= Configuration d'athena au LPSC = [[PageOutline]] == Préparation de l'environnement athena == * Si ce n'est pas encore fait, préparez votre environnement comme indiqué [wiki:setupAthenaLocal ici] == La variable d'environnement PATHENA_GRID_SETUP_SH == * Cette variable indique au module pathena l'emplacement du fichier de configuration de l'environnement grille.[[BR]] Sur l'UI du LPSC, ce fichier se trouve sous /etc/profile.d/env.sh. Il faut donc ajouter ceci au fichier de requirements de CMT.[[BR]] {{{ sh-3.00$ cd cmthome/ sh-3.00$ ls cleanup.csh cleanup.sh Makefile rel_14-0 rel_14-3 rel_14-4 requirements requirements-1 requirementsgood setup.csh setup.sh sh-3.00$ vi requirements set CMTSITE STANDALONE set SITEROOT /swareas/atls/prod/releases/rel_14-4 macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA ${SITEROOT} macro SITE_PROJECT_AREA ${SITEROOT} macro EXTERNAL_PROJECT_AREA ${SITEROOT} #apply_tag overrideConfig #apply_tag noCVSROOT apply_tag oneTest apply_tag setup apply_tag cmt apply_tag CMTsetup apply_tag 32 macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/testarea macro ATLAS_SETTINGS_AREA "$(ATLAS_SETTINGS_AREA)" use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA) set CVSROOT :pserver:anonymous@isscvs.cern.ch:/atlascvs set PATHENA_GRID_SETUP_SH /etc/profile.d/env.sh }}} Initialisez ensuite l'environnement athena comme d'habitude. == Obtenir le module pathena == * Ce module s'obtient à partir du repository CVS du CERN. Faites un check-out à l'endroit approprié de votre testarea (dans mon cas j'utilise la release 14.2.20). {{{ sh-3.00$ cd testarea/14.2.20/ sh-3.00$ cmt co PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools sh-3.00$ cd PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt sh-3.00$ source setup.sh sh-3.00$ make sh-3.00$ rehash # (if you are using zsh/csh/tcsh) }}} '''Attention''': Ce module ne semble pas accessible en mode anonymous. Vous aurez peut-être à modifier les variables d'environnement CVS ainsi : {{{ sh-3.00$ export CVSROOT=:ext:your_cern_id@atlas-sw.cern.ch:/atlascvs sh-3.00$ export CVS_RSH=ssh }}} == Obtenir de l'aide sur la commande pathena == * Placez vous ensuite dans le repertoire run de votre package d'analyse. [[BR]] Vous pouvez obtenir de l'aide sur la commande pathena en tapant la commande suivante {{{ sh-3.00$ pathena --help Usage: pathena [options] [ [...]] 'pathena --help' prints a summary of the options Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --split=SPLIT Number of sub-jobs to which a job is split --nFilesPerJob=NFILESPERJOB Number of files on which each sub-job runs --nEventsPerJob=NEVENTSPERJOB Number of events on which each sub-job runs --nEventsPerFile=NEVENTSPERFILE Number of events per file --site=SITE Site name where jobs are sent (default:ANALY_BNL_ATLAS_1 --inDS=INDS Name of an input dataset --minDS=MINDS Dataset name for minimum bias stream --nMin=NMIN Number of minimum bias files per one signal file --cavDS=CAVDS Dataset name for cavern stream --nCav=NCAV Number of cavern files per one signal file --libDS=LIBDS Name of a library dataset --beamHaloADS=BEAMHALOADS Dataset name for beam halo A-side --beamHaloCDS=BEAMHALOCDS Dataset name for beam halo C-side --nBeamHaloA=NBEAMHALOA Number of beam halo files for A-side per sub job --nBeamHaloC=NBEAMHALOC Number of beam halo files for C-side per sub job --beamGasHDS=BEAMGASHDS Dataset name for beam gas Hydrogen --beamGasCDS=BEAMGASCDS Dataset name for beam gas Carbon --beamGasODS=BEAMGASODS Dataset name for beam gas Oxygen --nBeamGasH=NBEAMGASH Number