First year plots at sqrt(s)=14 TeV
(generator -pythia- level)
Last update 20 February 2006
Drell Yan
Drell-Yan plots (log scale) with
10 pb-1 (top left),
100 pb-1(top right),
1 fb-1 (middle left),
10 fb-1 (middle right),
(unrealistically) large statistics sample (bottom left);
no fit (5 plots left) and fit superimposed (five plots right):
The fitting function is f(Mll)=a x^(-b) ; the fit intervall is [150,600] GeV;
the fitted value of the b parameter is respectively 4.4 +/- 1.3 , 4.8 +/- 0.2 , 4.64 +/- 0.05 , 4.61 +/- 0.005
for the 0.1, 1, 10 fb-1 and very large statistics samples.
Usual models (DY alone, SSM, psi, chi, eta, LR) at 1.5 TeV with 100 pb-1:
large statistics sample, normalised to desired integrated luminosity.
At the generation level (left) and at the reconstruction level (DC1) (right):
Usual models (DY alone, SSM, psi, chi, eta, LR) at 1.5 TeV with 100 pb-1:
one particular realisation of the above prediction.
At the generation level (left) and at the reconstruction level (DC1) (right):
Usual models (DY alone, SSM, psi, chi, eta, LR) at 1.5 TeV with 10 fb-1:
large statistics sample, normalised to desired integrated luminosity.
At the generation level (left) and at the reconstruction level (DC1) (right):
Usual models (DY alone, SSM, psi, chi, eta, LR) at 1.5 TeV with 10 fb-1:
one particular realisation of the above prediction.
At the generation level (left) and at the reconstruction level (DC1) (right):
Creation date: 23 November 2005