (stochastic volume calculation)
Definition: MURE.hxx:1086
Base class to define shapes.
Definition: Shape.hxx:54
EvolutionControl allows interactions with the evolution.
Definition: EvolutionControl.hxx:35
string GetXSDIRName()
return the XSDIR name
Definition: MURE.hxx:904
void SetVolumeNPS(int nps=400000)
Set source neutron number for stochastic volume calculation.
Definition: MURE.hxx:1084