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This is MURE version 2, alias SMURE, Serpent/MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution. This utility couples a transport Monte-Carlo transport code (MCNP or Serpent 2) with a fuel burnup code or thermohydraulics. The main advantage is that the evolution can be fully and easly control, in a C++ way.

It also provide a easy way to build geometries for these 2 Monte-Carlo Codes. Specific namespaces are used to change output files from MCNP to Serpent with very few changes in the rest of the MURE input file. See examples provided with the package.

A visualisation tool, MureGui is provided to plot output results. It is based on ROOT library from the CERN (ROOT is available at

The MURE package is available at NEA or RSICC. It requires Serpent v2 and MCNP (v4, v5 or v6) which are not part of the MURE package.

See also
The "Classes" tab for the complete class description.
The User Guide for documentation and examples.

MURE Project, documentation generated by Doxygen 1.9.7 - Fri Jan 19 2024