Header file for FuelReprocessing class.
BlanketReprocessing allows Fuel reprocessing in Core and in Blanket during Evolution.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:82
void AddFreshFuel() override
Add fresh fuel in "Fresh" CORE cells.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:205
void SetBlanketFuelForm(int Z, int A, double MolarProp)
Set the chemical form of the blanket fuel.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:576
double fBlkFuelFormMolProp
Molar proportion of the fBlkFuelFormZAI (2 for O2, 1 for C, ...)
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:231
Default Constructor.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:39
TemporalStorage * fMARS
Minor Act. Reprocessed Storage vector.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:226
void PrintIndexes() override
Print storage indexes (debug method)
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:711
ZAI * fBlkFuelFormZAI
The ZAI of the "form" of the fuel (O for oxide, C for Carbide, ...)
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:230
void SetBlanketFreshFuel(Material *BlanketFreshFuel, Material *EquiliBriumMat=nullptr, double EquilibriumTime=- 1)
Set Blanket Fresh Fuel.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:583
double fInitExtractedAtomsBlk
The initial number of atoms of the first extracted blanket.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:238
Material * fBlkEquilibriumFreshFuel
Fresh fuel material used when T>fBlkEquilibriumTime.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:221
vector< double > fBlkRefuellingTime
vector of blanket refuelling time
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:212
double fLastMassExtractedfromBlk
Last mass extracted from blanket (used only for print)
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:234
void PrintStorageMass() override
print storage masses
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:591
FuelReprocessing * Clone() override
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:86
void BuildStorages() override
Build Interim &Waste Storage.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:89
double fLastMassExtractedfromBlkRP
Last mass extracted from Blanket Reprocessed Storage (used only for print)
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:235
Material * fBlkFreshFuel
the fresh fuel to add to the blanket
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:218
TemporalStorage * fFissileFertileRS
Fissile &Fertile blanket Storage vector.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:225
int fBlkRefuellingIndex
The current reprocessing index in the fBlkRefuellingTime vector.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:213
double GetBlanketFuelFabricationTime()
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:124
void AddFreshBlanketFuel()
Add fresh fuel in "Fresh" Blanket cell.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:223
void InitIndexes() override
Init storage indexes when starting an evolution from T>0.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:656
double GetCurentBlanketRefuellingTime()
Current Blanket refuelling time.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:567
double fLastMassPutinWasteBlk
Last mass put in Waste Storage (used only for print)
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:236
void SetBlanketCell(Cell *blanket, double CoolingTime)
Define the Blanket Cell.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:143
vector< double > fZEfficiencyExtractionFromBlkRP
vector of extraction efficiency: 1=100%=this Z is completly extract, 0=0%
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:216
double fBlkEquilibriumTime
Time from which fBlkEquilibriumFreshFuel is used instead of fBlkFreshFuel.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:222
double fBlkFuelFabricationTime
time to wait before doing something with blanket MARS
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:228
vector< int > fZtoExtractFromBlkRP
vector of Z of nuclei to extract from blanket reprocessed Storage
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:215
void BlanketReprocessInterimStorage()
Reprocess BLANKET I.S.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:388
Cell * fBlkCell
The blanket cell.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:219
void BlanketDepletedFuelExtractor()
Extract depleted fuel from BLANKET cells to BLANKET I.S.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:165
double fTmpCoolingTime
This the cooling time of fBlkInterimStorage.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:232
TemporalStorage * fBlkInterimStorage
Interim blanket Storage vector.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:224
int GetBlanketReprocessingIndex()
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:144
void SetBlanketFuelFabricationTime(double Time=2 *365.25 *24 *3600)
Set the blanket fuel fabrication time.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:120
void ReprocessInterimStorage() override
Reprocess CORE I.S.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:380
void SetExtractionFractionFromBlkRP(int N, int *Zarray, double *Efficiency)
Set the Depleted Fuel extraction fraction from blanket RP.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:556
void SetBlanketRefuellingTime(vector< double > Time)
Blanket Refuelling Time.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.hxx:139
void DepletedFuelExtractor() override
Extract depleted fuel from CORE cells to CORE I.S.
Definition BlanketReprocessing.cxx:151
A Cell is composed from a Shape and a Material.
Definition Cell.hxx:84
FuelReprocessing allows Fuel reprocessing during Evolution.
Definition FuelReprocessing.hxx:119
A Material constituing a Cell.
Definition Material.hxx:83
TemporalStorage are outcore containers function of a Retreatment time.
Definition Storage.hxx:127
A ZAI defined a (Z, A, Isomere) for a Nucleus.
Definition ZAI.hxx:118
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