22#include <libValErr/ValErr.hxx>
102 Cell(
Shape_ptr theShape,
Material *theMaterial =
int theImportance = 1,
double theTemperature = - 10);
113 Cell(
int theNumber,
Material *theMaterial,
double theVolume,
int theImportance = 1,
double theTemperature = - 10);
114 Cell(
Material *theMaterial,
int theNumber,
double theVolume,
double theTemperature);
118 return new Cell(*
Header file for BetaCollector and BetaCollectorReaction classes.
Header file for Monte-Carlo Source abstract class.
Header file for Material class.
Header file for Shape class and Shape_ptr type.
Header file for TReference class and Reference_ptr template.
Define Beta collector for anti-neutrinos studies.
Definition BetaCollector.hxx:43
A Cell is composed from a Shape and a Material.
Definition Cell.hxx:84
void SetZone(int z)
Definition Cell.hxx:502
bool fFuel
whether or not this cell has is fuel material.
Definition Cell.hxx:663
bool GetTrueCell()
Definition Cell.hxx:375
bool IsFissile()
return true when a Cell contains a fissile Nucleus
Definition Cell.cxx:640
bool fGuideTubeCoolant
Attribute to declare a guide tube cell containing the same coolant as neighbour cells.
Definition Cell.hxx:665
bool fCellCanFission
a fissile material as been put in the Cell
Definition Cell.hxx:649
vector< double > & GetSpatialVariables()
Definition Cell.hxx:204
int fMultiplicatorTallyU8Num
Tally Number for flux calculation (evolution)
Definition Cell.hxx:632
int GetNEnergyGroup()
Definition Cell.hxx:350
void SetCellFissions(ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:400
vector< int > & GetImportance()
Definition Cell.hxx:149
void SetModerator(bool flag=true)
Definition Cell.hxx:497
Material * fMaterial
Material constituing the Cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:612
double fNatoms
Number of nuclei in the cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:624
void SetMultiGroupFlux(int i, ValErr_t Flux)
Definition Cell.hxx:338
int fTHLevelPosition
explicit spatial level position of a cell (used for thermal-hydraulics)
Definition Cell.hxx:671
virtual Cell * Clone()
Definition Cell.hxx:116
bool fVirtual
whether it is a true MURE cell or a virtual (user define MC geometry).
Definition Cell.hxx:667
bool IsGuideTubeCoolant()
Definition Cell.hxx:523
int GetZone()
Definition Cell.hxx:506
double fNuNSigmaFisPhiTotalOfCell
Nutot*N*sigmafis*Flux of all nucleus in the cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:678
void SetShape(Shape_ptr theShape)
Definition Cell.hxx:126
double GetTemperature()
Definition Cell.hxx:140
int fGlobalTallyNum
Tally use for global reaction rates (on boron, control rod, ...) (fms)
Definition Cell.hxx:629
int fLikeNumber
The cell that it is copied from.
Definition Cell.hxx:659
void SetFlux(double phi)
Definition Cell.hxx:320
Transformation * GetTransformation()
Definition Cell.hxx:235
void AddBetaCollector(BetaCollector *BC)
Definition Cell.hxx:529
bool fEvolving
Whether or not the cell material is evolving.
Definition Cell.hxx:622
void SetGlobalImportance(int imp)
Definition Cell.hxx:166
int GetMultiplicatorTallyU8BinNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:316
void SetTHZonePosition(int zone)
Definition Cell.hxx:567
int fGlobalImportance
vector of Importance in the Cell for the coresponding particle
Definition Cell.hxx:616
int fTallyNum
Tally Number for flux calculation (evolution)
Definition Cell.hxx:627
double GetFlux()
Definition Cell.hxx:328
double GetNSigmaFisPhiOfNucleus(int i)
Definition Cell.hxx:592
void SetFuel(bool flag=true)
Definition Cell.hxx:493
int GetNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:158
int GetGlobalImportance()
Definition Cell.hxx:170
double GetNuNSigmaFisPhi()
Definition Cell.hxx:584
int GetTallyNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:276
vector< double > GetNSigmaFisPhiOfAllNucleus()
Definition Cell.hxx:596
Definition Cell.cxx:39
Cell * LikeBut(Cell *InsertionCell, Transformation *Transfo)
Create new cloned cell, identical but with Translate/Rotate.
Definition Cell.cxx:676
void SetCellN3N(ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:396
vector< Cell * > fExcludedCells
Vector of all the other LikeBut cells inside this one.
