Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of TracTickets

20/07/2016 10:40:44 (9 years ago)



  • TracTickets

    v13 v14  
    66As the central project management element of Trac, tickets can be used for '''project tasks''', '''feature requests''', '''bug reports''', '''software support issues''' among others.
    8 As with the TracWiki, this subsystem has been designed with the goal of making user contribution and participation as simple as possible.
     8As with the TracWiki, this subsystem has been designed to make user contribution and participation as simple as possible.
    1010An issue is assigned to a person who must resolve it or reassign the ticket to someone else. All tickets can be edited, annotated, assigned, prioritized and discussed at any time.
    1919 * '''Reporter''' — The author of the ticket.
    2020 * '''Type''' — The category of the ticket. The default types are `defect`, `enhancement` and `task`.
    21  * '''Component''' — The project module or subsystem this ticket concerns.
     21 * '''Component''' — The project module or subsystem that this ticket concerns.
    2222 * '''Version''' — Version of the project that this ticket pertains to.
    23  * '''Keywords''' — Keywords that a ticket is marked with. Useful for searching and report generation.
    24  * '''Priority''' — The importance of this issue, ranging from ''trivial'' to ''blocker''. A dropdown list if different priorities are defined.
     23 * '''Keywords''' — Keywords that a ticket is tagged with. Useful for searching and report generation.
     24 * '''Priority''' — The importance of this issue, ranging from ''trivial'' to ''blocker''. A dropdown list when multiple priorities are defined.
    2525 * '''Milestone''' — Due date of when this issue should be resolved. A dropdown list containing the milestones.
    2626 * '''Assigned to/Owner''' — Principal person responsible for handling the issue.
    100  - If you need serious flexibility and aren't afraid of a little plugin coding of your own, see [ FlexibleAssignTo].
     100 - If you need more flexibility and aren't afraid of a little plugin coding of your own, see the [ FlexibleAssignTo plugin].
    102102 - Activating this option may cause some performance degradation. Read more about this in the [trac:TracPerformance#Configuration Trac performance] page.