! ! PROTON STRUCTURE FUNCTION SELECTION FROM PDFLIB ! ! SET MSTP(52) = 2 FOR PDFLIB CHOICE ! SET MSTP(51) = 1000 * NGROUP + NSET ! EXAMPLES: ! MRSD-=3031 ; MRSG=3041 ! CTEQ2M=4018 ; CTEQ2PM=4024 ; CTEQ3M=4030 ! GRVH0=5002 ; GRV94H0=5006 ! MSTP(51)=4030 MSTP(52)=2 ! ! CHANGING RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR SEED ! MRPY(1) = RANSEED2 ! RANDOM SEED FIELD MSEL=1 ! QCD without diffractive ! Kinematical cuts CKIN(3)=PTLOW ! Minimum Pt for hard 2->2 process. CKIN(4)=PTHIGH ! Maximum Pt for hard 2->2 process. CKIN(9)=-4.2 ! Rapidity range for product with CKIN(10)=4.2 ! largest rapidity in hard 2->2 process. MSTP(81)=0 !TURN OFF MULTIPLE INTERACTIONS ! MDCY(C111,1)=0 !SETS PI ZERO STABLE (LIMITS SIZE OF OUTPUT) MDCY(15,1)=0 ! sets tau stable - this is important (for tauola)! ! The next line is _mandatory_ for RunII production MSTJ(22)=2 !A particle is decayed only if its proper !lifetime is smaller than PARJ(71) ! default should be ok. (strange particles stable, charm & bottom ! decay).