Definition Cell.hxx:661
void AddToNuNSigmaFisPhi(double Value)
Definition Cell.hxx:576
vector< string > fSpatialVariableNames
Names of the spatial variables (e.g assemblyx, crayon#, ringradius)
Definition Cell.hxx:636
void SetEnergyGroup(vector< float > &nrj)
Definition Cell.hxx:354
void SetMaterial(Material *theMaterial)
set the Material constituing the Cell
Definition Cell.cxx:572
void SetMCFlux(ValErr_t phi)
Definition Cell.hxx:324
vector< double > fCellGlobalRatesVector
contains duplicates
Definition Cell.hxx:650
double fMass
mass of the cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:623
void SetEvolutiveSystem(EvolutiveSystem *es)
Definition Cell.hxx:263
ValErr_t GetCellNu()
Definition Cell.hxx:451
vector< BetaCollector * > fCellBetaCollectors
vector of gathered beta emitters at different time steps
Definition Cell.hxx:640
virtual int GetUniverse()
Definition Cell.hxx:601
bool IsFuel()
Definition Cell.hxx:485
bool IsFromPinCell()
Definition Cell.hxx:538
void SetCellN2N(ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:392
ValErr_t GetMCFlux()
Definition Cell.hxx:332
void SetTallyNumber(int num)
Definition Cell.hxx:272
void SetNuNSigmaFisPhi(double Value)
Definition Cell.hxx:580
bool fIsAPinCell
if the Cell is not a Cell but a PinCell
Definition Cell.hxx:682
bool fControlRod
Whether or not the cell is a control rod.
Definition Cell.hxx:654
bool fIsLikeBut
Flag to say that new cell is like cell X, but put somewhere else.
Definition Cell.hxx:658
int fNEnergyGroup
Number of groups.
Definition Cell.hxx:677
void SetVolume(double V)
Set Cell volume.
Definition Cell.cxx:623
Shape_ptr GetShape()
Definition Cell.hxx:130
void SetGlobalTallyNumber(int num)
Definition Cell.hxx:379
bool IsAPinCell()
Definition Cell.hxx:546
void SetNumber(int Number)
Definition Cell.hxx:162
ValErr_t GetMultiGroupFlux(int i)
Definition Cell.hxx:342
bool IsVirtual()
Definition Cell.hxx:534
ValErr_t GetCellFissions()
Definition Cell.hxx:443
bool IsEvolving()
Definition Cell.hxx:258
void SetComment(string Comment="")
Definition Cell.hxx:185
int GetMultiplicatorTallyU8Number()
Definition Cell.hxx:308
ValErr_t fCellAbsorptions
absorption rate of the cell
Definition Cell.hxx:642
void SetImportance(int imp)
Set all the MC Cell importance (imp card)
Definition Cell.cxx:613
ValErr_t fMCFlux
Flux in the cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:615
bool IsControlRod()
Definition Cell.hxx:465
bool fModerator
whether or not this has moderator material.
Definition Cell.hxx:664
double fFlux
Flux in the cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:614
ValErr_t fCellFissions
fission rate of the cell
Definition Cell.hxx:646
void SetZlevel(int z)
Definition Cell.hxx:510
vector< string > & GetParticle()
Definition Cell.hxx:153
bool IsPrintable()
Definition Cell.hxx:550
int fMultiplicatorTallyU8BinNum
Definition Cell.hxx:633
double GetVolume()
Get the Volume of a Cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:178
void SetControlRate(int ReactionCode, ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:426
Material * GetMaterial()
Definition Cell.hxx:135
int fTallyBinNum
Tally Bin Number for flux calculation (evolution)
Definition Cell.hxx:628
void SetCellNuFissions(ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:404
double fControlRodLength
Whether or not the cell is a control rod.
Definition Cell.hxx:655
ValErr_t fCellNuFissions
nu*fission rate of the cell
Definition Cell.hxx:645
int GetTHZonePosition()
Definition Cell.hxx:571
map< Reaction, ValErr_t, EqualReaction > fControlRate
cell reaction rates when evolution is controled by ControlMaterial
Definition Cell.hxx:648
int GetZlevel()
Definition Cell.hxx:514
vector< ValErr_t > fPhiE
The multigroup flux in case of multigroup run.
Definition Cell.hxx:675
vector< float > & GetEnergyGroups()
Definition Cell.hxx:359
void SetTrueCell()
Definition Cell.hxx:371
string fComment
Cell comment (to be written in MC file)
Definition Cell.hxx:619
void SetMultiplicatorTallyU8Number(int num)
Definition Cell.hxx:304
void SetFromPinCell(bool flag)
Definition Cell.hxx:542
int *** fTransLattice
the lattice array containing transformation number
Definition Cell.hxx:652
void SetPrintable(bool flag)
Definition Cell.hxx:554
bool IsSpatialVariable(string name)
Returns if spatial variable "name" is defined.
Definition Cell.cxx:694
EvolutiveSystem * fEvolutiveSystem
If the cell is evolving, then this is its corresponding evolutive system.
Definition Cell.hxx:625
int fZlevel
The Z level of this cell, need for thermal coupling.
Definition Cell.hxx:669
Shape_ptr fShape
Shape of the Cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:611
ValErr_t GetControlRate(Reaction r)
Definition Cell.hxx:455
vector< double > fNSigmaFisPhiOfNucleus
N*sigmafis*Flux of a nucleus in a cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:679
int GetTHLevelPosition()
Definition Cell.hxx:563
double fLocalKeff
The local Keff of this cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:674
double GetControlRodLength()
Definition Cell.hxx:474
void SetControlRate(Reaction r, ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:417
void SetCellNu(ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:408
int GetTallyBinNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:284
string GetComment()
Definition Cell.hxx:189
ValErr_t GetControlRate(int ReactionCode)
Definition Cell.hxx:459
void BuildMultiGroupFlux()
Build the group flux for multigroup run.
