New gauge bosons:working area

Notre page publique

Description of the Ntuple variables(DC1)
Description of the Ntuple variables(CSC-AOD)

Plots utiles divers

new IsEM variables: efficiencies, profiles, ...
First year plots (100 pb-1 and 10 fb-1)
Cross-section and discovery plots
ISR/FSR study on Drell-Yan and ADD
Drell-Yan comparison in Pythia and T. Rizzo's code

Papiers/talks utiles

talk Georges Azuelos au workshop From the LHC to a future collider (fev. 2009)
talk Georges Azuelos au meeting plenier de la semaine Argon liquide de mars 2004


Papier Z'(KK) de Georges et Giacomo
Papier Little Higgs de Georges, Giacomo, David, Matthieu et al
Papier Bileptons et Z' du modele 3-3-1 par Georges et Bertrand

Note ATLAS Studies on A0, Z' and W' with ATLAS Muon Detector

Electrons ATLAS

ATL-DAQ-CONF-2005-036 Overview of HLT on electrons and photons, S. Armstrong, J. Baines et al
ATL-PHYS-CONF-2005-015 Electron and photon identification in ATLAS, F. Derue
ATL-PHYS-PUB-2005-016 Electron/jet separation with DC1 data, F. Derue, C. Serfon
ATL-COM-CAL-2006-001 Extraction of the Longitudinal Weights for the ATLAS EM Calorimeter with a Staged Layout, L. Flores-Castillo, B. Mellado, S.L. Wu
Talk de Nick Brett (PhD student) on TeV scale electrons at the Exotics meeting of 03 May 2006
Talk de Luis Flores on Z'->ee,mumu in CSC at the Exotics meeting of 03 May 2006

Z'/Graviton CMS

Workshop Z' CMS septembre 2006 au CERN
CMS-NOTE-2005-002 Detection of Z' Gauge Bosons in the Dimuon Decay Mode in CMS
CMS-NOTE-2005-022 Measurement of Forward-Backward Asymmetry of Simulated and Reconstructed Z'-> mu+ mu- Events
CMS-NOTE-2006-083 Search with the CMS detector for heavy resonances decaying into an electron pair
CMS-NOTE-2006-062 Detection of Z' Gauge Bosons in the Dimuon Decay Mode
CMS-NOTE-2006-104 Search for Randall-Sundrum Graviton Decay into Muon Pairs (ajustement du DY inclu)
CMS-PAS-EXO-08-001 Search for high mass resonance production decaying into an electron pair in the CMS experiment, (version longue)
CMS-PAS-SBM-07-002 Search for New High-Mass Resonances Decaying to Muon Pairs in the CMS Experiment
arXiv:1103.0981 Search for Resonances in the Dilepton Mass Distribution in pp collisions at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV (2010 data)
arXiv:1206.1849 Search for narrow resonances in dilepton mass spectra in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV (2011 data)


Page new phenomena de D0
hep-ex/0505018 Publi D0 sur G*(RS)->dilpeton and diphoton
hep-ex/0506063 Publi D0 sur LED->dimuon
arXiv:0804.3664 Publi D0 sur High Mass resonances decaying to tt
arXiv:0803.3256 Publi D0 sur High Mass resonances decaying to tb
arXiv:1008.2023 Publi D0 sur Search for a heavy neutral gauge boson in the dielectron channel with 5.4 fb-1

Page exotics de CDF
hep-ex/0507104 Publi CDF sur High M lepton (e,mu) pairs
hep-ex/0506034 Publi CDF sur High M tau pairs
hep-ex/0602045Publi CDF sur Z'->e+e-
hep-ex/0603035 Publi D. Gerdes et al. (CDF) sur LED->e+e-/gammagamma
hep-ex/0611022 Publi CDF sur W'
hep-ex/0612058 Publi CDF sur "Cross Section Measurements of High-$p_T$ Dilepton Final-State Processes Using a Global Fitting Method"
arXiv:0707.2524 Publi CDF sur High Mass resonances decaying to dielectrons
arXiv:0811.0053 Publi CDF sur High Mass resonances decaying to dimuons
arXiv:0810.2059 Publi CDF sur High Mass resonances decaying to dielectrons
arXiv:0710.5335 Publi CDF sur High Mass resonances decaying to tt
arXiv:0902.3276 Publi CDF sur High Mass resonances decaying to tb
arXiv:0910.1770 New Techniques in the Search for Z' Bosons and Other Neutral Resonances, C. Hays, A. V. Kotwal, and O. Stelzer-Chilton (CDF)
arXiv:1101.4578 Publi CDF sur Search for high mass resonances decaying to mu+ mu-
arXiv:1103.4650 Publi CDF sur Search for high mass resonances (G*) decaying to e+ e-

projections de CDF pour la decouverte du Z'
Note 'Z' generation with PYTHIA' de G. Veramendi et al.(CDF)
Seminaire Z', 11 mai 2006 au LAL par Gilles De Lentdecker (CDF/CMS)

Z' to ttbar signal at TeVatron ??


