... use1.1
Basic knowledge of C/C++ may help to understand MURE. Nevertheless, careful reading of examples is sufficient to understand and use the package. In appendix A, a very short introduction to C++ terminology is given in order to facilitate the use of the User Guide and examples.
For reactor physics, it is not generally necessary to take into account the evolution of every material (such as reflectors, vessels, ...).
... others1.3
It is, nevertheless, relatively easy to make evolution of user defined MCNP file.
... outputs1.4
Output files are mainly MCNP input files named inp.example_name. All output files have been compressed ; so you have to make a ``gunzip *'' inside MURE/examples/Output.
... example1.5
See comments in the file.
... method1.6
One can use either, gMURE->SetDATADIR(path) or the environment variable DATADIR (setenv DATADIR path in csh and export DATADIR=path in sh). Note that if you are using gMURE->SetDATADIR(path) you must call it before any Material definition.
Most of LINUX distributions provide LAPACK package ; a 'locate liblapack.so' shows if it is already installed ; if only liblapack.so.version_number is found, you either have to install the ``lapack-devel'' package or to make a 'ln -s /path_to_lapacklib/liblapack.so.version liblapack.so' in the MURE/lib directory.
In C++ this operator is known as the bitwise right shift operator
... particles3.2
The importance given in the Cell constructor will be the same for all transported particles (define by one of the MURE::SetMode methods) ; if user want to give specific importances for each particle, one needs to call for ALL transported particles the Cell::AddParticle(``particle_Name'', importance_for _that_part).
I.e. a pointer on a Material, see Appendix A
... nothing3.4
Because we are in a lattice, this whole space is cut by the lattice generator. It is also possible to give a bigger volume to obtain the same kind of result ; however, MCNP has to check all surfaces of this volume for a neutron in the cell so it will result in a longer MCNP run...
In this figure, we also show the MURE cross-section data base built at IPNO/LPSC ; this base stores nuclei from ENDF, JENDL and JEFF. The relatively small difference in nuclei number between MCNP and MURE bases is due to the fact that this tree has been built at 300K. When choosing higher temperatures (as in standard reactors), the difference will increase because the MURE base has been processed for different temperatures (500K, 600K, 800K, 1000K, 1200K, 1500K) for minor actinides and main fission products. This base is not part of the MURE package.
... binary5.2
One can make ACE binary format from ASCII ACE format using MCNP makxsf exec. Even if NJOY is theoretically able to create such files (ACE binary files), our experience shows that only ASCII files made by NJOY are usable. So you can process ACE ASCII files from ENDF format with NJOY and then, use makxsf to convert them to binary.
An ASCII file may be used but since the run time increases significantly, we recommend to convert the ASCII ACE file to a binary ACE file with makxsf.
... barn5.4
This threshold has been chosen in order to suppress ``exotic'' reactions, such as (n,nα), as well as other insignificant reactions and to keep ``essential'' reactions ; a file, SuppressReaction.dat in the ReactionList directory contains the removed reactions. Don't forget to verify it!!!!
... faster6.1
When using parallel calculation for MCNP (omp,mpi) this factor is reduced: for example, running MCNP in omp on a 8 processor machine leads to only 16 times faster for a simple problem.
... ones6.2
This is of the same order of magnitude than the deviation observed in a series of N identical evolution starting with a different random seed. Using this multi-group method, unresolved probability tables are not taken into account for reaction rates evaluations ; this explain that for fast systems, the discrepancy is larger than for thermal ones.
... rates6.3
The default is 4, and it can be changed with MURE::SetFitRangeNumber().
... installation7.1
ROOTSYS and LD_LIBRARY_PATH have been set as explained in the ROOT installation guide
... reading7.2
[B]DATA_b* are also read when available.
... boxes7.3
But if FP and/or AM check boxes are selected, they are not part of the sum
... value7.4
The input cooling time is then chosen as the lower bound of the time binning defined in the ``Evolution period'' frame ; see the exact value in the terminal window.
... A.1
One cannot write void AnOtherMethod(double y=2, double x).
... numberC.1
The volume given in table 60 is the volume of the cell alone ; if a universe is defined, then the volume of the true cell is the volume of all places where that universe is input. Thus only stochastic volume calculations can be made.
... powerD.1
For this purpose, only fissions are considered as source of power, at an average value of 200 MeV per fission.