
Version 7 (modified by /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=LPSC/CN=Fabian Lambert, 16 years ago) ( diff )


Configurer GANGA au LPSC


Pour l'instant, GANGA n'est pas installé sur l'UI du LPSC. Vous devez donc vous faire votre propre installation dans votre répertoire home.
La procédure d'installation est décrite sur le site officiel de ganga (Local Installations)


GANGA est configuré par défaut, mais vous pouvez créer et modifier un fichier .gangarc pour le personnaliser.

Création du fichier .gangarc

sh-3.00$ ganga -g

*** Welcome to Ganga ***
Version: Ganga-5-0-10
Documentation and support:
Type help() or help('index') for online help.

This is free software (GPL), and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type license() for details.

Ganga.Utility.Config               : WARNING  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/atlas/lambert/.gangarc'
Copied current config file to None
Using flavour Atlas
Created standard config file /atlas/lambert/.gangarc

Configuration de LCG

Voici un exemple de paramétrisation de la partie concernant LCG dans .gangarc


#  sets allowed computing elements by a regular expression
#AllowedCEs =

#  sets the size limitation of the input sandbox, oversized input sandbox will
#  be pre-uploaded to the storage element specified by 'DefaultSE' in the area
#  specified by 'DefaultSRMToken'
#BoundSandboxLimit = 10485760

#  sets the generic LCG-UI configuration script for the GLITE workload
#  management system
#Config =

#  sets the VO-specific LCG-UI configuration script for the EDG resource broker
#ConfigVO =

#  sets the file catalogue server
#DefaultLFC =
DefaultLFC =

#  sets the default storage element
#DefaultSE =
DefaultSE =

#  sets the space token for storing temporary files (e.g. oversized input
#  sandbox)
#DefaultSRMToken =

#  enables/disables the support of the EDG middleware

#  sets the LCG-UI environment setup script for the EDG middleware
#EDG_SETUP = /afs/

#  sets excluded computing elements by a regular expression
#ExcludedCEs =

#  Enables/disables the support of the GLITE middleware

#  sets the LCG-UI environment setup script for the GLITE middleware
#GLITE_SETUP = /afs/

#  sets the myproxy server
#MyProxyServer =
MyProxyServer =

#  sets the ranking rule for picking up computing element
#Rank =

#  sets the replica catalogue server
#ReplicaCatalog =

#  sets the full qualified class name for other specific LCG job requirements
#Requirements = Ganga.Lib.LCG.LCGRequirements

#  sets maximum number of job retry
#RetryCount = 3

#  sets the full qualified class name for handling the oversized input sandbox
#SandboxCache = Ganga.Lib.LCG.LCGSandboxCache

#  sets the transfer timeout of the oversized input sandbox
#SandboxTransferTimeout = 60

#  sets maximum number of job shallow retry
#ShallowRetryCount = 10

#  sets the storage index
#StorageIndex =

#  sets the name of the grid virtual organisation
#VirtualOrganisation = dteam

VirtualOrganisation = atlas

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