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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NMCNPThis MCNP (concrete) class is used to built a reactor assembly
 CBrickA 3D rectangular parallepipede Shape
 CConnectorDefine a MCNP Connector
 CCylinderInfinite cylinder Shape
 CGroupBinDefine MCNP group a cell or surface bin
 CHexagonRegular hexagon Shape of a given height
 CLatticeBinDefine Lattice Cell type bin
 CNodeNode allows to construct Union or Intersection of Shape
 CPlaneInfinite plane Shape (or half space)
 CSimpleBinDefine a MCNP Simple Bin
 CSphereDefine a Sphere Shape
 CTallyDefine a MCNP Tally
 CTimeEnergyGridDefine a Time and/or Energy Grid for tallies
 CTubeA Tube is a finite Cylinder with a hole inside (like a pipe)
 CZTorusDefine a ZTorus Shape
 NSerpentNamespace use to couple MURE and Serpent
 CBrickA 3D rectangular parallepipede Shape
 CConnectorDefine a Serpent Connector
 CCylinderInfinite cylinder Shape
 CHexagonRegular hexagon Shape of a given height
 CNodeNode allows to construct Union or Intersection of Shape
 CPlaneInfinite plane Shape (or half space)
 CSimpleBinDefine a Serpent Tally simple bin
 CSphereDefine a Sphere Shape
 CTallyDefine a Serpent Tally simple bin
 CTimeEnergyGridDefine a Time and/or Energy Grid for tallies
 CTubeA Tube is a finite Cylinder with a hole inside (like a pipe)
 CVolumeCalcOutputReaderDefine a reader class
 CZTorusDefine a ZTorus Shape
 NstdNamespace of the Standard C++

MURE Project, documentation generated by Doxygen 1.9.7 - Fri Jan 19 2024