Acknowledgement sentence to be used by Enigmass personnel in their publications: ''The authors acknowledge (or Author X acknowledges) funding from the French Programme d’investissements d’avenir through the Enigmass Labex.'' Logos to be used by Enigmass personnel on the slides of their presentations: {{{ #!table style="border:none;margin:auto;background-color:transparent" {{{#!td style="border: none" [[Image(logo_Enigmass-sansTexte.png,align=right)]] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" [[Image(logo-carre-couleur-150.png​)]] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" [[Image(logo_Enigmass-transparent.png​)]] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" [[Image(logo-couleur-150-c65c8.png​)]] }}} {{{#!td style="border: none" [[Image(logo_Enigmass-vignette.png,align=right)]] }}}