[[Image(voyageur.jpg​,left,width=150,marge-right=20,marge-top=20)]] The !LabEx ENIGMASS2 runs a visitor program for scientists of all levels (students, postdocs, professors) to spend time at LAPP, LAPTh and/or LPSC. Visits can range from 1 week to 1 months, for collaborative work with local people, giving courses, etc... The main condition is that the topic falls within the ENIGMASS research activities and that a strong contact is established with a member of the !LabEx. The funding generally includes the hotel costs and a per-diem of about 30 euros/day for meals. If needed, the covering of travel expenses can be asked for as well. A dedicated form will shortly be available. Decisions about funding are usually taken once per month, so please submit demands with a sufficient time margin (best more than two months before the beginning of the visit).