[[FaqLpscToc]] == Zimbra at CCIN2P3 == Detailled documentation in French with screen copies here : https://lpsc.in2p3.fr/trac/faq/wiki/Messagerie === 1 - 1 Web client === You can access to your Zimbra account here https://lpscmail.in2p3.fr using your_lpsc_login@lpsc.in2p3.fr as id and your lpsc's password. === 1 - 2 IMAP Client === Configure manually a new account in Thundebird with the following informations IMAP server '''lpscmail.in2p3.fr''' port '''993''' '''SSL/TLS''' '''Normal Password''' SMTP server '''lpscrelay.in2p3.fr''' port '''465''' '''SSL/TLS''' '''Normal Password''' Id '''your_lpsc_login@lpsc.in2p3.fr''' Once Thunderbird is configured to read mails at CC and LPSC you can drag and drop any useful mailbox ffrom LPSC's account to Zimbra account Smartphone configuration uses the same informations. === 1 - 3 Import LPSC's Calendar and address book === * From Thunderbird export your calendar into an ICS file, menu {{{Event and task}}} / {{{export calendar}}} * From owncloud ​https://lpsc-cloud.in2p3.fr tab "contact" click on all contacts then on configuration icone on butom left corner, and export your addressbook in VCF format with arrow. * Then you can import your calendar and address book into Zimbra, tab {{{Preferences}}} / {{{Import /export}}} * To see your calendar from Thunderbird, just create a CALDAV calendar with URL ​https://lpscmail.in2p3.fr/dav/username@lpsc.in2p3.fr/Calendar === 1 - 4 Import all your old emails at once First of all, please contact the IT service to make sure you have enough space to do the transfer. Go to the webmail (​https://lpscmail.in2p3.fr), in the "Preferences" tab, you'll find the "Accounts" section. Clic "Add external account" and fill the blanks : - Email address : your_lpsc_login@lpsc-mail.in2p3.fr - Account name : Old lpsc (for example) - email server: lpsc-mail.in2p3.fr - Password : your usual password and check the box "Use an encrypted connection (SSL) when accessing this server". Then clic "Save" (top left). The tranfer will begin and import all your old directories (it may take several minutes, depending on the size of your directories). Once the sync done, right clic on INBOX in the Old lpsc account and clic "Turn sync off". You can now move all your directories to your main account's inbox. Once you're done, go back to "Preferences"->"Accounts" and delete the Old lpsc account.