Drell-Yan comparison
Last update 23 December 2005
Pythia Drell-Yan versus Rizzo's Drell-Yan without ISR/FSR from 1 TeV,
PDF=CTEQ5L (HUGE statistics sample);
pT(e+/-)>20 GeV, eta(e+/-)<2.5
Cross sections before cuts = 6.6 fb (Pythia), 6.6 fb (Rizzo)
Cross sections after cuts = 5.71 fb (Pyhtia), 5.71 fb (Rizzo)
Comparison of kinematic observables (left)
(dilepton invariant mass, FB asymetry, Z' rapidity,
Z' pT, lepton pT and lepton pseudo rapidity)
and ratio between both (right); relative normalisation by number of events after cuts :
Pythia Drell-Yan versus Rizzo's Drell-Yan with ISR/FSR from 1 TeV,
PDF=CTEQ5L (HUGE statistics sample);
pT(e+/-)>20 GeV, eta(e+/-)<2.5
Cross sections before cuts = 6.6 fb (Pythia), 6.58 fb (Rizzo)
Cross sections after cuts = 5.74 fb (Pyhtia), 5.71 fb (Rizzo)
Comparison of kinematic observables (left)
(dilepton invariant mass, FB asymetry, Z' rapidity,
Z' pT, lepton pT and lepton pseudo rapidity)
and ratio between both (right); relative normalisation by number of events after cuts :
Creation date: 9 December 2005