Last update: September 2020

Dr Ms Faïrouz Malek

- PhD, Particle Physicist , Laboratory: LPSC
- Member of the FCC project
- Member of ATLAS experiment at CERN/LHC
- Employer:CNRS; National Institute:IN2P3 ; Home University: Université Joseph Fourier-Grenoble I

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Positions and appointments

- Physics and Art, ESOF-Trieste:, The linear mirrors project towards a CO2 free planet, Summer 2020
- Head of the ATLAS experiment Physics and Committees Office 2016-2020.
- ATLAS Publications Committee, 2016-2018.
- Director of GDRI P2IM-France-Maroc (4 years CNRS contrat(Groupement de Recherche International: International working Network) with Morroco in particle physics, astroparticles and cosmology and related theory. 2015-2018.
- EU FP7 and H2020 Marie-Curie projects evaluation expert (2017-2020).
- LCG-France Scientific Project Leader from 2004 to 2014(article)
- ATLAS experiment Team leader at Grenoble (2003-2012)
- France representative to the W-LCG (Worldwide LHC Computing and Grid) Collaboration Board (CB) and Overview Board (OB) from 2004 to 2014
- Member of the CC-IN2P3 Evaluation and Survey Committee (COS) from 2005 to 2014 as LCG-France representative.
- Member of a recruitment jury of Particle Physics researchers at CNRS, 2012 and 2013.
- President of a recruitment jury of research engineers for CNRS in 2009, and 2012.
- Member of a recruitment jury of research engineers for CNRS in 2010.
- ANR evaluator in 2012.
- Appointed member of the IUPAP , C13 commission (physics for developpement) for a term of 3 years (2009-2011)- Renewed for a second Term (2012-2015)
- Appointed member of the EPS IGPD (Physics for development group), 2010-2014.
- CFMA Coordinator (committee to promote projects and collaborations between France and the Mediterranean basin), from 2008 to 2014.
- Director of the French Physics Society (SFP)-North-South Committee: 2005-2013
- Elected to the SFP(French Physics Society) National Council: 2004 - 2007
- France representative to the LCG Computing Software Committee (SC2) from 2004 to 2006
- First President and founder of the APMST (Parité dans les métiers scientifiques et techniques): 2002 - 2005
- President of the Alpes division of the SFP : 2000 - 2002; Financial manager :2002 - 2004.

Physics research:

Our current understanding of the Universe is incomplete. Many questions are left unsolved. Among them, the reason why elementary particles have mass, and why are their masses different is the most perplexing one. The answer may lie within the Standard Model, in an idea called the Higgs mechanism. The goal of such a research at LHC is the possible discovery of the Higgs boson. The LHC has made, in summer 2012, the discovery of a Higgs-like particle in ATLAS and CMS experiments, at a mass of about 125 GeV: The 4th of july, 2012 CERN press release . See also the reference to the ATLAS published paper in INSPIRE record


  1. inSPIRE-HEP
  2. HAL-IN2P3

Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (Research Habilitation), obtained in 1999/09/30: TeL Archive reference

PhD in Nuclear Physics, obtained in 1990/12/20: TeL Archive reference

Students under my supervision:

- Thomas Meideck: High mass diphotons, run-2. Defense in 10/10/2018; co-supervized by F. Malek and J. Stark (UGA, LPSC-IN2P3).
-Mengqing WU: monophoton in ATLAS. Defense in July 30th 2015. co-supervized by F. Malek and Marie-Hélène Genest (UJF-Grenoble, LPSC-IN2P3).
-Quentin Buat: Analysis of diphotons events at ATLAS. Defense in July 31st, 2013; co-supervized by F. Malek and J. Stark (UJF-Grenoble, LPSC-IN2P3).
-Bertrand Brelier: W and Z associated Higgs production -- Defense in December 9, 2008; co-supervized by F. Malek (UJF-Grenoble, LPSC-IN2P3) and G. Azuelos:(Univ. Montréal). Now tenure track in Toronto, Canada
-Duc Minh: thesis on LCG vs research in informatics -- co-supervized by F. Malek (UJF-Grenoble, LPSC-IN2P3) and V. Marangozova (UJF-Grenoble, IMAG) - ended october 2007.
-Sébastien Viret: Thesis in B Physics (radiative B decays) -- Defense in September 28th, 2004. Now research position at IPN-Lyon, France.
Master 2:
- Thomas Meideck, March-August 2015 -- ATLAS, diphotons at high mass at 13 TeV in ATLAS
- Alex Chauvin, Mars-Juin 2014. ATLAS, high mass diphoton analysis, UN2 preparation
-Sébastien Viret, April-June 2001 -- ATLAS, B Physics, Bs to J/psi Eta(gamma gamma) 
-Alexis Bouchet, April-June 1998 --AMS, RICH prototype
Master 1:
-Maria Benmanseur M1 UGA, Juin-Août 2020 -- Etude comparative des futurs collisionneurs des particules (LHC, HL-LHC, FCC).
-Richard Naab, Stage M1/Diplom Arbeit - March-August 2018 -- Recherche de matière noire dans ATLAS.
-Johannes Hofer (Karlsruhe, Germany), March-June 2005 -- Analysis of 2004 ATLAS Combined Test beam.
-Fabian Schuessler(Karlsruhe, Germany), March-June 2003 -- ATLAS B Physics,Bs to J/psi Eta (pi+ pi- p0)
-Martin Melcher (Karlsruhe, Germany),March-June 2001 -- ATLAS EMCALorimeter for B Physics
-Aurélien Cottrant, March-June 2000 -- ATLAS B Physics, B to J/psi K*0
Licence et Magistère :
-Jeremy Bernon : 6 weeks in june-july 2011 ; study of the production of the Z boson decaying to two leptons in ATLAS.
-Elie Thiery (July 2007) -- ATLAS and Higgs Physics
-Chung Brice and Said Hasnaoui, 2004 (6 weeks: may-june-july) -- ATLAS and the theory of extra-dimensions
-Julien Degorre, 1999 (3 weeks)-- AMS, RICH Prototype test Beam studies
-Isabelle Colombier, 1999 (2 months)-- AMS, RICH Prototype cosmics test studies
-Jaroslav Nowak (Wraclav, Poland),  February-June 2002 -- ATLAS B Physics, Bs to J/psi Eta (pi+ pi- p0)
-Johanna Simon, Praktikumsbericht - Technische Universitat Darmstadt: AMS, RICH prototype Test Beam analysis, 1999.
Janus (summer trainings 1st year undergrade students):
- Aurélie Boian, Analyse des données 2015 avec ATLAS, Juillet-Aout 2017, Université de Nantes.
-Patrice Verdier, Reconstruction des particules dans Geant3 Juillet 1997. UCB-Lyon.
-Cyrille Rosset, Plasma of Quarks and Gluons, July 1996
-Estelle Hamzij,Training with Gean 3, September 1995
Classes préparatoires:
Marianne Falda and Hélène Marcelli, 2004 (2 weeks in june): Research, Science, Particle physics and ATLAS