Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of TracInstall

22/06/2017 14:04:13 (7 years ago)



  • TracInstall

    v8 v9  
    7575Alternatively you can configure Trac to run in any of the following environments:
    7676 * [ Apache] with
    77    - [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and
    78      [ ModWSGI IntegrationWithTrac].
    79    - [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
     77  * [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and [ ModWSGI IntegrationWithTrac].
     78  * [ mod_python 3.5.0], see TracModPython
    8079 * a [ FastCGI]-capable web server (see TracFastCgi)
    8180 * an [ AJP]-capable web
    138137Assuming you want to have your entire pip installation in `/opt/user/trac`
    140  -
    141139 {{{#!sh
    142140$ pip install trac psycopg2
    145  -
    146143 {{{#!sh
    147144$ pip install trac mysql-python
    217 [TracAdmin trac-admin] will prompt you for the information it needs to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value.
     214You will be prompted for the information needed to create the environment: the name of the project and the [TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings database connection string]. If you're not sure what to specify for any of these options, just press `<Enter>` to use the default value.
    219216Using the default database connection string will always work as long as you have SQLite installed. For the other [trac:DatabaseBackend database backends] you should plan ahead and already have a database ready to use at this point.
    274271 - [wiki:TracModWSGI Apache with mod_wsgi]
    275272 - [TracModPython Apache with mod_python]
    276  - //[TracCgi CGI] (should not be used, as the performance is far from optimal)//
     273 - [TracCgi CGI] //(should not be used, as the performance is far from optimal)//
    278275Trac also supports [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP] which may be your choice if you want to connect to IIS. Other deployment scenarios are possible: [trac:TracNginxRecipe nginx], [ uwsgi], [trac:TracOnWindowsIisIsapi Isapi-wsgi] etc.
    280277==== Generating the Trac cgi-bin directory #cgi-bin
    282 In order for Trac to function properly with FastCGI you need to have a `trac.fcgi` file and for mod_wsgi a `trac.wsgi` file. These are Python scripts which load the appropriate Python code. They can be generated using the `deploy` option of [TracAdmin trac-admin].
    284 There is, however, a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. The [TracAdmin trac-admin] command requires an existing environment to function, but complains if the deploy directory already exists. This is a problem, because environments are often stored in a subdirectory of the deploy. The solution is to do something like this:
    285 {{{#!sh
    286 $ mkdir -p /usr/share/trac/projects/my-project
    287 $ trac-admin /usr/share/trac/projects/my-project initenv
    288 $ trac-admin /usr/share/trac/projects/my-project deploy /tmp/deploy
    289 $ mv /tmp/deploy/* /usr/share/trac
    290 }}}
    291 Don't forget to check that the web server has the execution right on scripts in the `/usr/share/trac/cgi-bin` directory.
     279Application scripts for CGI, FastCGI and mod-wsgi can be generated using the [TracAdmin trac-admin] `deploy` command:
     282Grant the web server execution right on scripts in the `cgi-bin` directory.
     284For example, the following yields a typical directory structure:
     286$ mkdir -p /var/trac
     287$ trac-admin /var/trac/<project> initenv
     288$ trac-admin /var/trac/<project> deploy /var/www
     289$ ls /var/www
     290cgi-bin htdocs
     291$ chmod ugo+x /var/www/cgi-bin/*
    293294==== Mapping Static Resources
    299300There are two primary URL paths for static resources: `/chrome/common` and `/chrome/site`. Plugins can add their own resources, usually accessible at the `/chrome/<plugin>` path.
    301 A single `/chrome` alias can used if the static resources are extracted for all plugins. This means that the `deploy` command must be executed after installing or updating a plugin that provides static resources, or after modifying resources in the `$env/htdocs` directory. This is probably appropriate for most installations but may not be what you want if, for example, you wish to upload plugins through the //Plugins// administration page.
    303 The resources are extracted using the [TracAdmin trac-admin]` <environment> deploy` command:
    304 [[TracAdminHelp(deploy)]]
    306 The target `<directory>` will contain an `htdocs` directory with:
     302A single `/chrome` alias can used if the static resources are extracted for all plugins. This means that the `deploy` command (discussed in the previous section) must be executed after installing or updating a plugin that provides static resources, or after modifying resources in the `$env/htdocs` directory. This is probably appropriate for most installations but may not be what you want if, for example, you wish to upload plugins through the //Plugins// administration page.
     304The `deploy` command creates an `htdocs` directory with:
    307305 - `common/` - the static resources of Trac
    308306 - `site/` - a copy of the environment's `htdocs/` directory
    322320Assuming the deployment has been done this way:
    324 $ trac-admin /var/trac/env deploy /path/to/shared/trac
     322$ trac-admin /var/trac/<project> deploy /var/www
    368 Another alternative to aliasing `/trac/chrome/common` is having Trac generate direct links for those static resources (and only those), using the [[TracIni#trac-section| [trac] htdocs_location]] configuration setting:
     366Another alternative to aliasing `/trac/chrome/common` is having Trac generate direct links for those static resources (and only those), using the [TracIni#trac-section htdocs_location] configuration setting:
    381 ==== Setting up the Plugin Cache
     379==== Setting up the Plugin Cache #egg-cache
    383381Some Python plugins need to be extracted to a cache directory. By default the cache resides in the home directory of the current user. When running Trac on a Web Server as a dedicated user (which is highly recommended) who has no home directory, this might prevent the plugins from starting. To override the cache location you can set the `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` environment variable. Refer to your server documentation for detailed instructions on how to set environment variables.
     383If you setup hook scripts that call Trac, such as the Subversion post-commit hook script provided in the `/contrib` directory, make sure you define the `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` environment variable within these scripts as well.
    385385== Configuring Authentication