C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C STEERING FILE FOR ACERMC (3.0) - ACERMC SETTINGS C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C==== TURN ON FFKEY STEERING FILE (DEBUG) LIST C THE AcerMC EVENT SETTINGS --------------------------------------------------- C==== SCALE/ACSET(2) C Choose the Q^2 scale for the active AcerMC process. C The implemented values differ for various processes, please look into the manual C for details ACSET2 3 C==== C==== FERMION/ACSET(3) C The flavour of the final state leptons produced in W or Z decays of AcerMC C processes.The Pythia/PDG naming convention is used: C FERMION=0 - all decays C FERMION=1 - only hadronic decays C FERMION=4 - electron and muon C FERMION=5 - b-quark decay C FERMION=10 - leptons (el,mu,tau) only C FERMION=11 - electron only C FERMION=13 - muon only C FERMION=15 - tau only C FERMION=12 - neutrinos, all three flavours are generated and C the cross-section is calculated accordingly. C The setting FERMION=5 works only for processes 7 and 8 ACSET3 10 C==== C==== Z/GAMMA/ACSET(4) C Use the full Z/gamma* propagator in AcerMC processes 5-8. C ZGAMMA=0 - only Z propagator C ZGAMMA=1 - full Z/gamma* propagator ACSET4 0 C==== C==== Z/G CUT/ACSET(5) C Cutoff value on the invariant mass m_Z/gamma* in GeV when ZGAMMA=1. C Note that the provided data files exist only for values of C ZGCUT=10,30,60,120,300 GeV which should satisfy most C users. In case a different value is set the user has also to provide C the user data files for the run. ACSET5 30.0 C==== C==== Z-PRIME MASS ACSET(58) C Value of Z-prime mass in TeV/c^2 C Note that the provided data files exist only for values of C Z-PRIME MASS=500 GeV, 1 TeV etcc. which should satisfy most C users. In case a different value is set the user has also to provide C the user data files for the run. ACSET58 0.5 C==== C==== Z-PRIME WIDTH ACSET(59) C Value of Z-prime width in TeV/c^2 C Note that the provided data files exist only for values width values C calculated for Z-PRIME MASS=500 GeV, 1 TeV etcc. which should satisfy most C users. In case a different value is set the user has also to provide C the user data files for the run. C Z-PRIME WIDTH < 0 - calculated internally from mass and couplings C Z-PRIME WIDTH > 0 - a fixed value is used. ACSET59 -1.0 C==== C==== Z-PRIME COUPLING SETS ACSET(60) C Cutoff value on the invariant mass m_Z/gamma* in GeV when ZGAMMA=1. C Note that the provided data files exist only for values of C Z-PRIME COUPLINGS=0 - Standard Model values of Z^0 C In case a different value is set the user has also to provide C the user data files for the run. ACSET60 0 C==== C THE AcerMC ADVANCED SWITCHES ------------------------------------------------ C==== ALPHA_S/ACSET(8) C Use the alpha_s provided by the linked generator (Pythia/Herwig) or the C one provided by AcerMC C ALPHAS=0 - use the linked generator's alpha_s C ALPHAS=1 - use the AcerMC's alpha_s (one loop calculation) C ALPHAS=2 - use the AcerMC's alpha_s (three loop calculation) ACSET8 0 C==== C==== ALPHA_S(M_Z^2)/ACSET(9) C Specify the value of alpha_QCD(M_Z^2) for AcerMC alpha_s calculation C ALPHASMZ=-1 - the value is taken from PDFLIB C ALPHASMZ>0 - the provided value is taken ACSET9 -1. C==== C==== ALPHA_EM/ACSET(10) C Use the alpha_QED provided by the linked generator (Pythia/Herwig) or the C one provided by AcerMC C ALPHAEM=0 - use the linked generator's alpha_QED C ALPHAEM=1 - use the AcerMC's alpha_QED ACSET10 0 C==== C==== ALPHA_EM(0)/ACSET(11) C Specify the value of alpha_QED(0) for AcerMC alpha_QED calculation C ALPHAEM0=-1 - the default AcerMC value is used C ALPHAEM0>0 - the provided value is taken