Definition Cell.cxx:720
virtual ~Cell()
Definition Cell.cxx:558
int GetMultiplicatorTallyNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:292
bool fIsTrueCell
true for True cell (fms)
Definition Cell.hxx:638
vector< double > fSpatialVariables
Information on the cell's spatial position.
Definition Cell.hxx:635
ValErr_t fCellNu
fission rate of the cell
Definition Cell.hxx:647
void SetCellAbsorptions(ValErr_t rate)
Definition Cell.hxx:388
void AddParticle(string Part, int Imp)
add a particle type Part (N, P or E) and its importance
Definition Cell.cxx:607
vector< int > fImportance
vector of Importance in the Cell for the coresponding particle
Definition Cell.hxx:617
void SetTallyBinNumber(int num)
Definition Cell.hxx:280
ValErr_t fCellN2N
(n, 2n) rate of the cell
Definition Cell.hxx:643
void SetMultiplicatorTallyNumber(int num)
Definition Cell.hxx:288
void SetLikeNumber(int Number)
Definition Cell.hxx:222
void SetImportance(int part, int imp)
Definition Cell.hxx:145
void SetTHLevelPosition(int level)
Definition Cell.hxx:559
ValErr_t GetCellNuFissions()
Definition Cell.hxx:447
vector< string > & GetSpatialVariableNames()
Definition Cell.hxx:200
vector< float > fEnergyGroups
array of the energy groups
Definition Cell.hxx:676
ValErr_t GetCellN3N()
Definition Cell.hxx:439
int GetLikeNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:227
int fTHZonePosition
explicit spatial zone position (arbitrary) of a cell (used for thermal-hydraulics)
Definition Cell.hxx:672
void SetTemperature(double T)
set the temperature (in K) to T
Definition Cell.cxx:595
vector< Cell * > & GetExcludedCellVector()
Definition Cell.hxx:247
double GetSpatialVariable(string name)
Returns value of spatial variable "name".
Definition Cell.cxx:702
void SetMultiplicatorTallyBinNumber(int num)
Definition Cell.hxx:296
int fNumber
MC Number of the Cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:610
vector< ValErr_t > & GetMultiGroupFlux()
Definition Cell.hxx:346
double fVolume
the Cell Volume
Definition Cell.hxx:620
int fMultiplicatorTallyNum
Tally Number for flux calculation (evolution)
Definition Cell.hxx:630
vector< string > fParticle
vector of Particle
Definition Cell.hxx:618
Transformation * fTransformation
The Transformation that applies to this like but cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:660
int fMultiplicatorTallyBinNum
Tally Bin Number for flux calculation (evolution)
Definition Cell.hxx:631
ValErr_t fCellN3N
(n, 2n) rate of the cell
Definition Cell.hxx:644
void SetMultiplicatorTallyU8BinNumber(int num)
Definition Cell.hxx:312
bool fIsPrintable
if the Cell can be printed in the MC input file
Definition Cell.hxx:680
void SetControlRod(double InitialLength, bool flag=true)
give the initial length of a Control Rod
Definition Cell.cxx:661
double GetLocalKeff()
Calculate the value of Keff unique to this cell from reaction rates and surrounding fluxes.
Definition Cell.cxx:711
ValErr_t GetCellAbsorptions()
Definition Cell.hxx:431
void SetControlRodLength(double l)
Definition Cell.hxx:470
bool IsModerator()
Definition Cell.hxx:489
void SetGuideTubeCoolant()
Definition Cell.hxx:519
void AddSpatialVariable(string name, double value)
Add spatial variables to a Cell.
Definition Cell.cxx:728
int fZone
Attribute to declare a group of cells to be in the same zone.
Definition Cell.hxx:670
ValErr_t GetCellN2N()
Definition Cell.hxx:435
void ExcludeCell(Cell *ACell)
Definition Cell.hxx:239
double GetMass()
Get Cell mass.
Definition Cell.cxx:633
double fTemperature
Temperature (in K) of the Cell.
Definition Cell.hxx:613
EvolutiveSystem * GetEvolutiveSystem()
Definition Cell.hxx:267
void SetNSigmaFisPhiOfNucleus(int i, double Value)
Definition Cell.hxx:588
bool IsLikeBut()
Definition Cell.hxx:243
bool fIsFromPinCell
if the Cell is a PinCell associated cell
Definition Cell.hxx:681
int GetGlobalTallyNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:383
int GetMultiplicatorTallyBinNumber()
Definition Cell.hxx:300
void SetTransformation(Transformation *TR)
Definition Cell.hxx:231
EvolutiveSystem class carries out evolution.
Definition EvolutiveSystem.hxx:65
A Material constituing a Cell.
Definition Material.hxx:83
Define a Reaction list for Tally multiplicator inputs.
Definition Reaction.hxx:41
vector< int > GetCode() const
Definition Reaction.hxx:50
Comparison operator for Reaction class.
Definition Cell.hxx:53
bool operator()(Reaction r1, Reaction r2) const
Comparison operator for Reaction class.
Definition Cell.hxx:61