Parameter Forecast for Future CMB Experiments with COSMOMC


Here we review the changes one should include in the public code CosmoMC (by Antony Lewis), as well as other ingredients necessary for performing a cosmological error forecast based on future CMB experiments (including optionally CMB lensing reconstruction as one would obtain using a quadratic estimator technique). All explanations are detailed in the documentation [doc], which refers to the following codes:

- guaranteed compatibility with October 2009 version of CosmoMC (Should also be compatible with subsequent versions anterior to the July 2011 update): download.

- the FuturCMB package consists of Fortran 90 files gathered in the downloadable "FUTURCMB.tar.gz" archive.

- the modified subroutines ReadAllExact and ChiSqExact, available as a text file, should be inserted inside the public version of cmbdata.f90

We applied such a prescription to perform a parameter sensitivity forecast for future CMB experiment in this ref.

You can also look at a related discussion (not including CMB lensing, though) in the CosmoCoffee forum.

For further explanation, please send an e-mail at or at

Web page maintened by Laurence Perotto.