ACSET11 -1. C==== C==== TOP S-L/ACSET(12) C Specify the decay mode of WW pair produced by external top decays in AcerMC C processes 1,2,4,7,8,9,92 and 93: C TOPDEC=0 - both W bosons decay according to Pythia/Herwig switches C TOPDEC=1 - one W decays into electron + nu and the other one hadronically C TOPDEC=2 - one W decays into muon + nu and the other one hadronically C TOPDEC=3 - one W decays into tau + nu and the other one hadronically C TOPDEC=4 - one W decays into el or mu + nu and the other one hadronically C TOPDEC=5 - one W decays into el or mu + nu and the other one hadronically, the C W decaying leptonically has the same charge as the primary W; the decay C mode makes sense only for AcerMC processes 4! C When TOPDEC>0 the output cross-section is ALREADY MULTIPLIED by the corresponding C branching ratio(s)! (Courtesy of AcerMC authors) ACSET12 0 C==== C==== BOSON PAIR DECAYS/ACSET(13) C Specify the decay mode of boson pairs inside AcerMC processes: C C BOSDEC=0 - both bosons decay in all possible modes C BOSDEC=1 - one boson decays into electron + nu and the other one hadronically C BOSDEC=2 - one boson decays into muon + nu and the other one hadronically C BOSDEC=3 - one boson decays into tau + nu and the other one hadronically C BOSDEC=4 - one boson decays into el or mu + nu and the other one hadronically C BOSDEC=5 - one boson decays into leptons (el or mu or tau) and the other one hadronically C BOSDEC=11 - both bosons decay into el + nu C BOSDEC=13 - both bosons decay into muon + nu C BOSDEC=15 - both bosons decay into tau + nu C BOSDEC=17 - both bosons decay into el or muon + 2 nu C BOSDEC=20 - both bosons decay hadronically C The output cross-section is ALREADY MULTIPLIED by the corresponding C branching ratio(s)! ACSET13 5 C==== C THE AcerMC TRAINING SETUP AND UNWEIGHTING TREATMENT ------------------------- C==== MODE/ACSET(50) C Specify the AcerMC training mode: C MODE=0 - normal run, generate unweighted events C MODE=1 - perform multi-channel optimisation. C MODE=2 - perform VEGAS grid training. C MODE=3 - perform VEGAS grid training as MODE=2 but does this by updating a provided grid C MODE=-1 - all flat C MODE=-2 - only VEGAS flat ACSET50 0 C==== C==== USER/ACSET(52) C Use the data files provided by user C USER=0 - no, use internal files C USER=1 - use the user's multi-channel optimisation and VEGAS grid files C USER=2 - use the default multi-channel optimisation and user's VEGAS grid files C USER=3 - use the default multi-channel optimisation and VEGAS grid files, read the user C maximal weight file. ACSET52 0 C==== C==== MAXFIND/ACSET(53) C Search for the maximum weight needed for event unweighting C MAXFIND=0 - no, use the provided file for max. weights C MAXFIND=1 - use the provided file for max. weights, re-calculate the max. weights using C the stored 100 highest events C MAXFIND=2 - perform the search and give the wtmax file, equivalent to generation of C weighted events ACSET53 0 C==== C==== EPSILON/ACSET(54) C Use the epsilon maximal weight or the overall maximal weight found in training (see the C manual for the difference) C EPSILON=0 - use the epsilon max. weight C EPSILON=1 - use the overall maximal weight ACSET54 0 C==== C==== NQCD/ACSET(56) C Use the naive qcd correction for width calculations C (see the manual for details) C NQCD=1 - use the naive QCD corrections C NQCD=0 - don't use naive QCD corrections ACSET56 1 C==== C==== JCCPDF/ACSET(57) C Use the Collins derived PDF-s for showering C (see the manual for details) C JCCPDF=1 - use the Collins PDF-s C JCCPDF=0 - don't use the Collins PDF-s ACSET57 0 C==== C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ END