▼NMCNP | This MCNP (concrete) class is used to built a reactor assembly |
CBrick | A 3D rectangular parallepipede Shape |
CConnector | Define a MCNP Connector |
CCylinder | Infinite cylinder Shape |
CGroupBin | Define MCNP group a cell or surface bin |
CHexagon | Regular hexagon Shape of a given height |
CLatticeBin | Define Lattice Cell type bin |
CNode | Node allows to construct Union or Intersection of Shape |
CPlane | Infinite plane Shape (or half space) |
CReactorAssembly | |
CSimpleBin | Define a MCNP Simple Bin |
CSphere | Define a Sphere Shape |
CTally | Define a MCNP Tally |
CTimeEnergyGrid | Define a Time and/or Energy Grid for tallies |
CTube | A Tube is a finite Cylinder with a hole inside (like a pipe) |
CZTorus | Define a ZTorus Shape |
▼NSerpent | Namespace use to couple MURE and Serpent |
CBinResult | |
CBrick | A 3D rectangular parallepipede Shape |
CConnector | Define a Serpent Connector |
CCylinder | Infinite cylinder Shape |
CDetectorOutputReader | |
CEnergyGridResult | |
CHexagon | Regular hexagon Shape of a given height |
CMureException | |
CNode | Node allows to construct Union or Intersection of Shape |
COutputReader | |
CPlane | Infinite plane Shape (or half space) |
CReactorAssembly | |
CResultOutputReader | |
CSimpleBin | Define a Serpent Tally simple bin |
CSphere | Define a Sphere Shape |
CTally | Define a Serpent Tally simple bin |
CTallyData | |
CTallyResult | |
CTimeEnergyGrid | Define a Time and/or Energy Grid for tallies |
CTube | A Tube is a finite Cylinder with a hole inside (like a pipe) |
CVolumeCalcOutputReader | Define a reader class |
CZTorus | Define a ZTorus Shape |
Nstd | Namespace of the Standard C++ |