#!/bin/bash ################################################################################### # This is a bash script that compiles and runs all of the MC@NLO codes. # On your system, you need: # # bash shell AND gmake # # which are rather standard (ask your system manager if they are not # available). # # HOW TO USE THIS SCRIPT: # Look for "physical parameters" and "other input parameters" in # in this file; they control all the inputs for the MC@NLO codes. # After having modified them to suit your needs, execute this # file from a bash shell. Notice that the only command in this # file is # runMCatNLO # which is what you need in order to obtain MC@NLO results. Other # commands are available: see at the bottom of this file for a # list of them. In this version, they are all commented out; # uncomment them if you need them. # # WHAT THE USER MUST DO PRIOR TO RUNNING # The files # mcatnlo_hwdriver.f mcatnlo_hwlhin.f # must be edited in order to insert the 'INCLUDE HERWIGXX.INC' command # relevant to the version of HERWIG your are going to use. The file(s) # mcatnlo_hwanXXX.f # contain sample analysis routines, and must be edited for the same reason. # Notice, however, that these analysis routines are provided here to furnish # a ready-to-run package, but they are identical to standard HERWIG analysis # routines, and should therefore be replaced with your analysis routines. # In this case, you will simply set the variable HWUTI (in this file) equal # to the list of object files you need in your routines. # Finally, the variable HERWIGVER below must be set equal to the name # of your preferred version of HERWIG (matching the one whose common # blocks are included in the files above) ################################################################################### # # # # Physical parameters for a single top production of the s-channel # ================================================================= # # # CM energy ECM=14000 # renormalization scale factor FREN=1 # factorization scale factor FFACT=1 # mass of the heavy quark (top for Higgs production) HVQMASS=175 # W mass WMASS=80 # W width WWIDTH=2.124 # Z mass ZMASS=91.17 # Z width ZWIDTH=2.495 # Higgs mass HGGMASS=120 # Higgs width: MC@NLO does not compute the SM width associated with the # mass set in HGGMASS. The user must set the width by hand HGGWIDTH=0.0049 # In the computation of the Higgs cross section at the Born level: # IBORNHGG=1 --> exact M_top dependence, IBORNHGG=2 --> M_top -> infinity IBORNHGG=1 # If the Higgs, Z or W mass is distributed according to Breit-Wigner # (this is always the case when the vector bosons decay), the mass range is # M0_Vi - ViGAMMAX * WIDTH < M_Vi < M0_Vi + ViGAMMAX * WIDTH # for the vector bosons, and # M0_H - HGAMMAX * WIDTH < M_H < M0_H + HGAMMAX * WIDTH # for the Higgs, M0 being the pole mass. If VGAMMAX<0 (this option may # not be implemented for all processes), then # ViMASSINF < M_Vi < ViMASSSUP # and # HMASSINF < M_H < VMASSSUP # if HGAMMAX<0. In the case of gamma* production, we have # V1MASSINF < Q < V1MASSSUP # where Q is the virtuality of the virtual photon. # For all processes except vector boson pair production, only one vector # boson is present in the final state, and is labelled as V1. In the case # of vector boson pair production, the labels (V,V2) correspond to (W+,W-), # (Z,Z), (W+,Z), and (W-,Z) for IPROC=-2850, -2860, -2870, and 2880 # respectively V1GAMMAX=30 V1MASSINF=0 V1MASSSUP=0 V2GAMMAX=30 V2MASSINF=0 V2MASSSUP=0 HGAMMAX=30 HMASSINF=0 HMASSSUP=0 # quark and gluon masses UMASS=0.32 DMASS=0.32 SMASS=0.5 CMASS=1.55 BMASS=4.95 GMASS=0.75 # absolute values of the CKM matrix elements; used only for single-top # production. Set VUD=VUS=VUB=0 to use the defaults in the code VUD=0.9748 VUS=0.2225 VUB=0.0036 VCD=0.2225 VCS=0.9740 VCB=0.041 VTD=0.009 VTS=0.0405 VTB=0.9992 # Set AEMRUN=YES to use running alpha_em, AEMRUN=NO to use the Thomson value AEMRUN=YES # process number; MC@NLO process codes are negative. A positive process # code may be used (executing