Publi DELPHI (2000 -- LEPII) on Fermion pair production (with limits on Z/Z' mixing angle)
Publi DELPHI (1994 -- LEP I) on Muon pair production (with limits on Z/Z' mixing angle)
Publi ALEPH (2006 -- LEP II) on Fermion pair production
Ferroglia et al. (2006), The Z' reconsidered
J. Erler, P. Langacker et al. (2009), Improved Constraints on Z0 Bosons from Electroweak Precision Data

Higher order corrections

Talk de Tomas Jezo aux rencontres Theorie LHC France de septembre 2009 a Grenoble
Talk de Kevin Black sur les facteurs K
arXiv:0710.0680Dynamical Threshold Enhancement and Resummation in Drell-Yan Production, T. Becher, M. Neubert and G. Xu
arXiv:0710.1722 Precision electroweak calculation of the production of a high transverse-momentum lepton pair at hadron colliders, C.M. Carloni Calame, G. Montagna, O. Nicrosini, A. Vicini
arXiv:0711.0625 One-loop corrections to the Drell--Yan process in SANC (II). The neutral current case, A. Arbuzov, D. Bardin, S. Bondarenko, P. Christova, L. Kalinovskaya, G. Nanava, R. Sadykov
Mini-workshop organized by S. Ferrag in Glasgow (Jan. 08)
arXiv:0901.2785 NLO QCD corrections to Drell-Yan processes in the SANC framework, A. Andonov et al.
arXiv:0812.3602 High Energy Resummation of Drell-Yan Processes, Simone Marzani and Richard D. Ball

Distinguer les modèles

arXiv:0909.2022 Using Final State Pseudorapidities to Improve s-channel Resonance Observables at the LHC, Ross Diener, Stephen Godfrey, Travis A. W. Martin
arXiv:0801.4389 Measuring Z' couplings at the LHC, Frank Petriello, Seth Quackenbush
arXiv:0909.1320 Minimal Z' models: present bounds and early LHC reach, F. Zwirner et al.
arXiv:1010.6058 Z' physics with early LHC data, E. Accomando et al.


arXiv:0910.1334 Discovery and Identification of Extra Neutral Gauge Bosons at the LHC, Ross Diener, Stephen Godfrey and Travis A. W. Martin
arXiv:0911.4294 Z' Physics at the LHC [contribution to the White Paper on Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC], Paul Langacker


arXiv:0911.2850 papier de Arie Bodek sur "A simple event weighting technique for optimizing the measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of Drell-Yan dilepton pairs at hadron colliders"
arXiv:0910.1770 papier de C. Hays, A. V. Kotwal, O. Stelzer-Chilton sur "New Techniques in the Search for Z' Bosons and Other Neutral Resonances"
arXiv:0804.3195 Z', Z_KK, Z* and all that: current bounds and theoretical prejudices on heavy neutral vector bosons
Author: Roberto Contino, Talk given at: V Workshop Italiano sulla fisica p-p ad LHC, Perugia,
Italy, 30 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2008

physics/9811025, hep-ph/9908402, hep-ph/0204326, papiers de S. Bityukov et N. Krasnikov sur S12
CMS-NOTE-2005-004 papier de Bartsch et Quast sur Expected Signal Observability at Future Experiments

hep-ph/9909232, hep-ph/0305077, papiers de T. Rizzo sur son modele de Z' de KK type ADD
hep-ph/0610104, cours de T. Rizzo sur le Z'
talk de T. Rizzo at LHC2FC (2009)

hep-ph/0606294, Feldman, Liu, Nath sur "Le Z' de Stueckelberg au LHC"
hep-ph/0608068, Chang, Ng, Wu sur "Shadow Z'"
hep-ph/0606173, Martinez, Ochoa sur "The Landau Pole and Zprime decays in the 331 bilepton model"
hep-ph/0001166, Cullen, Perelstein, Peskin, sur "TeV strings and collider probes of large extra dimensions."
hep-ph/9602424, Cvetic, Langacker sur "New gauge bosons from string models."

hep-ph/0512088, papier sur Twin Higgs, talk Twin Higgs de Z. Chacko a SUSY06 reference supplementaire sur twin Higgs
arXiv:0903.2497, Michael Chanowitz sur "Z' Bosons, the NuTeV Anomaly, and the Higgs Boson Mass"
arXiv:0903.0275, Qin Chang, Xin-Qiang Li and Ya-Dong Yang sur "Constraints on the nonuniversal $Z^\prime$ couplings from B\to\pi K, \pi K^{\ast} and \rho K Decays"
arXiv:0902.4100, K.Yu.Todyshev sur "The application Breit-Wigner form with radiative corrections to the resonance fitting"
arXiv:0901.3911, G. Brooijmans sur "After the Standard Model: New Resonances at the LHC"


arXiv:1103.0030, CMS: "Search for a W' boson decaying to a muon and a neutrino in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV"
arXiv:1012.4945 , CMS: "Search for for a heavy gauge boson W' in the final state with an electron and large missing transverse energy in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 031804 (2008) , D0: "Search for W' Bosons Decaying to an Electron and a Neutrino with the D0 Detector"
CDF note 10303 , CDF: "Search for a New Heavy Gauge Boson W' with Electron+ET Event Signature"


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Liens utiles divers

Site du groupe Exotics
The Z' hunter's guide
Northern mini workshop on Z' (2004)
TeV4LHC (2005)
MC4BSM (2006)

Presentations des etudiants

Rapport de stage de M1 d'Emmanuel, juin 2008
Presentation de Julien, reunion de groupe, mars 2006
Soutenance DEA de Julien, LPSC Grenoble, 30 juin 2005
Soutenance DEIR de Martina, LPSC Grenoble, 25 octobre 2004
Transparents présentés par Martina à la réunion de groupe -- février 2004