of beam gas files for Hydrogen per sub job --nBeamGasC=NBEAMGASC Number of beam gas files for Carbon per sub job --nBeamGasO=NBEAMGASO Number of beam gas files for Oxygen per sub job --outDS=OUTDS Name of an output dataset. OUTDS will contain all output files --destSE=DESTSE Destination strorage element. All outputs go to DESTSE (default :%BNL_ATLAS_2) --nFiles=NFILES, --nfiles=NFILES Use an limited number of files in the input dataset --nSkipFiles=NSKIPFILES Skip N files in the input dataset -v Verbose -l, --long Send job to a long queue --blong Send build job to a long queue --cloud=CLOUD cloud where jobs are submitted (default:US) --noBuild Skip buildJob --individualOutDS Create individual output dataset for each data-type. By default, all output files are added to one output dataset --noRandom Enter random seeds manually --memory=MEMORY Required memory size --official Produce official dataset --extFile=EXTFILE pathena exports files with some special extensions (.C, .dat, .py .xml) in the current directory. If you want to add other files, specify their names, e.g., data1,root,data2.doc --extOutFile=EXTOUTFILE define extra output files, e.g., output1.txt,output2.dat --supStream=SUPSTREAM suppress some output streams. e.g., ESD,TAG --noSubmit Don't submit jobs --generalInput Read input files with general format except POOL,ROOT,ByteStream --tmpDir=TMPDIR Temporary directory in which an archive file is created --shipInput Ship input files to remote WNs --noLock Don't create a lock for local database access --fileList=FILELIST List of files in the input dataset to be run --myproxy=MYPROXY Name of the myproxy server --dbRelease=DBRELEASE DBRelease or CDRelease (DatasetName:FileName). e.g., d do.000001.Atlas.Ideal.DBRelease.v050101:DBRelease-5.1. 1.tar.gz --addPoolFC=ADDPOOLFC file names to be inserted into PoolFileCatalog.xml except input files. e.g., MyCalib1.root,MyGeom2.root --skipScan Skip LRC/LFC lookup at job submission --inputFileList=INPUTFILELIST name of file which contains a list of files to be run in the input dataset --removeFileList=REMOVEFILELIST name of file which contains a list of files to be removed from the input dataset --corCheck Enable a checker to skip corrupted files --prestage EXPERIMENTAL : Enable prestager. Make sure that you are authorized --novoms don't use VOMS extensions --useNextEvent Set this option if your jobO uses theApp.nextEvent() e.g. for G4 --ara use Athena ROOT Access --ares use Athena ROOT Access + PyAthena, i.e., use athena.py instead of python on WNs --araOutFile=ARAOUTFILE define output files for ARA, e.g., output1.root,output2.root --trf=TRF run transformation, e.g. --trf "csc_atlfast_trf.py %IN %OUT.AOD.root %OUT.ntuple.root -1 0" --spaceToken=SPACETOKEN spacetoken for outputs. e.g., ATLASLOCALGROUPDISK --notSkipMissing If input files are not read from SE, they will be skipped by default. This option disables the functionality --burstSubmit=BURSTSUBMIT Please don't use this option. Only for site validation by experts --devSrv Please don't use this option. Only for developers to use the dev panda server --useAIDA use AIDA --inputType=INPUTTYPE File type in input dataset which contains multiple file types --mcData=MCDATA Create a symlink with linkName to .dat which is contained in input file --pfnList=PFNLIST Name of file which contains a list of input PFNs. Those files can be un-registered in DDM --useExperimental use experimental features -c COMMAND One-liner, runs before any jobOs -p BOOTSTRAP location of bootstrap file }}} ' [wiki:tutopathena up]