runMC) to run standard HERWIG IPROC=-2020 # vector boson code: IVCODE=-1,0,1 for W^-, Z, and W^+ respectively. # This variables is only used in WH and ZH production IVCODE=1 # lepton identification: IL1CODE=1,..,6 for Z, IL1CODE=1,..,3 for W, in # accordance to HERWIG convention. Set IL1CODE=7 for undecayed vector bosons. # IL1CODE is relevant to WH, ZH, and vector bosons pair production. In the # latter case, the variable IL2CODE is also introduced, and (IL1CODE,IL2CODE) # control the decays of (W+,W-), (Z,Z), (W+,Z), and (W-,Z) for # IPROC=-2850, -2860, -2870, and 2880 respectively IL1CODE=5 IL2CODE=5 # incoming left beam PART1=P # incoming right beam PART2=P # PDF group name; unused when linked to LHAPDF PDFGROUP=CTEQ # PDF set number; use LHAGLUE conventions when linked to LHAPDF PDFSET=56 # Lambda_5, used in NLO computations. A negative entry returns the value # resulting from PDF fit. # WARNING: negative entries may lead to inconsistent results when using # PDFLIB or LHAPDF: use a positive entry when in doubt LAMBDAFIVE=-1 # Scheme SCHEMEOFPDF=MS # Lambda_5, used by HERWIG. A negative entry returns the HERWIG default value LAMBDAHERW=-1 # # # other input parameters # # # prefix for BASES files; relevant to the integration step FPREFIX=TCH # prefix for event file; relevant to the event generation step EVPREFIX=TCH # prefix for the NLO and MC executables EXEPREFIX=TCH # number of events; set it to 0 to skip the event generation step NEVENTS=10 # 0 for weights=+1/-1, 1 for weights whose sum is the total rate WGTTYPE=1 # seed for random numbers in the generation of events. 0 is default RNDEVSEED=0 # set BASES=ON to perform integration, =OFF to skip the integration step BASES=ON # set PDFLIBRARY=THISLIB, =PDFLIB, or =LHAPDF to obtain PDFs from our # private PDF library, from PDFLIB or from LHAPDF respectively PDFLIBRARY=THISLIB # set HERPDF=DEFAULT to use HERWIG default PDFs, HERPDF=EXTPDF to use # the same PDFs as used in the NLO; the setting of this parameter is # independent of the setting of PDFLIBRARY HERPDF=DEFAULT # the variable HWPATH must be set equal to the name of directory # which contains the version of HERWIG the user wants to link # to his code HWPATH="/sps/atlas/l/lucotte/3.MC@NLO/HERWIG" # prepend this string to prefixes to avoid storage problems # leave blank to store event and data files in the running directory SCRTCH="" # set the following variable equal to the list of object files that # you need when using HERWIG (for analysis purposes, for example) HWUTI="mcatnlo_stmain.o mcatnlo_stxsec.o" # Set the following variable equal to the name of the version of # HERWIG that you use HERWIGVER="herwig6506.o" # set the following variable equal to the name of the directory where # the PDF grid files are stored. Effective only if PDFLIBRARY=THISLIB PDFPATH="/sps/atlas/l/lucotte/3.MC@NLO/MC@NLO32/PDF/" # set the following variable equal to the name of the directory where # the local version of LHAPDF is installed. We assume that the library, # PDF sets, and configuration script are located in lib/, # share/lhapdf/PDFsets/, and bin/ respectively LHAPATH="/sps/atlas/l/lucotte/3.MC@NLO/LHAPDFLIB" # set LHAOFL=FREEZE to freeze PDFs from LHAPDF at the boundaries, # =EXTRAPOLATE otherwise. This variable is related to LHAPARM(18) LHAOFL=FREEZE # # # # NOW LOAD THE SCRIPTS: DO NOT REMOVE THESE LINES thisdir=`pwd` . $thisdir/MCatNLO.Script # # # # # # # HERE, WRITE THE NAME OF THE SHELL FUNCTION THAT YOU NEED TO # EXECUTE CHOOSING AMONG (ONLY ONE AT A TIME): # # runMCatNLO runNLO runMC compileNLO compileMC # # THEIR MEANINGS ARE DESCRIBED IN WHAT FOLLOWS # # # the following compiles and runs both the NLO and MC codes # runMCatNLO # the following compiles and runs the NLO only (thus, the event file # is written, but not read by HERWIG) # runNLO # the following compiles and runs the MC only (thus, the event file must # be already present, otherwise the program crashes) # runMC # the following compiles NLO code compileNLO # the following compiles MC code # compileMC #runMCatNLO